
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Let me quickly deal with this

X turns and looks at the horizon, into the furthest part of the park sands, "he... lives!".

Everybody turns to see what it was that could have changed her mood entirely, and thus a head popped out from the horizon the still meek sunlight shining on the figure, the silhouette and the shadow walking forwards flamboyantly.

After walking close enough for his face to be seen, the figure says, "how have you been family."

Everybody aboard the ship were confused, because all of them were from different parts of the world, and considering how no one has pointed out or recognized the popular Tang family, it is then impossible for anyone here to recognize the infamous son therefore, but to the family themselves there was absolutely no way they will not recognize their lovely blind family member.

Yufei was the first to react, her expression blooming like hellebores during winter. A face that survived the harsh condition but still later on smiles so bright it captivates all.

"Gēgē!" She runs to the edge of the ship but X was much closer, so X jumped first, using her right hand to hold the spiky rope to reduce her momentum downwards.

Her hands were peeling off hard as she used the rope to go down, and when she got down she didn't even look at her hand as she ran, she ran so fast her legs didn't feel like they were touching the ground.

Why? Why did she run?...

... The heartbeat.

As she got closer the other heartbeat increased, thumping even more wildly than hers and whenever it increases it assists her heart as well to beat loudly and they both increase over time getting more louder and louder.

By the time she got to Tang Zhan, if one was close enough they would be able to hear her heartbeat without hearing her, or nearing him, because the both of them hearts kept thumping twice in a row.

Suddenly tears dropped down her eyes, X that was energetically running into the arms of Tang Zhan stopped, standing two foot before him.

"Why did you scare me? Why did your heart stop beating? Why did I feel the pain of you dying when you were still alive? Wh-"

Tang Zhan cut her off by hugging her. If a person hugs another each heartbeats are heard, one from both that will sound two, but if two heartbeats replaced one then four heartbeats is meant to be heard, but no only one heartbeat was heard thumping like a world sized heart beating.

Their alone time was cut short as Yufei also ran into the hug. "Stupid brother, bad brother, irresponsible brother, crazy brother, crazy crazy you're crazy!" She said as she starts pulling his hair.

"Ai ai ow ow owie!" Tang Zhan head bobbed around to find a way to remove his head without hurting himself even more from the evil talons of Yufei.

"Zhan'er!" Mrs Tang shouted from the edge with Mr Tang beside her.

Tang Zhan smiled as he then goes to the ship with a beauty in each arm, both of them leaning their heads in his shoulder.


A zombie appeared, creating a crater where it had landed and it waited cautiously looking at Tang Zhan.

"You two go wait for me in the ship, remember how I said it last time, go inside and start the ship, let me entertain him till you're ready." Tang Zhan said to Yufei and X, but he sees that they are unwilling to do so.

"Don't worry, let me quickly deal with this and I'll find a way to pay both of you back. Okay!" He says as he motions for both of them to leave.

The two of them were happy that they hugged themselves till they got to the ship. While Yufei was climbing, X held her chest in ecstacy as she looked back at Tang Zhan who was about to confront the zombie.

Tang Zhan looked back at her as well, and gave a flashy smile.


[Specie: Zombie.

Name: N/A.

Cultivation: 6th stage body refining realm.

Condition: Healthy.


Hp: 200

Strength: 60

Agility: 25

Mind: 15

Soul: 100%.

Fort: Strength.

Weakness: Head.].

The zombie looks at him and then approaches him cracking his head hands and back altogether.

"They told me I needed to take care of a disturbing waste, I didn't expect it to be a dump, you stink of naivety and that annoys me." The zombie reeled in a hook and threw it fast at Tang Zhan's cheek.


Tang Zhan didn't even need to open his eyes as he easily caught the punch, and then slowly he lowers his arm bringing along with it the zombies arm as well.

The zombie's eyes widens, he is surprised at the fact that he can't even control or move his hand, even his resistance was futile. His hands still went down to the level of Tang Zhan's.

"I have a family reunion to attend to, so... if you don't mind, I'll be making short work of you... Is that fine with you?" Tang Zhan cocks his head to the side awaiting the zombies reply, but on seeing the zombie stupefied expression he shakes his head.

"Don't worry, you don't have to answer that, I'll make it painless."


The zombies hand that was still being grasped by Tang Zhan suddenly snaps backwards, bones sticking out the or it's elbow pit.

Tang Zhan notices the zombie gritting it's teeth, like it is in discomfort. 'wait a minute, 10% was meant to be a qualitative change right, does that mean from ten percent they are no longer immune to pain... If so then I'll happily fight them now without thinking the world was being unfair to me'.

The zombie notices Tang Zhan smiling at it, it's eyes danced around trying to get a grip of what was happening, but it doesn't know rather it only feels the ominous atmosphere starting to surround it.

"Oops! It broke, didn't know it was that fragile, hope it isn't painful... or is it?" Tang Zhan smiles again sending a volt of fear running down the zombies spine.

"N- n- no, it isn't painful, I think you should let go now..." The zombie suggest fearfully as it sees Tang Zhan begin to change.

Tang Zhan eyes turn to their red and black form, while his fangs elongates further, his skin becomes pale but gains more muscle while tiny hairs grows in few places on his body.

"No, I can't do that. I broke it, it's my fault I have to fix that, shouldn't I?"

"No no no don't worry, it's fine it really i-"

The zombie couldn't continue as it's pupil shrinks, with veins all over it's sclera.

"Ai! Why is your arm so fragile, I tried putting the bones back the way I pulled but it just cut off." Tang Zhan sarcastically explains as he holds arm of the zombie in his left hand.

"It really is pitiful to have such weak arms, isn't it..." He says as the zombie takes a fearful step back, it looks at Tang Zhan with despair then it suddenly sprints in the opposite direction.

Although the zombie got an headstart of about four second, after sprinting for twelve seconds, it meets it's hand before it, and before it could register the fact that it's own hand was before it, he only noticed his sight shifting, it's sight shifts from left to right until it reaches the ground.

It was split vertical in two perfect halves. Tang Zhan just wipes his scythe free if any body fluid.


[You have killed a 11% zombie, unable to gain exp due to current condition, will be turned into exp multiplier]

Gotten: 0.11

[Exp multiplier: 55.13].

[You have killed a 6th stage body refining realm zombie, unable to gain exp due to current condition, will be turned into exp multiplier]

Gotten: 0.11

[Exp multiplier: 55.13].

'Now that I'm out of the dome, both systems are in function, but soon theirs is gonna go out, right?' He thinks as he looks at the ship, more specifically...

... To the veiled lady.


He's gotten stronger.

Tunmise_Phenexcreators' thoughts