
Chapter 37

Dawn woke up early, over the night Stephan had told her to make sure she took the pills and collect the shot from Sarah before leaving for work.

She found it awkward waking up to go get a shot just in the next room, she guessed that was what it meant to have a doctor in the house.

She had searched the whole house for Sarah and later found her fast asleep on the couch with Matteo in the office.

It was such a cute sight, she decided not to disturb them but Sarah had woken up when she was about to leave.

'Dawn,' she had called out to her in a low voice, cleaning the remaining sleep left in her eyes.

Dawn explained the situation in a whisper trying not to wake Matteo up but she guessed he was awake but didn't want to wake up.

'Let's go to my room.'

They had gone to her room to take the shot , afterwards Dawn had gone to get dressed for work.

Stephan had also mentioned to her that she was to get to work before him. She felt like crying hard but it was the second day, not the right time for her tantrums.

Plus the punishment she got last night wasn't something she was looking forward to anytime soon.

She hurried up and gave Eric a call to come pick her up.

They drove to the office just in time. She took the private elevator up to Stephan office.

She arranged her new table when she got to work, it was by the left next to Stephan table in his office. She didn't understand why he kept her table inside here, she wished she was outside so she could get to meet different people in the company.

Not that she didn't care about him but seeing his face alone all week wasn't any fun for her. She wanted to experience something different from the usual order of the day.

It was getting boring for her.

She was happy when she heard she would be accompanying him to the next meeting, she didn't display it but deep down she was glad.

He sent Eric to call her and bring her to the meeting room, as usual they took the private elevator. Even thou she had insisted they follow the main elevator.

Eric didn't want to upset Stephan and lose his job, he pleaded with her to discuss her discomfort with Stephan instead.

When she got to the meeting, Stephan had told her before hand not to greet any of the men or women on the table. She was to work directly to him and seat right next to him.

She didn't feel that was proper but this was the office not the house and here he was her boss.

Just as Stephan had informed her, she entered the meeting that was filled with a lot of people sitting left and right. She walked with her head up high to Stephan's seat which was in front. Matteo sat by his right so she took the left seat next to him.

She handed him the file and he nodded at her. Then it hit her, how were the both of them already and they looked well dressed and groom.

Stephan stared at everyone and once in a while he would look at the file then lean into his chair and stare at everyone.

Dawn didn't get what the meeting was until they started discussing, one of their branch manager was having a misunderstanding with another of branch manager, it seemed they were lover who recently broke up and the woman being the jealous type came to destroy the man's branch accusing him of cheating on her.

Their event was tomorrow which was a Saturday and news of the branch sabotaging each other was already on the news, usually Stephan could call the newspaper's company who published such nonsense to sue them but this was a serious issue that needed to be addressed.

Stephan knew if he didn't address it, it would not be taken seriously by his workers and might end up repeating itself later on in the future.

Not only did they both use his company branch as a mean to show their hatred for each other, the idiot lady brought her lawyer today to sue Stephan Klar.

Matteo thought she was high on some bud, it had to be definitely bud because someone in his right senses would know that suing Stephan would get you no where.

Worst, you were suing a whole company that had lots of shareholders. Yep! She was on bud, lots of it.

The lawyer finally opened his mouth when everyone was settled.

"Well my client believes..."

"I don't care what your client believes," Stephan snapped. "You will lose your job after this meeting so get on with your nonsense."

It wasn't a warning, it was a fact. Stephan had called the law firm the lawyer worked for and tendered his name and Lord help them they didn't fire the lawyer today.

The lawyer eyes widened at the revelation of what Stephan had said, he gulped and stared at his client who was telling him to continue talking.

"Please Sir," he didn't know when the words slipped out of his mouth.

He was one of the top lawyers, he had won a couple of case but when he made his research on Stephan , he wasn't an ordinary man but his client was pay his double for this case.

He couldn't refuse the offer.

On another thought, she had paid half already which was his actual price. That was one of the advantages of his career, he didn't need to win the case, he just had to play his part.

"Em...I mean.." he coughed out clearing his throat of the nonsense he had just blurted out earlier. "This case is a valid one and should.."

"Get straight to the point Mr Gomez." Stephan warned.

Sweat started to form on his head, how did Stephan know his name, he had not yet introduced himself and this was his first time in the Klar company.

It didn't take long for the lawyer to leave the meeting room when his boss called him to come and tender his letter of resignation. He had jumped up instantly and left the office, not paying attention to the curses he got from his client.

"You both will be tendering an apology during b our event tomorrow evening, failure to tender this apologize and tender your resignation letter will lead to worst consequences." Stephan forewarned.

"You can't bully me, I know my right as a citizen...."

"Don't be foolish Agnes," Stephan addressed her by her first name. He knew having a love interest working in the same company as you wasn't always a good idea.

It had worked in the past and from what Stephan had seen, he believed things will go smoothly but it didn't.

He had it in mind to implement a rule that covers the issue of love interest.

This two would do as a scape goat for now.

After addressing them, he sent them away from his office to proceed into more pressing issues.

Dawn watched them talk for long, she couldn't say anything because she was just a personal assistant and she was also new here.

She didn't know how Stephan was able to do it. He was able to stay calm through out the meeting even when some people would say some really stupid things, he would nod his head taking it all in.

She kept her hands to herself, trying to suppress the feelings to talk to the people who were in the wrong but if Stephan could be patient enough she guessed everyone's idea mattered even if they were silly.

"We will have Miss Dawn Hemlocks reviewing your final designs," Stephan finally spoke as the room filled with murmur from the people on the table, firstly it was of who is this Dawn Hemlocks that their boss was talking about.

Stephan leaned into his chair, he placed his hand on Dawn's lap as she nearly jumped from her seat. When she looked at him, he seemed busy looking ahead and not at her.

"We should also work on some new colour theme, I don't want repetitions. You all may leave." He ordered as they all nodded at him still in confusion as to who was this Dawn Hemlocks. They didn't dare ask their boss, he was a quiet man but quite ruthless with his words.

It was best to remain mute than face his wrath.

They all left the room, alongside Matteo. Leaving only Stephan and Dawn.

She stood up but Stephan pulled her to him, she nearly fell down but bumped into him slightly.

He grabbed her by the hips and placed her on his laps.

"What are you doing?" Dawn asked when she sat on his lap.

"Have you eaten?"

Dawn stared at him confused, he was the same man that told her to get to work on time and now he was asking if she had ate.

"Not yet," Dawn replied.

"What should we order in?"

"Anything you want to eat is fine by me."

Stephan nodded and placed his hand to her face, he leaned in and placed a kiss lightly on her lips.

When Dawn had entered, his eyes weren't on her but they were on her. She looked so good in her fitted suit and skirt, it was simple but it was Dawn. She could make simple look so good.

He always wanted to do it in his meeting room, it was something he hadn't done yet. 

He kissed her again and her lips didn't pry open to him, she was resisting him.

If there was anything Dawn knew it was Stephan's kisses and this one meant something else. Did he really want them to do it here? What if someone came in?

This shameless man.

She resisted his kiss by not opening her lips but the stubborn man kept at it, till she felt out of breathe. When she opened her mouth to breathe, it mistakenly came out as a low moan.

Stephan nibbled on her lower lips as the door opened, Matteo entered smiling as Dawn broke the kiss. Stephan still placed a kiss on her lips afterwards.

"Sorry to disturb you guys, our next meeting is in five minutes." Matteo reminded him, he didn't know what they were up to and he didn't care as long as it didn't affect their work schedule.

He knew Stephan was up to no good.

Dawn rose to her feet, she had not kissed Stephan in front of Matteo before so the current situation made her uncomfortable, she took the files and arranged it together as well as Stephan's as she walked out of the office.


"Well you will be due soon, I will advice that you should rest more often than stress yourself." Sarah informed Ivy, they had drove to the hospital together.

After examining her, she signed some paperwork's in her name and handed it over to her.

Ivy appreciated and left as the next patient entered.

"Olivia," Sarah said. It's been a long time she had seen her since Dawn was rescued from the clutches of those kidnappers that Olivia sent to her.

She remembered Olivia kissing Matteo and trying her best to seduce him, the thought of it brought a frown to her face that even Olivia noticed.

Olivia had not seen Sarah or Dawn in a long while, things were getting complicated between her and Travis. It seemed they were official but her insecurities were getting to her and now she feared worst was to come.

She had no where to run to but to her old friend who happened to be a well known doctor.

"How have you been Sarah?" She smiled, she could only hope that Sarah wasn't aware of the kiss she had given Matteo. There was a time Sarah had confided in her  about how she felt about Matteo.

She didn't want to hurt her feelings, so she stayed away from Matteo. Her mission at the earlier stage when she had met the Klar's brother was to go for one and if that failed she would go for the other but it didn't go as she wanted or planned.