
Chapter 2 : Where story truly start.

Now still on the day Xue Yue arrive at. I will go to see how she is doing. I walk through while pondering what should i say based on different situation and her expression. As i have been thinking nonstop ,i directly opened the room cause a habit of mine . Habit of opening doors around the mansion as much of the room is empty, or previously empty.

The feeling is quite exhilarating when opening an empty room door, to see if something new will appear. Like some sort of accidentally summoned monster , Devil spawn, Magical ring , magical books , and many other encounters of treasures i could think of.

Of course i think of this kind of encounter with a full 18+ scene but did not expect it to happen as i prefer other kind of encounter. Fortunately She still not mature. As i relieved , i saw her red face and walked outside while saying " Sorry, i did not see anything ." as bland as i could .

I did see her wounds , she might be hurts when they escaped. After all they escaped for a quite long time around 2 months already based on information that i got at least. I wonder if the enemies really does not know about her.

I waited outside for a while ,then knocked the door this time. " Can i get in? "

After a few minutes a reply comes " You can come in now. "

Only then i open the door and saw she dressed in a faint blue frilled pajamas . It was a good scene , a rare one even after so many life i lived. Under a moonlight , with that face . Unfortunately still too young.

" I just want to come and check , if you have any trouble , please don't hold back and ask for my help. " It was awkward as i was not used to socializing and the sudden status that i still could not adapt well. So i thought she would also have the same problem as she just nod her head in response.

" If you'd like to , here's a present for you ."

I gave a bracelet that i craft just yesterday . It was imbued with tracking magic , counter attack magic, and teleport.

As she hesitating , i put it on her bed as i stood near prior to it. " It is something that will help to keep you safe. "

i left after bidding good night . Early in the morning we gathered for a breakfast as usual before daily life of parents being gone away from home quite long. I don't need to be worried too much as i gave bracelets to both that have tracking magic , counter attack magic, and life gauge magic.

I start to assemble air gun and other things i could make from my experiences . To find things i could use along with my growth but most of them become toys instead. Few of the rooms filled with those i have made. For the dangerous one i kept it in my dimensional storage . I tried to talk with Xue Yue , and she did try to converse and accept but it was not until few days more , that event happened , she totally open with me.

As for the story, It was these usual days just two of us with few guards , maids and butlers , also gardeners and other workers in mansion.

She have come to me unexpectedly, whilst wearing a martial arts robe .

" Can you spar with me? "

i was a bit bewildered as a girl her age , she prefer things like this. Its not a impossibility that much i know but, rare. Even with her background ,there ... ah... too much thinking.

She waited albeit with a bit strange look.

Maybe she is mad.

" Okay, but on two condition . First, tell me the reason, second ,we will stop when i say so. Deal? "

" Let's get started. " As she start to close that 4 meter distances with me and start with a round house kick and back spin kick.

It was hard to dodge at first but gradually i gotten used to the pattern she could use.

From her back hand , elbow ,or knee cap kick, as long as i maintained a meter or use my hand to change the direction of the attack a bit. It was easy. Few minutes passed , then she used her ki(chi) to release more energy around her body to strengthening her self. I still did not need any more skills to show if this all she got.


Xue Yue's POV.

I want to get stronger so i could follow my family , i have the memories of an immortal empress that have ruled the world. But that memories of mine still was not enough to overcome this predicament. So around a month ago it decided that i will be left behind here with my parents' friends which is stronger than them by a bit right now.

Mortal level ( Mine a week ago )

Warrior level ( Mine now )

King level ( Bunch of lackeys of enemies.) ( my Brother.)

Emperor level ( Enemies that chasing) ( Its where my father and mother currently at)

Immortal level ( Enemy leader at least that was known)

( Lim Fei Du's parent.)

Below this level most of them have 9 stages before one could advance or at least it measured by 9 because each one of them have visible change not like others system measurement that only calculating the cultivation base. This where overall ability being measured.

God level

Sovereign level

both is unmeasureable for now as i only known the existences but never step on that level.

As i trained my self , i still could not achieve the goal to get stronger quickly. I don't want to lose my family after all the effort i made to turn back the time. Even though there was a weird things happen , like in my previous life i never have the chances to meet Fei Du. I don't think i remember it wrong. Aunt Xiao Yun Qing and uncle Lim Tian Du should be the only one i lived with. Then when we are on the journey, we will be ambushed . Both of them will suffer injuries and i myself ran away as they direct the enemies to them. They told me to ran to the sect where uncle and aunt have studied at . But clearly , the reason i have been brought with them everywhere because they only have me to took care of as they said so. His existences is abnormality, thats why i need to check for my self what changes will he bring.

The most simple one i could think of is sparring.

But why i could not hit him when i already so close? Its not like he show any overwhelming speed and power. There is not even fluctuation of qi around him.

I spent all my energy to bash him with all techniques that i can use at this level but still could not hit him a bit.

" Stop!. " He screamed , but i thought he was just tired and i just want to hit him just once. He was younger than me and supposed to be not training anything until recently. While i just got my memories a week ago, he should not be able to train at the same pace as mine and get to my level.

But suddenly the world flip upsidedown and my back touched the ground. His face just straight close to mine as it lack that childish look he should have. It suddenly felt hot maybe because of the adrenaline have gone down but this heartbeat can't calm down from this moment everytime he was too close. Maybe i got a sickness, i should consult to aunt and uncle. My instinct said that i definitely should not ask him.