
Araneae: The Killer Spider

Time...... Space..... Reality...... It's more than a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibility, where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know. I am the Author. I will be your guide through one of these vast new realities. Follow me and ponder the question... "What if?" We start the story of this alternate World on an Earth you might be familiar with but oh so different. Earth 616-9, in this world everything is the same, from the creation of the world, to the species who inhabit it, that is until something changed in World War II. The story begins with a young teenage boy who is forced to become an adult soon after the war begins. His parents are taken away from him and he is subjected to horrible experiments. When fate finally decides he has suffered enough, it gives him a way out and a chance for revenge. What he will do with that chance and how he will move forward in life remains to be seen, but one thing is certain; time will tell and we will watch his journey. hi guys, the author speaking. I just wanted to say that this is my first try at writing a novel and I would be happy to share my story with anyone who wants to read it. If you have any feedback, opinions, or ideas, please feel free to share them with me. I am open to constructive criticism and would love to hear your thoughts. Lastly, I want to say thank you to everyone who gave my story a chance. I will try to update this once a week and hopefully, when I get more used to it, up the ante little by little. if something comes up, I will try to keep you informed. Again, thank you, and hope you enjoy!

KingSpy25i · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Discovery

Disclaimer: I don't own anything other than my own creations.

Uriel's (POV)

"Get in your cell! Enjoy your small rest, because you won't get another like this one in a long while. HAHAHAHA!" SLAM! 

Once the guard slams the cell door shut and walks away laughing, I wait a few seconds to make sure nobody is nearby before walking over to the stiff bed in the right corner, away from the door and sit down. After I sit down, I take a moment to focus on my body and to become aware of any changes. I feel like I weigh more than my actual size. Also, my senses seem to be heightened, and I become more aware of the slightest movements in my cell. It's almost like I can visualize my surroundings even when my eyes are closed. I can see everything from the bed pillow to the spider web in the top right corner and even part of the hallway outside my cell door, all without opening my eyes.

One thing I noticed about myself is that I can think and process information more quickly than before. I feel like I can solve math problems that were once a challenge to me when I was studying with my madre, in a matter of seconds. I can also multitask to some extent, but if I try to focus on too many things at once, I start feeling dizzy. I'm not sure if I'll get better at multitasking with practice, but I'll have to wait and see. Maybe I'll train myself to do it better in the future. Most likely after Hydra starts training all of us, which seems likely since they wouldn't want to waste our abilities if it means we become more useful to them.

So, I finished testing my thinking skills and thought of testing my physical strength. I looked around my room to find something to lift and measure my strength. But there wasn't much to choose from, so I decided to test my strength by lifting my bed. As I wrapped my arms around the bed, it felt way lighter than I expected. I lifted it over my head with both hands. After putting it down, I caught my breath in wonder and then decided to push myself further. I clenched my fists and tried to lift the bed again, this time with just one hand. To my amazement, I lifted it again with no problem and didn't even feel tired! I put it down and wondered how much stronger I was.

After I was done with that, I sat back down and put my hands on my bed while I looked at my roof. "I don't think I can test myself further unless I go outside but that's probably isn't a good idea right now. looks like I'll have to wait until tomorrow when they start testing our limits." 

While I was thinking, I suddenly felt my scalp tingle and instantly knew that something dangerous was approaching my left foot. When I looked down, I saw a Steatoda Nobilis, or as most of Europe knows them, the noble false widow spider. I knew this because one of those almost bit me when I was living in Paris with my parents. My madre almost had a heart attack and after my pops killed it, he made sure I learned about most of the most deadly and poisonous insects on our side of the world so that I know what not to get near to.

I suddenly moved to my left side, trying to get away from a spider that was nearby, and lifted my foot to step on it with my boot. When I raised my foot, I looked down to see if the spider was dead. I sighed in relief when I saw that it was, and then I put my hand on my face to calm down. However, I noticed that the pillow from the bed was stuck to my right hand, and when I tried to pull it out with my left hand, it felt like it was glued to my right palm and fingers. I was only able to remove the pillow when I relaxed my right arm.

As I put the pillow back on my bed, I looked at my hands and noticed something weird. My eyesight was way better than before, and I could see that there were tiny hairs on my palms and fingers that weren't there before. As I looked closer, I saw that they were like saw blades. Then I checked my arms, chest, and removed my boots to do the same with my feet, and saw that all my body hair had turned into the same weird saw-blade hair! 

"This is so weird, I wonder what else I can do with this" I mumbled. 

So there I was, standing in front of this wall, feeling curious if I could stick to it. I reached out my arm and touched it, but it didn't feel any different from any other wall. But my desire to stick to it made me focus my attention on my hand. Suddenly, I felt a strange sensation, as if my hand was glued to the wall, I then relaxed my hand and let go of the wall. I was amazed and decided to investigate further.I put my right hand on the wall and when it was stuck, I reached higher with my left hand and stuck it too. Then, I used my left hand to hold my weight as I lifted my body off the ground. I put my right hand even higher and attached it to the wall again. To my surprise, I found myself hanging in the air, only with my hands attached to the wall. It was so cool, and I couldn't believe what I had just done.

I got excited and started climbing higher and higher until I reached the roof, and guess what? I stuck to the roof too! I even tried to see if my feet could stick too, and they did. I crawled around the roof for a bit and then turned on my back. I used my hands and feet to hold me, and when I put my back against the roof, I felt like I was able to stick to the roof with my back too. It was such a fun experience, but I don't think it would work with thicker clothes like sweaters, thick jeans, leather jackets, and such.

I was lying on the roof, feeling relaxed and thinking about all the things I could do with my new ability to stick to walls. Suddenly, I remembered I also remembered how I instinctively knew that I was in danger and where that danger came from. the spider incident and couldn't help but laugh at how I feel like a spider on the roof right now. But then I realized how I instinctively knew that I was in danger and where that danger came from like a spider does, and it's probably because of all the new hair growing on my body. 

I wasn't a genius before, but I got interested in bugs, especially spiders when I was studying about poisonous bugs. One of the things I learned is that spiders have special organs connected to their hair, which help them sense the air vibrations around them. This helps them map out their surroundings and avoid danger or catch prey better.

So, I think the new hair I'm growing is just like a spider's Tactile Hair. And if that's true, maybe I can shoot webs too! I hope it's not through my butt though, that would be gross. I decided to test it out and see if I could will myself to shoot webs. I closed my eyes and focused on my body, but nothing happened. I wasn't satisfied, so I concentrated harder, trying to shoot webs from every part of my body to see where they would come out from.

I was about to give up on my dream of swinging around like a spider when something shot out of my wrists and thick webs appeared. They went forward and got stuck to the floor, but luckily, they were still connected to my wrists. Seeing that the webs were still connected to my wrists, I again willed my body to disconnect them and caught the webs before they fell to the floor. I then pulled them back and found out they were firmly glued to the floor. I tried to pull them harder and realized they could support a lot of weight. The force I was using wasn't enough to break them loose.

"This is so cool!" I said with a quiet but excited voice, I then let go of the webs and let them fall to the floor. 

So, I took a deep breath and started processing everything. Apparently, I've got spider abilities now, thanks to a Super Soldier Serum and some strange energy they put into me. So now, I'm like a spider-human hybrid or something! But I can't let Hydra know about my new powers. They're testing us tomorrow to see what we're capable of, so I'll have to hide my wall-crawling and web-shooting abilities. I'll only show them my super strength, lightning-fast reflexes, and some of my spider senses (I don't think I can hide those). But I'll try to play it off like it's just animal instincts or something, so they won't suspect how strong I really am.

Now that I'm done with all that stuff, I think I should hide the proof of my activities and probably get some rest. I feel like things are just going to get harder from tomorrow onwards. I know there's no other way but to do what they ask me to do, but I know that if I can bear it all, I'll be able to find a way to escape and then slowly make the perfect plan to take revenge on Hydra.

As I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling, I muttered "I'm gonna make sure Hydra pays for what they did to you, Madrecita and Pops. I'll make them suffer way more than I did, that's a promise." I then close my eyes and go to sleep.


Hello again! It's the first time I wright here but I just wanted to give you guys a heads-up. Firstly, the MC is gonna make their escape in the next two chapters. Also, I wanna slow down the release of chapters after chapter five. I'm still getting the hang of writing this fast, so I'm gonna stick to posting twice a week for now. I'll post on Tuesday or Wednesday, then again on Friday or Saturday. There won't be any chapters on Sunday, Monday, or Thursday. Hopefully, it's not too big of a problem, and again I want to thank all of you who gave this story a chance. See you all next time! :D

Hi again! I'm back with the third chapter and I would love to know your thoughts on it like always. :)

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