
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
100 Chs


Using his shadow domain on stronger beings was proving to be a difficult task, he could already see their stats earlier when he had descended from the tree, and with the boss being the highest of the bandits group he knew it was still manageable.

The boss was only a fourth stage body refiner, while his group members were second stage body refiner. Whereas the group of students were fifth stage except the girls who was fourth stage.

If Tang Zhan energy level was still the same as before the infusion, he wouldn't have been able to hold even the weakest person here for more than a second, but with his energy level stably seating at almost seventeen thousand he is sure to hold them long enough to finish them off.

'My boss is quite hungry, it has been a while since it last fed... Go boy!' Tang Zhan spoke in his mind to the little dormant conscience that has always been in one corner of his mind. The little guy hearing this squirmed happily as it rippled outside Tang Zhan's body, joining in with itself in the shadow domain as it awaited Tang Zhan's move.

Running towards the sluggishly stuck bandits, Tang Zhan jumped up high as he got close enough, he spins his scythe fast as it makes a blurry circle above him then as he lands, in one strike decapitates all six of them as a rain of blood sprouts out of their headless necks.

[You have killed seven 2nd grade body refining realm humans and one 4th grade body refining realm human, unable to gain exp due to current condition, will be turned into exp multiplier]

Gotten: 1.92

[Exp multiplier: 257.05]

'Absorb' Giving the command word, the shadow on the ground happily swallows the bodies as it fills itself and quenches it's thirst... for now.

[Energy: 8,648/16,804 > 8,648/19,114.]

Tang Zhan deactivates his shadow domain as the shadow retracts back into his and remains underneath his feets taking the outline of his body.

He then faces the students and runs up to them. The two boys take a protective stance as they blocked the exhausted girl behind them.

"Who are you? What did you come here for? I hope you know we are students of Brugrorths, Institute Of The Arcane" Asked the guy that stumbled earlier as he pointed his sword at Tang Zhan.

"Well I'm Tang Zhan, and I happened to be passing by when I heard the clashing over here... I'm also an earthling so I don't know about your institute, sorry." Tang Zhan replied as he kept his scythe showing to the students that he is not hostile.

The other guy notices this and decides to trust Tang Zhan as he places his hand over the other guys arm and lowers his weapon.

"If he truly meant harm, he would have killed us by now and be over with it. We can trust him."

Even if he didn't trust Tang Zhan he did trust his friend, so he did as he said and put his sword back in it's sheath as he slumps to the ground in exhaustion. The girl was also starting to relax more, as he quick gasps had slowed to long breaths.

"So you're a earthling, uhn? Then that means you should be part of the people Hlola rescued on earth." The other guy said as he brought out a small metal flask of water and handed it to the girl.

Tang Zhan watches this obvious show of affection as he leans on the tree beside. "Who's Hlola?".

The guy collects his flask back from the girl as he stretches his limbs, "she is the Valkyrie that led the Space Transportation System vanquisher. I meant the space ship that came to get you and the rest."

Tang Zhan finally nods his head in understanding, "she is the veiled lady, right? So who is she and also I still haven't gotten your names."

The first guy stands up as he stretches his hand for a handshake. "I'm Rophyra... Dralathan Rophyra, and I'm a half elf."

Tang Zhan receives the handshake as he looks towards Rophyra's ear, only to see a pointed ear tip.

"He is Rodmar Elvaris and she is Rodmar Ianyra, they are siblings and are also half elves as well." Tang Zhan nods at them as he realizes they both have the same shade of auburn hair.

Tang Zhan as well stretches a bit as he looks at the trio, "like I said, I'm Tang Zhan, as for what I am I'll let you know when I find out. For now I'll take my leave as your friends are here already." He turns as he waved goodbye while walking away.

"You should visit our academy, perhaps you might be compelled to join as well." Ianyra said this time as she waved back at him.

"Thanks pal." Elvaris thanked but he doesn't hear any reply, so he turns his head only to find out the area is empty as Tang Zhan already left.

Suddenly they all heard hurried footsteps at yells were heard calling out each of their names, and before long the group arrived before the trio.

"We saw your help signal and immediately rushed over, what happened?" Asked a .

older looking tall guy wearing the same uniform as the trio but a different colored robe.

Rophyra stood up and faced the guy, "senior, we were attacked by some bandits but we were quick to cast the spell and they fled as soon as they realized you were coming."

The senior who was wearing a aqua green colored robe, nodded at the others he brought with himself, they were all wearing grey colored robes. "Search around if you can still find their traces. No one should be left alive after trying to assassinate students of Brugrorths and also steal from us."

The grey robed students all scattered around, searching low and high for traces of the bandits, but it was almost as if they disappeared, as there was no traces to trace back to.

Tang Zhan finally decides to leave as he watches the team group up with the rest and leave. He controlled his shadow as the dot above the ground continued on the cleared out path.


Finally after about another three hours, Tang Zhan reaches his destination.

A forest singled out, as it laid bare to anyone passing by the grassland. Looking ominous and at the same time welcoming, occasionally howls and strange sounds ring out in the over stretching forest.

According to information, the forest began out as a weak forest occupied by normal beasts at the entrance, but as one went in deeper, it wouldn't be a surprise if one was to encounter a lord beast.

Also as everyone knows or believes, that after the parting placed in the first quarter of the forest, none was to venture further into the forest as the legends have it that beasts of the crazed realms are the second least dangerous beasts there, and if one was unfortunate enough, they could have a meeting with crazed beasts.

Tang Zhan checks with his map, and clarifies that he is at the exact location where lord Beavis had sent him, and also where the beast that torments his sales occupies, "so a tier 1 boss beast left the inner part of the forest to dwell on the outskirt, in the process causing harm to passerbys."

Tang Zhan readies his scythe as he enters the forest, not following any particular direction and instead just checking around.

He sees a few insects crawling around but nothing else, the forest was awkwardly silent and he could feel different eyes trained on his every move, but he chose not to act as most of these beasts were extremely low leveled that he couldn't be bothered with them.

Suddenly he notices all the eyes on him were gone, like they got tired of just watching him and decided to go on about their business. If he didn't know better, he would have thought as such or would have thought the beasts were too scared and weak to take him on so they got bored and left, but he knew better and that was why one part of him that he recently discovered to understand animals, could understand that there was something much more dangerous around and the beasts ran off in fear.

Tang Zhan inhaled a deep breath as he could smell a deep amount of gore, and most especially he could feel the excessive killing intent directed at him. He immediately knew he was locked on by a predator, and this predator is not here to chit chat, but to rather fill it's empty stomach.

"Rrrraaaaaaarrghhh!" Spit and dried blood splatted over him as a strong smell of decay hit him from behind. His heart began to thump and accelerate as adrenaline started secreting through his body, just awaiting which path it is to be used.

Whether Flight... Or Fight...


Which should it be, guess fight or flight.

Tunmise_Phenexcreators' thoughts