
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 17:Another curse?....A blessing.

"Hey, Lucy", Joy called gaining her attention, "Are you?", she asked.

"No, I'll meet you guys later at the apartment, bye", she replied.

"You look pale, you really don't feel like leaving", he said.

"I don't know why but I feel like I've been in this place before, I feel connected to this place, it feels like I've known you for a very long time and now I don't feel like leaving", she said lazily and sat on the protruding tree root.

"How about o take you somewhere peaceful, calm and beautiful, somewhere you've never been before and you'll love to be", he suggested.

"Let's see I'm able to wash away this paleness off your face and fix a glowing smile on it", he said and offered his hands for her to stand up.

"Okay then, let's go", she smiled and stood up joyfully, locking her fingers in his.

"Your palm Is just as soft as that of my mother, holding your hand makes me remember the old times", he gave her a weak smile.

"Awnn, that's cute", she smiled"You must be missing her a lot",she said.

"A lot", he replied.

"Do I have anymore attributes like her?", she asked.

"Yes", he smiled.

"Oh my goodness", she said jumping in excitement.

Her cute behavior suddenly made him smile.

"Just like my mother, you look cute when you are excited and....", he paused and looked at her.

"And?", she asked curiously.

"Your smile looks beautiful just like hers...and...", he paused again.

"And?", she asked sounding more curious to know what he wants to say next.

"You have a kind and helping heart like hers", he said, "And...", he added.

"And?", she smiled.

"You are just as beautiful as her", he said.

"Really?", she smiled broadly and bit her lower lip.

"Don't you believe me?", He asked staring at her.

"I don't know", she said and turned and her gaze away.

"Fine then", he shrugged.

"We've been walking for a while now, where are you taking me to", she asked.

"Do you trust me", he asked.

"Of course yes, I do", she replied.

"Then know that where I'm taking you to is a safe and beautiful place", he said.

"Okay", she replied then an awkward silence followed.

For a while no one wanted to say anything nor raise a topic, all they did was swing their joint hands in the air and stare at the strange beauty of the forest.

"That's strange animal that wanted to devour me, where is it", she asked breaking the silence.

"Do you wish to see it?", he asked.

"Kind of", she replied.

"Why?", he asked.

"Just a sudden feeling, I wish to see it again",she replied.

"Its a dangerous creature, an act of sorcery, you shouldn't go near such beast", He said sounding serious.

"Oh I never knew it was that dangerous, is it the only animal in this large forest?, course I've never seen any other than another than that", she said.

"They are many, but they are mostly not in this side of the forest since their master predator hides here", he said.

"Seriously?, so its here?, I hope it won't come for me again", she said and tighten her grip on his hand.

"I thought you wanted to see it", he smiled.

"Not anymore, that feeling is gone", she replied.

"Don't worry, it can't attack you", he said.

"Really?", she asked.

"As long as I'm with you", he added.

"Oh!, why, are you their king jungle man?", She asked.

"No, they are meant to fear me since I'm a royal blood", he smirk.

"I see, yeah, about the animals?, she asked.

"What about them?", he asked.

"Can you take me there, please, please, please", she pleaded.

"Okay, how about tomorrow?", he asked

"Fine, tomorrow", she said excitedly but her smile completely vanished when when waters begin to rise from the ground and formed a big mansion."Jaze", she managed to call breathing heavily.

He could see clearly the worry on her face when she called his name.

I shouldn't have done this, "Don't worry, come with me, I won't hurt you, you're safe, I'm with you", he said and opened the glass door that looks like water.

"No, I'm not safe", she said.

"I'm sorry for doing this in front of you but know one thing, I won't hurt you, promise, you trust me right?", he asked.

"Another curse?", she asked dumbfounded.

"A blessing", he replied.

"I'll try", she said and entered the glass mansion.


"Wow, this place is extremely beautiful", she smiled moving around.

"You love it?", he asked.

"I love it a lot", she replied.

"My father built this mansion for my mother before they passed away", he smiled.

" He must really love her a lot", she said and a sat on a chair.

"Way more than you can imagine", he smiled.

"In that case I wish to have their kind of love", she smiled.

"I pray your wish comes true", he replied.

"So, do you want to show me around the house?", she asked.

"Of course", he replied.

"Oh my, you should have brought me here earlier, why now", she said still looking around.

"I was checking if I could trust you", he said.

"So you trust me?, does your sister knows about this place?", she asked.

"No, she doesn't", he replied.

"So you don't really trust her?"she asked.

"Not until I found out about her pregnancy", he replied.

"I thought you've forgiven her", she said.

"Not really", he said.

"That's bad, so you trust me more than your sister, I don't like that fact, it makes me look evil", she said

"So that makes you sad, how about you find out that someone is caring my child all this whole time and I didn't utter a word about it, how will you feel?, he asked."sad?, angry?"

"I won't feel sad or angry, we are just friends its not compulsory you tell me everything", she said.

"What if I'm your husband?", he asked.

"Okay, that's a tough one", she chuckled.