
Calling for my sister

--Back with the twins--

They were in a room with their father, walking back and forth in the room.

"Should we call now? It's already morning and we haven't done anything." seeing his sons break down over a tiny thing. He decided to call the assistant himself.

"This is Ivory's assistant, Rong Klein. How may I help you". Alan paused for a second from hearing Valencia's other name. "Oh yes, this is Mu Alan. I was asking if my sons can meet up with Valencia today or tomorrow?" Klein paused a second trying to remember who he was, "let me call back to ask my mistress. And that should be around the next 20 minutes". Klein hung up and went back to his work.

After waiting for 10 more minutes Klein saw Valencia walk through the door with her hands wrapped around her father. (You must be wondering why Valencia is at work right now, well she begged her dad to go to work but on one confession, by having James by her side when she works.) Klein ran towards her side, "Madam, if you want to keep the normal schedule, you will have 3 meetings today and some papers to sign. oh and Madam someone called to meet you". Valencia wasn't concerned about her schedule at all, she was just worried about what her father will think. "Who is the person who wanted to meet me?" she said while holding her fathers hand to walk. "Something about someone named Mu Alan's son's wanting to talk to you if you have time". Valencia wasn't surprised from hearing that her brothers wanting to see her, so she aloud them to meet her today. "You can arrange a time for them in my schedule for today. I'll meet them later today."

-- --

After waiting for a full 20 minutes Alan got a call from Klein. "Ms.Zaph has scheduled a time at 5 p.m. with her brothers. You'll just need to go to the front desk of the main building of the Zaph company. We would then lead you to her". After Alan fixed all the necessary thing to prepare for the meeting.

Alan walked back in the room the twins were in. "Good news! We have a meeting with Valencia today this afternoon at 5 p.m. So start getting ready for the meeting. After all it's 2 right now." after telling his boys about the news, Alan leaved the room of two shocked boys.

-- --

After waiting so long to meet Valencia, it was finally time.

They were walking through the halls, walking towards Valencia's office in the main building. Klein opened the door for the twins and Alan. "Mistress there are guests." When the three people walked in they were surprised to see James hugging a sleeping Valencia in her office chair. "Well, welcome to Valencia's office, right now she's sleeping for now. But you can question me for right now until she wakes up, you can apologize to her".

James saw that Valencia flinched a bit, so he started to pet her head. "How did you meet her?" Alan asked a question that the twins were also thinking about.

"We actually met at the orphanage, but I did that purposely. When we figured out that she was my real daughter, it was barely 2 weeks after you abandoned her. We then took a boat to the island that we were making to a new state in Japan, but somehow it became its own tiny country. Now we are a secret island, away from the other countries. Well known for our army and technology. We started to grow in population. We achieved all this from just one surprising thing I did, save my daughter. I truly think if I didn't find out about Valencia, this island wouldn't be as far as it is now. Because of her, I can truly feel at home. That's why my whole family and I would put our own lives to protect Valencia. She is truly the goddess of the family. It pains us to see her sad or even lonely. I hope you can get that in your heads and not harm our queen".

After James' warning, Valencia stirred awake in his embrace. "Father you shouldn't scare them to death, I would at least like to see my brothers before they die". A bit shocked to hear that his daughter was listening in to what he was saying, James, backed off from trying to kill them. "Princess, you know I won't do that. And how come you were listening to our conversation, you were asleep". Valencia signed at her father's stupid question. " Sometimes I think you personally forget that I'm a 2nd Lieutenant in the military". Hearing his daughter say that, he did feel quite stupid at the time.


Getting back to their topic at hand.

"Valencia, we're so sorry for what we said to you yesterday". The two brothers are on the floor, hands on the ground, kneeling for forgiveness from there sister.

But from all the silence in the room, you hear a giggle. "hehe, I didn't think that you would have gone this far. What I said to you earlier was half a joke. Sure I did feel a bit hurt from your words, but you can't blame me for using a trick I use on my other brothers".

The two brothers shocked to hear the outcome of this, "IS THAT TRUE!??!" they looked at James to get confirmation. In which they did, James nodded his head, yes to answer their question.

The next 3 chapters including this one, are chapters I have done a while back and just decided to upload them, it’s useless just leaving them there.

Honestly I’m in writers block this past years with this novel, since I had written this earlier in my life with less stress from school. I will probably rewrite this novel and edit it, then I would upload it on a later date.

Alesi_Ivancreators' thoughts