
Chapter 38

"I think I am pregnant."

The word rang in Sarah head for long, she tried to suppressed the urge to ask more details about the pregnancy but how could Olivia be pregnant, it didn't add up. Was she trying to get someone tied down by using pregnancy.

Maybe she was done with men and just wanted to have a baby of her own.

"I will love to abort it, if I am truly pregnant." Olivia continued, she had been feeling strange of late. A bit dizzy in the morning and a certain type of craving , to top it up she had not yet seen her monthly period.

She had tried a urine test at home and it did show she was pregnant but she knew it wasn't fully accurate and that was why she came to see Olivia. It wasn't just about their friendship and trust but the fact that Olivia was one of the best doctor in town and she wanted to get rid of the child if it was there.

The last thing she needed right now was another child, she was not ready for one right now and even the father of the child didn't look the part.

Sarah shaked her head and scribbled down some notes on her jotter as regards what Olivia had informed her, she then motioned Sarah to the toilet to pee in a container so she could confirm it.

They remained quiet while the result was on going and here and there they talked a bit.

"How is Dawn?"

"She is fine."

The results didn't take long before it came out and truly Olivia was pregnant, she was two weeks gone. Which was okay for an abortion and abortion was legal here, so it was a double win for her but Sarah being a doctor it was advisable to let your patients know what they are getting into.

"Why do you want to abort it?" Sarah finally asked, it sounded like she cared but really she didn't she just wondered what Olivia was up to.

Since the pregnancy was two weeks, it didn't have anything to do with Stephan or Matteo.

"It's for the best."

"The best? I hope the father is aware of your decision. Except you don't even know who the father is."

"Can we do it today, right now.*

"Of course."

Sarah motioned her to change into the hospital gown and afterwards they went into the theatre on their way, someone seemed to be calling Olivia in the corridor.

When Olivia turned around, she wished the ground will just open and swallow her.

It was Travis.

"Travis," she called out to him looking at Sarah and hoping she would get the hint not to mention it to Travis.

"Travis," Sarah called out surprised.

Olivia was more surprised when Sarah hugged Travis like they had known each other for so long.

First it was Stephan and now Sarah, luck was definitely not on her side at all.

The last time she had met Travis was a week ago, the had a long discussion about Stephan and Dawn she didn't know why she opened up to him about it but the more she talked the more she said more than she could take back.

She had ended up feeling embarrassed by the whole thing, it was hard for her to be that opened to someone. She had blocked his number afterwards as well as closed all means of communication with him.

When she thought it was over she found out she was pregnant, she still didn't understand how it happened. She had been careful and had made sure to take her pills before and after but it had happened.

She didn't want anything to do with a baby, she had never thought of even having one and even if she did, it wasn't going to be for Travis. He had connections with Stephan, he had also confided in her about how he met Stephan and how Stephan had been the backbone to his success.

She didn't want any connections with the Klar's anymore.

Travis had come to the hospital to see one of his clients to maybe press on his broken leg a bit, luck was on his side when he heard the runaway fool was in Sarah's office.

He was pleased by the news, only for him to meet Olivia here. The last time they had spoken she had asked that they end their relationship. It was a shocker to him, he had always imagined she would want to keep him close by for his money.

He noticed the hospital gown she had on and wondered if she was ill.

"Didn't think you did resume work so soon? Am here to mess with one of your patient." He informed Sarah smiling. " And what are you doing here my love."

My love! Sarah stared at the both of them as they stare silently at each other. Was Travis her baby's father?

"I am here to get rid of your baby." Olivia blurted out with distaste in her mouth.

Sarah couldn't believe Olivia would say such without fear, to tell a man that you want to remove his child.

"Please will you excuse us Sarah," Travis pleaded.

"Ofcourse" Sarah nodded and left them alone.

"Are you pregnant?" Travis asked just to be sure Olivia was not saying things just to piss him off.


"When did you find out about this?"

"It doesn't matter, I will get rid of it. I don't want you to worry about it." Olivia replied.

"Go and change, let's go home." Travis ordered.

Thou he was younger than her there was a level of authority that came when he spoke, it made her forget their age difference every time.

"I am not..."

"Will you go and change or will I call my men to drag you home." Travis asked angrily as he watched Sarah go into the bathroom to change back to her clothes. How come she was pregnant, they were also using protection.

She even went as far as coming to remove his child that he didn't even know of. What if he was not here? So she would have just gotten rid of his first child.

"What are you doing?"

Olivia had followed Travis to avoid being forced out of the hospital, she knew Travis could do it without thinking twice.

When they had gotten to his apartment, she wished she had escaped from the bathroom, his men took her to his room and locked her in.

She had struggled with them but to no avail, why was he keeping her on house arrest? She pleaded with the guards to allow her speak to Travis but they didn't even answer her.

"Travis let me out of here this minute," she yelled and banged on the door continuously but to no avail. When she felt tired she sat next to the door with her head on her knee.

She didn't want this baby, she had to get rid of this child.

The door opened slowly as the maid walked in with a tray of food, the door locked immediately she entered and Olivia wish the ground will open and swallow her.

She didn't understand when Travis now had a maid, the last time she stayed over he didn't have one. They always had to order what they would eat.

The maid bowed her head to her and dropped the food on the table.

"Master said I should ask you, if you would like anything else apart from the soup." The maid asked with her head still bowed down.

"Tell your master to come and see me now before I kill myself." Olivia said raising her head to stare at the maid.

The maid remained silent for some while then knocked on the door, the door opened and she walked out as the door closed behind her.


Travis drove to Klar's company, he had a meeting with Stephan and Matteo.

When he got there , he realized Stephan had changed his office, it had a feminine touch to it and a new table there.

He realized it was for Dawn when she stepped in carrying some file.

He sat opposite Matteo and Stephan on the couch , so Dawn was forced to sit next to him as Matteo was unwilling to change seat.

He smiled at her but got a warning stare from Stephan.

"You must be Travis, Stephan has told me a lot about you," Dawn spoke.

"I hope it's good things," Travis replied offering his hand for a handshake, he watched Dawn stare at Stephan and then back at Travis before she shakked his hand.

"It's just a hand shake," Matteo blurted out not understanding this Stephan new found attitude. Dawn was on:ly allowed on the top floor, because she was in charge of reviewing the designs.

Stephan had not allowed her access into the other floors of the company and Matteo didn't understand what he was protecting.

Even Dawn was unaware of the fact that she was slowly becoming submissive to him, always looking at him for reassurance before doing what she wanted to do.

"I went through your paperwork and I can say you did a very good job," Travis chimed.

"Thank you so much," Dawn nodded. Her job was getting stressful by the day, she didn't know reviewing designs could be so complicated.

Stephan had also told her, he would be signing her up for an online class. They had argued back and forth about it. How could she learn fashion designing online she wanted to experience it physically.

"Can you get us something to drink?" Travis requested as Dawn nodded , she went out of the office not looking at Stephan.

She knew he wouldn't approve of it.

When she was gone, Travis leaned into his chair.

"Olivia is pregnant for me," Travis confessed looking at both brothers , there was a level of silence.

Stephan was not surprised, she probably decided to use the pregnancy to tie Travis up. She didn't succeed with him so she proceeded to Travis.

"She wants to abort it," he continued.

"She what?" The two brother blurted out. The news was shocking to them.

Stephan still couldn't believe that Olivia would want to abort her own child, it didn't make sense to him that Olivia of all people would want to remove a child for a man like Travis.

Wasn't that what she always wanted? To be with someone wealthy, wasn't that why she even started her relationship.

Travis was more confused than both of them, he hadn't been in this situation before so he didn't know how to go about it. He decided to confide in them.

Maybe they did know what to do about the whole situation.

"What do you mean she wants to abort it?" Stephan wasn't bothered about Olivia decision, in a way it was better she got rid of it than tying Travis down but since Travis was asking it seemed there was more to it.

"She asked Sarah to remove the pregnancy," Travis explained as Dawn entered with the drinks. They all stared at each other quietly watching Dawn serve the drinks.

She nodded when she was done and decided to leave them to their conversation, she heard something about pregnancy but she really didn't know if she heard it right. It did be weird for men like this to be discussing pregnancy.

When she left, Travis took a big gulp from his glass of wine.

"She went to get rid of it without even telling me she is pregnant in the first place,  am I in the wrong to want to keep the child."

Travis didn't know if it was normal but when he heard she was pregnant, he suddenly started feeling a certain type of way. He didn't understand it. It was like he wanted to be a father all of a sudden.

The two brothers stared at him, taking in what he had just said. None of them had ever thought about having kids, maybe in the future but definitely not now.

"Are you in love with Olivia?" Matteo asked, it was something he hoped to get a no as an answer but Travis was down on his third drink.