
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

He lives

"Welcome aboard!"

"This is your getaway from earth and the lower realms totally. So if you're interested in following along, please come aboard in an orderly fashion. I'm a strict follower of order." She smiles coldly and everyone could feel that if they acted rashly or uncivilized then, only death waited them.

Everyone started forming a queue, a long line that stretched on for a long distance as they awaited, but their wait wasn't long as a ladder came rolling down, but it wasn't the ladder everyone expected.

It was a rope, just one thick rope with small spiky substance covering it's body. It looked evil and ominous, like it was calling out for you to give it a taste of your soul.

"Don't worry about the little present we offered, it might look a little bit dangerous but it actually isn't. In fact it is a healing item. You use it to pull yourselves up to deck, it will peel or pierce your flesh and skin, but it also heals immediately, and by the time you reach the deck it would have also accumulated enough to heal the rest of the injuries you might have sustained on your way here, so please accept our gift with warmheartedness." The veiled lady said as she leaves the deck making a signal for one of the crews.

The first person grabbed it, immediately blood began to seep out of his enclosed fist, he then starts pulling himself upwards. His palm going through a constant process of tearing and healing.

After five minutes, he was done. Most of the people on the queue wanted to yell at him to be faster but once they remember the veiled lady from before, they immediately lose all ability to make any sound.

Hours passed, and finally it got to the Tang family's turn, Mr Tang was the first to go as he said if anything bad was to happen, it should happen to him first.

Although Mr Tang doesn't show it, but his eyes are swollen and it is evident he is weak and feeble, but even with the weakness, he climbs the rope with every ounce of energy he has present in his body.

Mrs Tang is looking pale and fragile, as if the most gentlest of wind could shred her, her eyes are extremely dark and lifeless, every breath she exhales has a pungent smell of sadness and despair, and her hair is no different from hay, scattered around in tatters.

Yufei looks almost the same, except from the fact that her shoulders look more relaxed like she is free from the weight of a burden she had been carrying.

Banjo smiles gently as he sees this, even through everything her slight relief is more than enough to bring him joy and happiness. He his not happy about himself but about her, that's how it has always been since their childhood and that's how it is going to be forever.

He then looks at his back and sees X, but her appearance makes him frown. She looks even worse than the mourning family of Tang Zhan.

Her face could be easily mistaken for a dead ghost that couldn't rest in peace because of resentment. Her hair couldn't even be described in human words, and there ever was a word to describe it then the natives of that language would have long since died.

Her eyes looks like metal, not like the original eyes that is a window to the soul, but rather a metal that reflects the coldness of the world. Her lips are extremely cracked and purple like a dead person's.

The aura surrounding her could make even the most cold hearted soldier cry in pity for her. Banjo wanted to say something to her, but stops as he sees her lips moving in fast motion.

'Something else is definitely involved in all this, apart from the fact that the person you love tried to kill you, you don't get angry with him but rather you take the first chance to throw yourself back at him, and then he dies and you're turned into a thinking mess, there's some supernatural shit going on between those two' Banjo faces the front as he sees it's Yufei's turn to climb.

'As for young master Zhan, when he wanted to sacrifices himself, his sister wasn't the last person he bid goodbye but rather someone he had tried to kill, (scoffs) but something doesn't seem right?' Banjo finally grabs the rope as he starts to climb as well.

Minutes later Banjo helps X up as she lands inside the ship as well, seeing many others already occupying the huge space while awaiting others.

She was a smart girl and she still is, that's why she had noticed something ever since the incident where Tang Zhan tried to kill her. She was even starting to doubt if it was actually 'I hate you' she heard that day.

Ever since then whenever she suddenly starts to feel weird, anytime she close enough to Tang Zhan she feels likes she could feel his emotions and she thinks he can also feel hers, but that's not meant to be something possible.

Ever since then, her eyes has been unable to leave his body even when they fight, she still glances at him every few seconds, and surprisingly she notices he stares at her sometimes but he won't hide his gaze hell just shift it a bit to deceive her he is staring at something behind.0

When they were on the helicopter, when he was about to jump he looked at her at that moment, both of them were equally open with their hearts and after he jumped she could feel a different heartbeat in her head.

If she focuses enough she hears her heartbeat along with a different one as well, when Tang Zhan jumped, the two heartbeats were equally loud but as he dropped lower and she drove farther, the other one became more silent and silent over time, but she could still hear it.

That was the reason why when they arrived at here, she fainted. She didn't faint die to exhaustion like the ones who treated had said, rather it was the fact that the second heartbeat she was now used to suddenly went silent and along with it came a terrible pain tearing away at her heart.

The pain was so unbearable that she actually went into a four days coma, but when she had finally woken up yesterday she could feel the presence of her heart as well as the other, and that was what had gotten her thinking since yesterday.

Does the heart truly belong to Tang Zhan, if it did then didn't he die when he fell the helicopter, but if he did the heartbeat should have stopped since then, and if it is truly his then he didn't die after falling but he later died. If he later on still died that day then why did she wake up to the sound of his heartbeat again.

Many questions...

... No answers.

She was thinking so hard she didn't sleep, bath or eat, didn't do anything about her appearance and didn't blink since the time she had woken up. She climbed the rope, barely even feeling the sting if the spikes on it, but as she got in the deck and was about to go join Yufei and her parents.

The heartbeat thumped louder, louder, and louder. It kept thumping louder by each passing second, until it was equally the same as her heartbeat.

Banjo, Yufei and Mr and Mrs Tang, could all see X dead but living body suddenly blink as she froze up. Then the next thing they know, colours started to return to her pale body that could make a vampire pity her. Then her cheeks turned a dark shade of pink while her ears were steaming red. Her depressive aura that could make a stone cold heartless soldier weep in pity took a grand change as it became bright enough to make a whole nation lost in joy.

They were wondering what could cause this instantaneous change in her as they saw her turn around, her clothes twirling after her in the morning sun, creating a beautiful painting that would never erase from the minds of everyone around, including the veiled lady and all other crew members of the ship.

X turns and looks at the horizon, into the furthest part of the park sands, "he... lives!".

Everybody turns to see what it was that could have changed her mood entirely, and thus a head popped out from the horizon the still meek sunlight shining on the figure, the silhouette and the shadow walking forwards flamboyantly.

After walking close enough for his face to be seen, the figure says, "how have you been family."


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