
Chapter 39

Travis took his drink again, that question was something he wasn't ready to answer. When Olivia had opened up to him about herself, he felt she had poured her heart to him. He even questioned his relationship with his girlfriend and that of Olivia.

"I don't love her enough but I do want to keep the baby."

"Are you sure about that?" Matteo asked.


Travis nodded his head.

"I locked her up, is that right?"

"There are a lot of scenarios that comes with being locked up, hopefully there is no sharp object."

Travis nearly choked on his drink at the thought of something bad happening. Olivia was quite unpredictable, she could do anything to hurt that baby. He didn't know when his legs dragged him up.

He definitely was looking crazy right now to Matteo and Stephan but he didn't care, this wasn't about Olivia but about her baby, his baby.

He excused himself and rushed out of the company through the private elevator. When he got to the parking lot, he informed the driver to take him home straight away.

He immediately called his men to go and check on Olivia and make sure all sharp objects were taken away and if possible one of them should stay in the room to keep a close eye on her.

He also informed them that she was carrying his child and one slip up would result to death.

"Actually Sir, Miss June is here and she is very angry."


Travis had forgotten he invited June over to surprise her, he had met Olivia in the hospital and immediately took action without processing how his day was going.

"They are currently fighting Sir, I was about to call you Sir."

"Give the phone to June."

Travis waited a little bit, he could hear June and Olivia shouting at each other, he knew Olivia wasn't a weakling and June was definitely going to need to go to the hospital.

He heard June refusing the call and his men begging her to pick the call.

"Travis what is the meaning of this rubbish?" He heard June yelling into the phone.

"Go to my office right now," he ordered and that was enough for June to disconnect the call. It was the first time she was coming to the house to meet a woman in his room but Travis knew she would listen to him and go to his office to wait till he got back.

He dialed the number again after some minutes.

"What's going on now?"

"Miss June has gone to your office but Miss Olivia injured her head with a jug."

Just as he had guessed.

"Attend to her."

It didn't take long before he got home, it was quite a complicated scenario but he decided to go to his office first just to make sure June was okay.

When he walked in, his maid was helping her by placing a bandage over her forehead. She seemed furious but was trying hard to hold herself from saying too much.

He signalled the maid to leave, she nodded in agreement and left the room hurriedly.

"Has she gone?"

"No, how is your head?"

"What do you mean by no?" June snapped.

June had come over to see the surprise Travis said he wanted to show her, she was shocked when she wasn't allowed into his room and when she finally got in, she met a lady in there.

She knew Travis always had some side piece here and there but to actually see it for herself was just the worst thing.

How could he bring her over and lock her in his room?

The idiot girl not only yelled at her but banged her head with a vase. She was suppose to be the angry one here but the slut seemed more angry than her.

She wondered if something was going on with them but then again she didn't care about that.

The reason she had endured Travis frivolous attitudes was because he was wealthy and he had a connection with the Klar's.

She had plans to open a fashion brand and she really needed that connection.

"She has to leave right this minute," June yelled.

"She is pregnant."

June nearly lost her balance as she rose to her feet and gave Travis a dirty slap. What nonsense? How could she be pregnant? June had always told Travis that she wanted a baby but he had always refused claiming he wasn't ready so how could he do this to her.

Travis wasn't surprised by the slap, he was planning on keeping the baby. So what was the point in hiding it.

Eventually June would find out. He barely felt the slap but he remained silent he didn't want to provoke her any further.

He watched her carry her bags and stormed out of his office angrily.

He waited a few minutes then went to check on Olivia.

"Can I leave now?"

"We are keeping the baby."

"Do I look stupid to you, you want to keep a child that I don't want."

Travis stared at her for some while.

"If you don't want it, it is much better that way. Just give me the baby when the time is due."

Olivia wasn't planning on carrying a child for 9 months, it meant for 9 months her life would have to be on hold. She was starting to regret running her mouth in the hospital about being pregnant.

She should have remained quiet, even Sarah of all people remained quiet but she had went ahead to tell him about her plans.

Olivia still didn't understand why Travis wanted the baby, was this like some sick joke to him. To put her life on halt for some days.

She remembered he had told her countless times that he didn't want to have a child, so why did he suddenly change his mind.

So he was just going to let her have the child, then take it away from her.

Was he trying to prove something to her?

When Dawn came home, she noticed Sarah was acting weird. She seemed to be quiet, even when they were all eating she barely spoke.

She waited till they were washing the dishes to ask her if all was well, or was work now getting that stressful.

"Are you okay?" She asked while she washed the dishes and Sarah cleaned the plates.

Ivy's feet was sore, so Dawn advised her to go and rest inside.

Sarah seemed not to have heard her question.

"Sarah," Dawn called out louder this time.


"Are you okay?"

Sarah nodded in sign of yes, she had been thinking about what Olivia told her and how Travis had showed up as the child's father.

At first she thought Olivia was trying to tie someone down with her pregnancy but she wasn't rather she wanted to remove it.

It felt weird to her, she kept on trying to play different scenarios as to what the hell Olivia was up to.

"Actually am not,"

"Is it work?"

"Olivia is pregnant." Sarah knew it wasn't any of her business to disclose such information but they were sisters and one thing about family was that no matter how much they fought or had their difference, they always still cared about each other.

It was best she told Dawn because either ways news would spread especially when Travis was keen on keeping the child. He had even asked her to recommend the kind of food a pregnant woman should eat.

"What do you mean?" Dawn was confused by what Sarah had just said. She knew that Olivia would never have a child at least not now. So it didn't make sense to her. How could Olivia be pregnant? And how did Sarah know about this information? Didn't get they stop talking a long time ago.

Were they still talking?

"It's also confusing to me but she came to my hospital and asked for an abortion after we confirm through the pregnancy test that she is truly pregnant."

"Are you for real?"

"Will I joke with something like this?"

Dawn dropped the plates into the zinc lost in thought again, Olivia was pregnant and she wanted an abortion.


"Did you know that Olivia is pregnant?"

Dawn remembered she heard something about pregnancy earlier in the day in Stephan's office but she felt it was just a mistake but now that Sarah had confirmed that Travis was the father of the child. It all made more sense to her.

When she got in she waited for Stephan to freshen up before she asked him about it.

"Who told you that?" Stephan asked wearing his pyjamas trouser. He got into bed beside Dawn and pulled her in closer to him.

"Sarah," Dawn said placing her head on his chest.

"Travis informed me about it."

"Can you find out what is really going on with her?" She knew she didn't want to act like she cared but she was worried. There was a child involved, she wanted to know who Travis was and his plans for Olivia. Was he going to leave her now that he knew she was pregnant.

It was very common for men to get tired of women when children was involved especially the ones born out of wedlock.

"Are you sure about that?" Stephan didn't expect that Dawn would be bothered by Olivia's current situation. He believed that she didn't care anymore what Olivia did with her life.

The last thing he needed right now was to be looking into Olivia but it was Dawn who was doing the asking.

"I guess, I mean she is pregnant. What will happen to the baby."

"It's just a child Dawn, that should be their decision."

"Don't you want to have a child?"


"No?" The answer baffled Dawn, she turned around to stare at him in the eyes. Did he just say No? What did he mean by that? Dawn had always wanted to have a child not the way Olivia had hers but she wanted to have a family. Get married and have two kids or maybe three and hopefully a boy first.

Stephan didn't have to think about his answer he didn't do too well with kids, he didn't like kids. Probably in the future but right now no.

"If I got pregnant like right now, will you want me to keep the baby?" Dawn didn't know why she asked but the question came to mind.

She stared at Stephan who was staring at the ceiling for some while.

She felt her heart skipping beats at what his answer would be, it wasn't like they had ever talked about having kids before, she wondered why she was feeling this way. They didn't even talk about love or relationship.

Did Stephan even love her? He had never said it, thou they acted like a couple and he doted on her but he never said it once. Even when they were intimate.

"No," he finally spoke and Dawn felt her heart shatter in to pieces. She stared at him but his eyes were still at the ceiling. He seemed to be thinking about something.

"No?" Was he saying she would abort their child, was that his conclusion? How could he say that.

"You won't be getting pregnant, so it's a ...


"But what if it..."

"Let's not have this conversation again." Stephan interrupted turning over to the side with his back facing Dawn. He tucked himself in properly.

Dawn starred at him for some while. It was unusual for Stephan to act this way.

This was a serious issue, what if they were married? Would they even get married? Why was she even thinking this way? Was she suddenly developing feelings for Stephan and imagining things.

She couldn't be in love with Stephan, she had told herself that, that was the last thing that would happen to her. She had been very careful not to spend so much time with him.

She tried her best to keep her guards up all the time.