
Araneae: The Killer Spider

Time...... Space..... Reality...... It's more than a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibility, where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know. I am the Author. I will be your guide through one of these vast new realities. Follow me and ponder the question... "What if?" We start the story of this alternate World on an Earth you might be familiar with but oh so different. Earth 616-9, in this world everything is the same, from the creation of the world, to the species who inhabit it, that is until something changed in World War II. The story begins with a young teenage boy who is forced to become an adult soon after the war begins. His parents are taken away from him and he is subjected to horrible experiments. When fate finally decides he has suffered enough, it gives him a way out and a chance for revenge. What he will do with that chance and how he will move forward in life remains to be seen, but one thing is certain; time will tell and we will watch his journey. hi guys, the author speaking. I just wanted to say that this is my first try at writing a novel and I would be happy to share my story with anyone who wants to read it. If you have any feedback, opinions, or ideas, please feel free to share them with me. I am open to constructive criticism and would love to hear your thoughts. Lastly, I want to say thank you to everyone who gave my story a chance. I will try to update this once a week and hopefully, when I get more used to it, up the ante little by little. if something comes up, I will try to keep you informed. Again, thank you, and hope you enjoy!

KingSpy25i · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Chapter 4: Testing, Training, And Becoming More, Part 1

Disclaimer: I don't own anything other than my own creations.


Uriel's (POV)


The next morning we were jolted awake by loud noises. It seemed like the big guy wasn't happy about being woken up so rudely. He was so angry that he punched the guard really hard. The other soldiers immediately came in and zapped him with electric batons. From the expression on the big guy's face, it looked like it hurt a lot. We were then taken to a big courtyard in the middle of the castle. There was a futuristic-looking training area in front of us filled with different machines to measure our strength, speed, and reaction time. There was also a huge metal box with lots of tubes connected to differently colored canisters. I wasn't sure what was inside those canisters, but I had a feeling it wasn't anything good.


We had to take tests one by one and couldn't use the same machines at the same time. I could see the others, but that was all. The big guy was really strong, stronger than me and the woman. He could lift around 30 tons and could even bend a big metal beam that was shaped like an "I" and looked to weigh about a ton. The crack it left on the ground when he dropped it was huge. But he wasn't very flexible or quick. His reaction time was good, but not the best.


The woman had some great moves, she was super flexible and quick on her feet running about 112 Kph or 70 Mph. Her reaction time was way better than the big guy, and she had razor-sharp claws that could leave marks on steel. Then came my turn, and I was happy with the results. I was fast, but not as fast as the woman, only running 80 Kph or 50 Mph. I was way stronger than her, but still weaker than the big guy only being able to lift about 10 tons. And, I had the best reaction time out of all of us. But, when it came to everything else, I was just average compared to the other two.


After they were done checking our physical abilities, they made us go into a big metal box one by one. The first one to enter was the big dude, and as soon as he got in, they shut the door behind him. Next to the box, there was a huge screen that showed the inside of the box, and in the middle of the screen, we could see the big guy. The scientists then started pressing buttons on a control panel that seemed to control what happened inside the box. They began by hitting a yellow button that triggered some guns, and they started shooting at the guy really fast.


The scientists were pressing buttons on the control panel for the box and different dangerous things were coming out of it. There were flames, explosions, and poisonous gas. They were trying to see how strong and resilient a big guy was by testing his reaction to all kinds of dangers. They found out that he was able to heal faster from injuries than normal humans, but only up to a certain point, after that, his healing process slowed down.


After they carried the big guy out of the box because he couldn't do so by himself, they forced the woman into the metal box. The woman did not at all want to go in there after she saw what they did to the big guy.


Seeing that happen I thought to myself, "I mean I don't really want to do it either, but I don't really have a choice. I'll just try my best without showing off my other skills, but I know they'll find out my sense of danger. I mean, with these types of tests, it's impossible to keep it hidden."


Once she was in they started testing her the same way they did to the big guy, bullets, flames, explosions, poisons, etc. They found out that she could dodge some bullets but not all of them. When she got hit, she covered the hit area with her scales which protected her body from the bullets, but it still seemed to hurt her a bit. Her scales also helped her resist flames and explosions to some extent, but sadly she couldn't cover her whole body at once. Finally, she was almost completely immune to all the poisons they threw at her, and she also healed faster, but not as fast as the big guy.


So, after they took her out, it was finally my turn. I knew they would force me in anyway, so I just walked in willingly. As soon as I entered, I mentally prepared myself, but I was still nervous. During the tests, I just tried my best to survive and make it until the end. After it was all over, I felt so weak that I couldn't even stand up. They had to come in the box and carry me out just like the other two. I have no idea what the scientists found out, but at least I know they only saw what I wanted them to see so that was good.


They left us to rest on the ground while checking all the results again. Once they were done, the highest-ranking soldier there came in front of us and started speaking. "Now that we know your limits, you will each start personalized training in what we want each of you to be used for." he then stopped talking and grew a big smile on his face.


"It will be my pleasure to say that we will mold all of you to be our perfect pawns and there is nothing you can do about it! HAHAHAHA!" He started to walk away while laughing hysterically like the evil bastard he was.


After a man left, some soldiers gave us an injection that made us fall asleep quickly. We were already exhausted, so we couldn't do anything about it. From the next day onwards, Hydra started to train us in many things that they thought would be useful for them. There was the big guy who I later learned was named Theodore, who learned how to take a lot of hits and destroy everything they put in his path. They taught him how to fight using boxing, wrestling, and Muay Thai because these fighting styles are best suited to his strength.


The woman that I learned was named Rose, was trained in the art of seduction, acting, and espionage. The fighting styles they taught her were taekwondo, boxing, Brazillian jiu-jitsu, and wushu. Finally, they taught her to master small weapons like knives, needles, and escrima sticks. It was later found out that she also has the ability to excrete poison from her nails, from deadly ones that kill you in seconds to ones that can paralyze people for hours.


"I still don't know where they found all these people to teach us these weird martial arts."


I went through a two-year training, just like the other two. But, my training changed me a lot. I became a different person altogether. If I just tell you how it ended, you'll never really understand how much I've changed. That's why I want to start from the beginning of my training, as I wrote it all down in my mental journal.


Uriel's Journal, Day 1:


So, today they started training me and it seems like they want me to become some kind of perfect assassin. The first thing they did was use me as a punching bag. Apparently, it's to make sure I can keep fighting even when I'm in a lot of pain. By the time they finally dropped me off in my room, I could barely drag myself to my bed. Even then I was so exhausted that I just fell asleep right there on the floor.


Uriel's Journal, Day 17:


It was a tough few weeks, getting hit every day until I couldn't take it anymore. Finally, they decided to teach me how to fight back. The mornings were filled with training and learning how to defend myself. In the afternoons and evenings, I started learning new languages and how to pick locks. I was exhausted by the end of the day, but at least I finally could sleep on my bed instead of the floor.


Uriel's Journal, Day 42:


I was learning faster than they expected. They raised the difficulty of everything I was learning and added how to shoot guns to my training. I now know how to speak fluently in German, English, and Spanish. Looks like they'll add more languages to my lessons. Today I also had a weird dream, it was about a normal man who lived in what seemed like the future from what his surroundings were anything to go by. I didn't get to see his face or anyone else's face for that matter, all their faces were blurred.


Uriel's Journal, Day 58:


The training was the same as always, fighting, information gathering, and learning about other countries and their languages, but they raised the difficulty again. I also kept dreaming about the other guy every night but today was different, today I dreamt of a tall and mysterious man. This second man seemed to be a hitman of some sort and by what this dream was showing me, he was very good at his job. I wonder if the training is finally affecting my dreams?


Uriel's Journal, Day 59:


Today I noticed that I was fighting more fluently, as if I have been fighting for much longer than I truly have been. It felt weird like I was getting back into a rhythm I didn't know I had. I don't know what's happening.


Uriel's Journal, Day 83:


My dreams are getting longer and more vivid, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Every time I dream about their lives, I get smarter, I learn things that don't exist here, I become more like them, and I'm scared.


Uriel's Journal, Day 200:


Hydra is starting to suspect that I'm changing fast and now, they are testing me again with my limits. They want to know what I'm becoming and how they can use it to their advantage. My dreams (if I can still call them that) are fusing with my memories faster than before. I'm not sure how much longer I can last until I can no longer identify as Uriel.


????'s Journal, Day 347:


Hydra started seeing potential in me that wasn't there before so they've been training me in other things that don't have to do with only being the perfect assassin. The memories of the other lives are becoming clearer and I finally remember what he was called when I relive the life of the hitman. His code name was Agent 47 and he didn't have a real name, in a way you can say his real name was always just 47. But that wasn't the only thing that happened, I also learned that the life of 47 wasn't only in one world. No 47 lived the same life, with the same job but with different beginnings, acquaintances, and different experiences. From what I can see, there's still a lot to learn from him.




Hey there! Sorry for leaving you hanging in the chapter. I know it's not cool to end on a cliffhanger, but when I looked at how much I had written, I was surprised to see that I had written more than in previous chapters. So, I decided to end it there for now and finish up the mental journal and the escape in the next chapter, even if it means making it a bit longer. I hope you guys still enjoyed it, and I promise to make it up to you in the next chapter. See you soon! :)

Hi again! That's it for this chapter, I hope you liked it and like always hope to see your thoughts in the comments. See you next time! :D

KingSpy25icreators' thoughts