

Viewer discretion advised. Despite being abused by his mother, Sain finds himself cherishing her even more. But his mother is always ridiculed in their town for being a maniac. How will Sain protect his beloved mother from the disgusted eye of the society?

Akira_Kei_ · สมจริง
47 Chs

Chapter 36 Eclise (pt 1)

I can't see anything. I can see nothing except…

The dead face of two people. One was stabbed multiple times. The other was pale. When i pulled him up to fit him inside a box.. I could see his organ. I had to hold my breath and bury him. They still haunt me. Whether I'm dreaming or not.

I'm scared! My body won't stop shivering. My head feels heavy. My vision has clouded.

I'm scared!! I'm scared!! Someone please save me! I want to tell someone what happened last night. But I can't… I'll be arrested. Not only me.. also Sain. Our lives will be ruined!

This burden is too heavy for me to carry. I couldn't sleep last night at all. They keep appearing before my eyes.

What have I done!

I want to die! I want to die! Someone please help me too!

"What's wrong Eclise? You look pale. You sick or something?"

I flinch as Dew speaks to me.

"L…" I hang my head low. "Nothing is wrong."

Sain didn't come to school today. We needed to act like nothing happened. Why isn't he here?

'Let's cut him to pieces.'

The chills run down my spine and I clench my head.

Those words that Sain said still echoes in my eardrums.

I cannot help but imagine him cutting that person into pieces.

Nonononono! Could I have stopped him? How could he do that?! A normal person would never suggest that!

Sain is insane!

Could it be… it was him who actually killed them?! But he was wounded too? He could've done that to himself. No! He's my friend! How can I doubt him? I already broke his trust once… I can't do that again!

What have I done?! Just because a friend asked me to… I buried a dead body! I became an accomplice to a murder! No! I didn't want to! It was Sain who called me! He dragged me into this! I never wanted to do it! I made a sin! A heinous sin! ! I think I'm going crazy! No. It isn't me who's done the sin… it was him! He did it!

"Hey. Dude." Dew jerks me. "Why are you crying? You look sleepless as well. Should I call the teacher?"

"Nononono! Please don't tell the teacher!"

"Alright." He gives me a weird look. "Okay. Chill. Calm down. Do you need some water?"

"No. I'm alright." My heart is going to explode. I feel terrified by simple talk. I can't forget last night.

He stands at the door and coughs. "May.. may.. I?"

"This is the second period, you know? Also what happened to your face?" Says the teacher.

Sain! He came to school!

"What happened to him? He looks like he's in a horrible state."

"Did he come back from a brawl?"

The murmurs start in the class.

Sain coughs again and pleads. "Pease!"

"Sorry. I can't allow you. You can keep your bag inside and go to the principal."

"Than.." he cannot even thank properly.

My body twitches as he takes a step inside the classroom.

I'm scared of him!

He trudges through the benches. His steps were uneven for which he sways.

The suspicious glances of other students are fixed on him.

"Is he drunk?"

"Looks like it."

"Ms Yana even used to think he takes drugs. He probably must've taken some before coming to school and got into a fight."

"Perhaps it is his mother who beat him."

He stops after walking halfway through and collapses. The girl next to whom he collapsed, shrieks. "Oh god he's bleeding!"


Howl arises in the class. Everyone gets busy taking a glance at his trembling body.

"Teacher, he's breathing heavily!"

"Oh no! He's bleeding a lot from his stomach!"

"Someone press some clothes against his wound. I'll call an ambulance!" Says the teacher.

My eyes quiver. I don't understand. Is it his mother? What is happening anymore?

The teacher touches his trembling body. "Sain! Sain! Listen to me! Don't worry an ambulance is on its way. We're taking you to the school hospital for the time being, okay." She mumbles. "He's also sick."

Commanded by her, a few students pick him up and take him to the school hospital.

The school gives him primary treatment and then they take him to a hospital.

I couldn't concentrate for the rest of the class. Only one thought kept hitting my mind.

Just what is Sain? Should I be sympathetic to him.. or should iy be scared of him?

He's an encrypted book that I cannot decode.