
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs


The trek to the was boring and uneventful, he just kept walking and walking along the path watching the scenery of life and nature and the beauty it held. Bunnies and hares were seen around, badgers would check the surrounding before fully coming out or running back into the ground. Birds hunting for fishes and worms, all different kind and type of animals, both the ones he knew and ones he hadn't even heard of before.


Suddenly he heard the sound of metal clashing against each other from the forest by his side. He instinctively took a sniff of the air as he smelt something mixed in it.

'Blood! People are fighting there' He looked around to see if there is any person lying in wait in ambush or if there is any thing suspicious like a trap or something.

Seeing as there is nothing suspicious he ran into the woods as he followed the sound of the clashing, he knows he is getting nearer as the sound is now louder and more fiercer and is now also accompanied by people voices.

Before he reached there he stopped and took through the trees instead. Climbing the first one to the top, and after that jumped from one to another till he got to the area where the sounds originated from.

Below him were two different groups. One was a group consisting of about eight people, they were dressed in hideous dark clothing and they wielded daggers and shortswords as they lashed out at the second group that only had three people.

Tang Zhan observed the situation and was able to make out that the first group were bandits and they had tried to rob the second group of people, but didn't expect those ones to be more capable than them.

'According to their overall strength, I can just outright kill all of them and probable also get the item the second group are trying to protect... but I'm not a villain so I won't be doing such.' Tang Zhan inhaled a huge amount of air as he jumped down the tree.

The group of three were currently split, as two were trying their hardest to hold off the eight, while the third person was off to the side chanting a spell of some sort.

"You little brats, killing you will be the best thing I've done this year and I'll make sure you're conscious through every thing I'll be doing, kekeke." Said the leader of the bandits who was a middle aged man spotting an eye patch.

"Kill us, eight of you can't even take on two of us let alone you, (scoff) don't make me laugh, we already sent out a help signal and it won't be long till the others get here." One of the two guys that were holding off the eight bandits spoke up.

He and the other guy were both wearing black ankle length pants, with white shirt that had an insignia on its chest pocket and a name tag above the pocket, then the clothes was covered in a ground length yellow robe with the same previous insignia but much bigger one at the back of the robe.

While the girl at the back chanting the spell, also wore similar, but she wore thigh length black skirt and the same white shirt, with a yellow robe hanging around her shoulders.

The spell seemed a little hard and difficult as she was beginning to sweat more, her white shirt was turning transparent revealing a little of her inner wear but she wasn't aware of that as she was deeply invested in the spell she was chanting.

The second boy decided to risk a bit as he bent down to take a low swing at the bandits tummy, but it missed by a bit as it only tore his cloth. Seeing as he didn't succeed he took a step back but unfortunately stepped on a hard piece of stone and stumbled backward.

The bandit took this as his chance to swing his shortsword at the unguarded boy, who had seen the attack but was too slow to parry it or to move out of the way, so he only accepted the cold fate as he watched the sword near him by each passing second.


A piercing sound rang out in the suspenseful ambience of the battle, the sound of flesh being pierced was undeniably heard by everyone around, but it wasn't the stumbling guy that was pierced as he landed hard on the ground without a sword in him or anything.

So they all looked up, and saw the person who was actually stabbed was the one that was about to stab someone else. They could all see the object of his demise lodged through his neck, it was a curved wide dangerously gleaming black blade, and it was connected to a long darker handle completing the full form of a scythe.

Immediately both sides became wary, they stopped fighting totally as they all huddled around, with the two guys going back to protect the still chanting girl, while they all scanned around for the culprit.

Flashing like an arrow, a hand grabbed the scythe and pulled as the figure dashed again to another bandit. Before the bandit could even think of swinging his dagger to intercept, his sight was suddenly shifted as he was looking at an upside down tree.

"Who is there? Show yourself before I kill you. If you still come out here, I might take pity and let you leave after you pay up for their lives. So come out!" The eye patched leader yelled out as he cautious looked around and gathered his remaining five members to form a tight circle.

"Well well well, I thought I had to kill everyone before you decide on which mode to pick, but I didn't expect you to be stupid enough to pick fight." Tang Zhan says as he comes out clapping his hands with his scythe underneath his armpit.

"You know you could have just run away unhindered by me." A mocking smile etched itself on Tang Zhan's lips as he taunted the bandits leader.

"As if. Our boss is the kindest there is beneath the heavens and earth." One of the bandits rebuked, angered by the fact that Tang Zhan insulted their leader.

"Our boss might be malevolent to others but he is extremely benevolent to us, he is-"

"SHUT UPP!" All of them were muted silent as they could see their bosses eyes turn red. "Don't you all know he is trying to make you let your guard down, and here you are simply and foolishly following suit."

Tang Zhan finally stopped walking further as he looks towards the two boys, "She was able to continuously provide energy for the rest to locate you, that is quite a hard task to complete, but it's okay now make her rest because your friends are here already."

The two boys immediately move to the girl as they helped her cancel the spell she was casting as she was too weak to cancel it herself. They helped her sit under a tree shade as they brought out food from their robes and fed her. During the process they were actively searching for their supposedly arriving friends.

The bandits stayed still in their circular defensive position, as they believed that Tang Zhan wouldn't be able to find an opening to exploit anymore, but saddening enough... he didn't need any.

Tang Zhan just casually walked forward, 'even if my general strength and level was reduced and taken away, I still have things that originally belonged to me through different means, like my shadow, my body I refined with phoenix blood, and the eye I got, especially the transformation I have and this my blind bloodline that I haven't seemed to even be able to decipher any thing out of... With all these, these people are nothing but small fries.'

'Shadow domain!'.

Activating a skill, Tang Zhan's shadow spread out from him to the area around as within seconds it already passed the bandits and covered all of them within it's range.

"You see. Since the time I arrived, you were already... Dead!"

The eye patched bandit leader felt a strong sense of danger, his very existence warning him about the looming death that was separated from him with only a sliver of thread. Feeling this danger and unavoidable death, the leader tried to run out of the shadow domain's range, but shockingly it took him almost eight seconds to move his right foot off the ground.

That was when he realized he was fucked, "shit!" The man eyes slowly turned to look at Tang Zhan, and he could have sworn that for a few seconds he saw face adorned with a devilish smile and eyes that breathed fire and death, before it immediately turned back to his normal face.

'The devil, h-he is the devil himself!'
