
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 15: Thanks for the job.

" We've been standing here for quite a long time now, isn't he coming", Mary asked out of frustration.

"I didn't inform him that we are going to be needing his help", Lucina replied.

"Call him or don't you have his phone number ?", Juliet asked.

"That's it, he doesn't use phones", she replied.


"Shocked, aren't you ?", she asked. "He is peculiar, he is the first adult I'll see without a phone", she said.

"Then you must have another means of calling him", Wisdom said.

"Yeah, its special", she whispered.

"Then call him", Joy yelled out of frustration.

"Turn back first so that you won't faint", she said and they obeyed her quietly.


" We need your help Jaze", Lucina whispered.

"Okay, can I know what the problem is?", he asked.

" Hey jungle man, you must be very familiar with this large forest, right?", Mary asked but he didn't reply her rather, he looked confused.

"What is she saying?", He asked Lucina.

"You don't understand?", Lucina asked surprisingly but instead he looked even more confused.

But we've been communicating in english all this while, what's up with the strange change, does he really not understand or he thinks we want to hurt him or the forest.

"I don't understand your language Lucina", He said.

"Jaze, look, You can trust us, we aren't here to harm or take anything from you, please listen, we need your help", Lucina said calmly and the confusion on his face completely vanished.

She was only able to calm down after the confusion on his face completely vanished but does he really thinks she wants to hurt him and the forest.

"Okay.... Lucina, I'm surprised but... I'm proud of you, all this while you've been coming here, you actually gained something, a new language, a language I've never seen you learn", Joy said while others still looked shocked.

"I don't understand what you guys are trying to say", Lucina said.

"L-Lucina.... Wow", was all Mary could utter.

Through out their schooling days up till now they have never come across such a strange and complex language.

"The other day you came here to thank him, you weren't speaking English either or any other language we learnt together as researchers, that was why I excused myself....I actually forgot about that", Wisdom said but she wasn't getting what he was trying to say.

To begin with, that has really been a long time, almost two months ago.

"That has really been long.... Wait.... Wisdom, you mean....I don't get what you are trying to say, are you saying....Nah, impossible", Mary said.

"What are you implying Wisdom?", Lucina asked with her brow ached up.

"You didn't learn this language, did you?,", Wisdom asked.

"Wait a minute, what language are you guys talking about", Lucina asked completely confused.

"Didn't you hear yourself speak?", Dane asked."Anyways you guys can talk about this later, let's get our work here done and leave, we are stressing and confusing the poor man hard".


"I'm not suppose to bring you all here to this pond, its a special lake, a powerful lake and magical special powerful stones are under it", Jaze said.

"Lucina", They stared at her expecting her to interprete since she is the one who understands his language perfectly well.

"What?", She asked.

"Please interprete", Juliet said.

"Oh sorry",she said.

"Thanks for the job".

"He said this lake is magical and there are special stones in it, special stones", She interpreted.

"Magical!!!",Mary exclaimed. "Magical, wow, so this is a magical lake....like seriously I'm seeing a magical lake right now, magical, seriously"

"This is a mysterious forest Mary", Joy said.

"Jungle man, why is it magical?, what makes it magical?", Mary asked and he looked confused again.

"Why is it magical?, what makes it magical?", Lucina said.

"The stones are magical, its forbidden for a cursed to pick them up, we can't even go down there", Jaze smiled and they stared at Lucina.

"The stones in it makes it magical", Lucina replied.

"And the smile?", Dave asked

"It is not meant for you nor is it meant to be interpreted", she smiled.

"Your friends can go in there but I advise you stay back", he said.

"Why?, My friends are going so why can't I?",Lucina asked.

"Uhmm, to be on a safer side, its better you stay", he replied

"Lucy", Mary called out frustratedly.

"We can go into the lake", Lucina said.

"In this wears?", Dane asked.

"Argh....Guess we have no other choice, we didn't prepare for this" Lucina said.

" The guys should go then, you can't expect me to go NAKED in front of them or do you want me swimming with a fitted gown?", Joy asked.

"We'll go then", Dave said.

"Better", Joy said and sat comfortably on a tree root.

"Be safe", Mary patted Dave's shoulder.


Watching from the magical mirror placed In her room, she could see Jaze, Lucina and some other girls with some males about jumping into the pond.

"What!, what's Jaze doing with so many humans and why would he take them to the magical lake of all places.

"I'm coming for you humans",Liza said and teleported herself.

Strange, the cursed were curse to have the characteristics of demons and be hated by all but they were never able to teleport themselves.


Lucina sat beside the pond with her friends splashing the water and dipping their legs into it.

"It's kind of cold, the boys must be freezing to death in it",Juliet chuckled.

"I pray they'll be able to find something useful without getting hurt",Mary said worriedly.

Yeah, David is under this killing cold water, she is meant to be.

"Hey Lucy, why was he smiling at you the other time, I'm sure he must have said something you didn't interprete"Juliet said.

"Nothing more but an advising smile",she replied.

"Advice on what?...I said it, you are cheating....argh Lucy, is it because we don't understand that silly complicated language"Joy said.

"Bla, bla, bla...wait...yeah, what language", Lucina asked.


"Jaze", Liza called in the lightest soft tone she could muster to avoid attracting the silly humans.