

The road isn't that busy, unlike the road they passed earlier.

There are vendors selling fruits and vegetables.

Some are selling pieces of jewelry which catch Eunica's eyes.

It's been so long since she last bought jewelry and it was for her mother.

She never really like those things but her mother loved it so she kept on buying for her.

Now that she'll see her again, she wants to buy another one.

She kept all her income and brought it with her since she knew that they will need it.

A purple earring.

That's what caught her eyes.

There is a white flower design inside the purple gem.

She stops on her track and takes a look at it, forgetting Jin.

Jin was in his own thoughts about Eunica distancing herself from him because of the urge.

But the moment she stops walking, Jin felt it and looks back.

He saw her looking at a piece of jewelry.

Her eyes are gleaming while she pays for the earring and went to follow Jin who's just standing, waiting for her.

"Sorry, I just saw this and I thought of mother."

She puts it in her bag and happily walks beside Jin, she forgot what Hyung told her but Jin didn't mind.

He really doesn't like Eunica walking far from him just because of the season.

He feels as if Eunica will be taken away from him every inch she's away.

"Just tell me if you're planning on going somewhere, it's dangerous."

Jin watches the people do their daily tasks.

But a kid caught his eyes.

He's begging people for food.

Eunica saw this too because the man that the kid is asking for food suddenly shouted at him to stay away.

"You bring bad luck! Go!"

He pushes the kid away and ended up pushing him too hard, making the kid be thrown away.

The man just laughs as he went on his way.

People stared at the kid and whispered.

"He's here again, he should just die."

"He brings bad luck."

The kid tries to stand but there is a wound in his leg.

Eunica and Jin look at each other.

Both think that they should help the kid but they know that they should stay away from troubles.

They sigh and went on to their way.

The kid sniffs the air while Jin and Eunica pass by.


He whispered and watch them walk away.

"Ah, lab mouses... So it's true."

Jin and Eunica are too occupied by the place that they don't bother talking to each other.

The brick houses with laundry hanging by a string, the flower shop that sells exotic flowers, the bakery that makes beautiful pieces of bread, the antique shop that has a white statue of a woman, and a lot more places.

They both stop walking in the park to check whether they are walking the right path.

"Let's take a sit for a while, here, I bought this earlier," Jin give Eunica a juice while he's looking at the map.

"So, are we in the right path?"

"Yeah, we need to go straight to the library then turn left and just walk until we're on the first green dot which ci Mr. Potter's household."

Eunica finishes her juice while Jin's about to drink when the kid suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey, big bro..." The kid is limping with the wound in his leg.

Jin looked at him and he knew.

"He's a hybrid."

Jin looked at Eunica.

They don't know whether they are on their side or they are on their own side.

They are subject to danger.

They are taken and experimented on.

They might be angry towards the organization or to anyone outside their hide.

"Yes? Do you need something?" Eunica answers.

She's good with kids since she was the one who looks after her younger siblings before.

"I'm hurt."

The kid is near them.

Jin has his instinct of running away or attacking the kid.

While Eunica wants to help him even though she feels the same with Jin.

"Is that so? I'll help you then, do you want food?"

Eunica went near him.

She knows Jin will protect her when she's in danger.

So she's very alert.

'Be smart,' she remembered Hyung told her.

She let the kid sit down and she took some chocolates and gave it to the kid.

Eunica took the medical supplies and treats the kid's wounds.

"I saw what happened earlier, we're sorry we didn't help you. I, uh, was.."

Eunica suddenly felt as if she's going to cry.

When she was young, she felt the same way.

People push her away when she asks for help.

Her father and mother have to go to work and she has to take care of her siblings.

"Afraid?" The kid looks at her.

'What is this girl? She feels familiar.'

The kid's eating the chocolate while Jin stares daggers at him.

'This guy feels off, I mean, he's a hybrid, but he's so... ancient.'

The kid smiled at Jin to divert his thoughts.

"Yeah, I didn't want people to look at me like that again."

She whispered but Jin heard it.

Ever since the last time she saw Eunica when they were young, Eunica didn't tell much about her life.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'm used to that, thank you for the chocolate, Big Sis!"

The kid stands up while Eunica still on bended knees, he kissed her forehead and then runs away.

"HEY!" Jin stands up and was about to follow him when he saw Eunica's face.

She was shocked but she feels... "Mom?"

The kiss feels like the kiss of her mother, the last and first when she was born.

"Eunica, are you alright?"

Jin helps her stand up.

'Don't listen to your animal instinct,' Hyung's voice played in her mind.

'Is my animal instinct acting up which is why I felt that way?' she thought.

"Yeah, I was just shocked. Haha," she giggles.

"Then let's go, that kid is weird," Jin took his bag and helped Eunica carry hers.

"Yeah, but, good thing we didn't stumble upon any problem today," Eunica smiles.

The kids running around the park, the people walking past them, everything feels normal for Eunica.

It's as if she's not living in the other world.

Where death is normal.

Where life is not important.


"Yeah, I tell you, she smells like you!"

The kid is sitting on the lap of an old man.

His physique is muscular and his hair is as black as the night even though he's old.

"Is that's the case, she might be related to my sister, Lara. She might know where she is. Take her to me," The old man puts down the kid and stands up.

"But the big brother with her... seems like he's dangerous. He feels so strong."

"But you said they are just laboratory produced, what is strong with those lowly fake beings?"

The old man snap his fingers.

A group of four men suddenly appeared.

"Cheetah group, help Abis get the girl," he ordered.

The men nod and followed Abis, the kid.

"Lara, where are you?" The old man frowns while looking at a family photo.

"It's been 20 years and you haven't showed up. What did that man did to you? Why did you chase that human? Love? You're so stupid."