
A Story for my own satisfaction

Author: Fernando_A
Magical Realism
Ongoing · 973 Views
  • 2 Chs
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What is A Story for my own satisfaction

Read ‘A Story for my own satisfaction’ Online for Free, written by the author Fernando_A, This book is a Magical Realism Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: A Story i make because i want to enjoy it.


A Story i make because i want to enjoy it.

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The Executioner of Chaos

Risel Scavadore is a very kind and optimistic person, he lived with his mother and father in a small town and although they were not rich they were happy. However it seems that his happiness would not last forever as a single event in his life would slowly but steadily break his optimism, after his father left misfortune after misfortune after misfortune came in his life. until finally when his life was only starting to come around he finds his best friend and his girlfriend both naked fornicating while his birthday cake and his engagement ring lie scattered on the floor He no longer wants to live ... He no longer wants to see ... He no longer wants to be here ... He wants to leave this world ... [Desire to leave current world has been detected] [Activating inherent Racial Skill: Dimension Walk in 5...4...3...2...1] Follow Risel as he traverses worlds unknown uncovering mysteries surrounding worlds and surrounding the origin of himself and why he has the skill dimension walk. This is his life and his journey on how he became the Executioner of Chaos >ok authors rant: so basically first time writing a book and i have no idea how to write a synopsis so im sorry if its cringe lmao anyway i have a lot to say so first of all i know that this book sounds alot like every other isekai so imma throw in a very smol spoiler which will differentiate this to every other isekai but worry not cause youll learn of it very early on in the story anyway so here it is: ——————————————————————————— basically his dimension walk skill is a skill that once used will continue to remain activated. it cannot be turned off and will only continue to function much like a passive skill. and thats not all because what the skill does is it will transport you somewhere randomly with a random cooldown before automatic usage thus you can get transported to the freakin sun and get stuck there until god knows when your skill will active. if you somehow survive that is. ——————————————————————————— >ok so next thing i wanna address is NO I WILL NOT WRITE LEEEMOOONNSS!!!!! cause first of all i am very lonely and alone so if that doesn't tell you anything then idk dude. plus im pretty much still studying so meh i need money. if i ever have a girlfriend we'll probably break up instantly as i cant give her gifts and my time will also be limited >next is uhh im pretty busy so.... its my biggest problem and im sorry cause this book might take years to do anyway if you guys got any questions feel free to comment and ill answer em for yah yeah? *alright im gonna join the WSA next year and im gonna use this book as my big guy the one that will carry meeeeeeee to great nessssssssaaaa so im not gonna write anything in here not until next year atleast

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