
Chapter 1

I don't know where to start , so i will choose randomly.

I have lived a few lifetimes and ended up alone everytime. Even if i have an interest in women , i don't have the courage to start a relationship. So all this life times i just struggle to live my life better. I don't think i deserve them even if there was a possibility to stay beside them.

Someone have said that let them choose or decide that you are worthy or not. But before that, i don't even think i am worthy , just say i am a coward.

Now i begin my other life.

In this life i start my conciousness when i was 3 years old. Its a typical magic , martial arts world.

I have a black bluish hair with red eyes. My mother have golden eyes and silver hair, while my father blue hair and red eyes. It seemed like i have been born in a very high class society .

As i have my full conciousness now , i could learn through much as flowing water goes down straightline like a waterfall.

For now i decided to get stronger and smarter so i can make my family happy. As I rarely saw my father and mother, i learn through people here. Some of them is maids and butler. All others family members such as uncles ,aunts and grandparents seemed like a busy people.

I travelled around the buildings but it seemed as big as a mansions i have seen in one of my previous life. Maybe around 3 kilometers cause even after 2 kilometers ,i still could not find the end of it.

I learn from the books , the territory of the family's is around 5000 kilometers but no information on the building size.

Anyway the place i am living now do not have much of people , even cousins i can meet just Lim Yu Chen and Lim He Xi.

They are both already 14 and 18 years old respectively so they did not interact with me that much.

Oh , my name this time should be Lim Fei Du.

Feydu seem normal to me.

So 2 years passed as i trained own my own based on my previous life experiences and getting used to the mansions. i went through the library ,training room and yards to learn and having bath and other kind without anyone interfering.

I came to a conclusions that i seem to born in a really good family but it make me wondering why a child like me is being allowed to roam alone and taking care of my own self.

One day my father and my mother called me to their room . They said i will get a sister tomorrow but i never seen my mother pregnant even now.

So they explained to me when i asked them about it. The replied i got something like...

" Father and mother met with the famous divine foreteller. She said that we will got a daughter chosen by the world to save the people and the world while another adopted daughter with talents that make all admire and can only gawk at her. "

" So you have to be good brother for them okay? , mother expect that you are a kind and sensible child. As you never ask anything from us. "

" Yeah, Father will give you much gifts if you do that okay? "

This even make me even more confused as why would they gave an info as to make a deal with me rather than just telling me about it.

Anyway i just readily nodded and accept it , because i don't even know what i wanted. Anything i needed from food, resources to get stronger , books and many others have been fulfilled. There is still more that i need to learn.

As tomorrow comes at the entrance door of mansion. Mother and father comes back from the work at afternoon and just going down from a dragon carriage. As this is the first time i saw it in this life i am quite shocked. They goes down with a little girl around 4 to 6 years old, she have a appearance similar to mother but not her face. Her face is far more exquisite and tempered . Mother really have a gentle face, father solemn but handsome. well its a good thing i have a good genes. But i think still lacking compared to this girl.

" Welcome back father , mother. and little sister? "

as i hesitate what her age , my sentences come out with awkward tone.

father was the first to reply.

" Yes , we're back. Here is Xiao Xue Yue. She is 7 years old."

" Yue Er, he is your little brother from now on. You both have to take care for each other cause father and mother will be quite busy for most of the time."

She smiled a bit while having a sad face , an obvious one that make me wondering what she have experienced. Her condition is not really good too as i seen her pale face, at first i thought it just her natural skin though.

" Mother and father have adopted me is already make me grateful. " while tears start to gather on the corner of her eyes.

As this unfolded in front of me , i began to ponder of what kind of action should i take.

mother gently put her hand on Xue's head and said " it must be hard on you but we are here for you. " then proceed to hug her as she start being affected by Xue Yue's sadness.

Father also crouching down to pet her head while saying nothing much aside " You can count on us."

" ..... " well, as i don't know anything, is a bit inappropriate to say anything right?. Even there something i can say , i don't know the right one to say.

Then we walked into the house while she goes to her room that being prepared yesterday, i goes with father and mother as they will told me the circumtances. At least thats what they said indirectly before. What they said was " We got something to tell you. "

Then we passed through a secret passage that i thought no one knows before when i explore the house and reach a secret room. Father is the first one to talk.

" Son , we have bad news and good news . "

" Uh um? ." I just feign ignorance.

" First this is about your sister. She have just escaped from death today. I never thought that girl is my old friend daughter. My friend told me no one knows about his daughter. He and his wife will escape through many teleportation arrays so they can't bring their daughter and asked me to raised her. Their enemies is as strong as your father here , at least our family could stand strong . They won't and can't do much to harm us. They definitely able to escape now ,unfortunately or fortunately he have my assistance. This matter should be keep quiet or secret to everyone in the family and outsider. Because her physique of dragon bloodline and phoenix , everyone at least most people will take any sacrifices needed to get her. And i hope you will help us take care of her. What do you say? . "

" Hmm, isn't it a matter of course? " i responded bluntly while confused. Confused of what a child like me can do. The enemies were that strong after all.

While father was relieved a bit, their face still have that solemn and serious aura.

This time mother turns.

" Son, it would be good if she can company you for the rest of your life but even if that not the case , in the future you still have to be good, okay? . In two years we will send you all to lower world to live there. Mother also checked to a doctor saying i have been pregnant for almost 2 months. The second sister you have.

( As she said till this point, it make me even more curious , what is this? what is the problem? what they mean? )

And lastly about you, You are not actually our son.

( Ah.. now i see why i have been much avoided. )

We found you on a night while descending down from the moon eclipse . We did not see anything as you descend. We took you in as our son and wanted to tell you when you get little older but time -... "

" Shss-huss." my father interupted her.

" So son, could you understand what we wanted to tell you? "

" Hmmm... " I don't know if i should say the truth or i just feign ignorance?. So i replied " Maybe? "

Then after a few more talks from the background of Xue Yue who is from another world, she also have a brother , blood related one but far more old than her , so he escaped with his parents.

Another info i got , the family will gather their most capable next year , at that time i could get to see the prowess of people here and broadening my knowledges.