
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · แฟนตาซี
65 Chs


Chapter 16:Getting over emotional.

"My Princess", he gave a slight bow.

"What are you doing here with this humans?", she asked, "You know fully well that mixing up with them is forbidden and also being in this lake as well, you know you'll end in big trouble if my father should find out about this, lets leave this place",she said, about to hold him by his hands and drag him away from there when he held his hands tight beside him.

"And they?, I brought them here princess, I can't just go, leaving them all alone in this dangerous part of the forest without informing them, as a matter of fact, I'm not interested in leaving this place until they are done with whatever they came here to do", he said sounding more like the rude crown prince he used to be.

"Jaze, let's leave this place before my father finds out we are here, you'll get into trouble, you might even get death sentence for what you are doing, don't you get it", she said raising her voice a little, more in a frustrated way.

"I'll take my punishment gladly then,....I

don't betray people who trust me, people that love and see me as a friend that no one has and will never seen me as, I won't abandon them here just to get them to a safer spot just like your father did", he said calmly.

"To what extreme will you go to satisfy this useless humans", Liza asked angrily.

"More than how far you think I'll go", he replied.

"Who is she Jaze?", Lucina asked from behind while walking closer to them.

"Her?..."He asked pointing at Liza.

"She's my sister, the one I told you about", he did and gave Liza a pleading look.

"And I'm a princess to", she added.

"Hi Menza", she greeted and gave jaze a questioning look." You told me she isn't a princess anymore", she whispered.

"Y-yes she isn't but I treat her more like one that's why she sees herself as a princess, right Liza?", he asked facing her.

"I thought you said your sisters name is Menza ", she said with her brow ached up.

"Yes, but sometimes I call her by her second name, Liza", he said.

I'm sorry Lucina, I also don't feel comfortable lying to you like this, please forgive me.

"I'm confused", she said.

"Your friends are out now, I think its time for us to go", he said.

"Okay", she replied.

"No, you aren't going any where with them", Liza said.


"Arr..I have something to say", she said not sure of what to say.

"Please go back to the palace, we'll talk later", he said.

"Let her say what ever she wants to say here", Lucina said.

"You see, let me talk", she smiled.

"Go on, we need to go", Lucina said.

"Keep quiet....

"Liza", Jaze called menacingly.

"What?", she yelled.

"Go on", he said calmly.

"The thing is...wait..

"Just go straight to the point", he said.

"Wait, don't rush me Jaze, the thing is...is...I and, no I mean.. sorry, please calm down", Liza stammered unsure of what she wants to say.

"I guess we are good to go, what's going on here?", Dave asked.

"I'll see you later, I promise", Jaze said and they all left Liza speechless on a spot.

"You!!!, seems like you were in a hurry to leave, I'll make sure I teach you a very good lesson you'll never forget Lucina, and as for you Jaze, you were also in a hurry and ready to help them, I'll give you no choice than to come running to me, I'll make sure I crush the relationship between you two into dust.


"It doesn't look like your sister likes me", She gave a slight chuckle.

"I don't think so",he replied.

" I do,....does it really matter?", Lucina asked.

"I'll speak to her, I also didn't like the way she approached you the other time, she's not like that", Jaze said.

"Anyways she is beautiful but she doesn't resemble you at all", Lucina smiled.

"Maybe", he smiled in return.

"Well thanks for helping Jaze... just a week more to go guys", Wisdom said happily.

"He said thanks", she interpreted.

"Oh, he's welcome", he smiled."Like you said ' A friend in need is a friend indeed'", he said.

"Just a week more to go Jaze, we have a limited time to spend Jaze', she gave a weak smile.

"I never thought of this, what are you doing here", he asked.

"A project and its almost over", she said.

"I'm so excited to go home", Mary screamed in excitement.

"Three month is almost over, I can't wait anymore", Juliet said happily.

"And I'll have to return to that boring house where I'll be restricted in doing most things", Lucina said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Don't act ridiculous, are you really crying?", he asked amazed at her sudden change.

"What else can I do other than to cry", she said.

"Are you going to miss me that much", he paused and stared at her for a while.

"Partially, I'm so sick and tired of my parent already, they make me feel sick", she said wiping her tears away.

"At least be thankful you have them in your life, unlike me, you have limited time to spend with them, do you know that?, you can't be with them till the end of time nor can you predict what might happen to them", he smiled but the emotion on his face was otherwise.

His words pierced trough her heart like daggers.Its true , I have parents and I should be thankful that I have them in my life, I don't think I can imagine my life without them in it.

"Thanks", she smiled. "I've never thought of that....looks like I'm getting over emotional now, God why am I feeling this way", she said worriedly

"You don't need to worry too much, if you get bored at home then share your feelings with your siblings"Jaze said.

"Siblings, gosh, you are so funny, I'm the only child, like only child, I really wish I have one", she said.

"Hey, Lucy", Joy called gaining her attention, "Are you?", she asked.

"No, I'll meet you guys later at the apartment, bye", she replied.

"You look pale, you really don't feel like leaving", he said....

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