
A Rising Hero - Fanmade MHA

In a world where superheroes, known as Pro Heroes, are revered, aspiring young individuals with extraordinary abilities train at prestigious institutions like UA High School to become the next generation of heroes. Among them is Koike, a shy and introspective girl who possesses the unique quirks of rapid healing and precognition. As Koike enters UA High School, she replaces Sato in Class 1-A and embarks on a journey filled with trials and challenges. Despite her insecurities and self-doubt, Koike strives to prove herself as a hero, drawing strength from her determination and unwavering resolve. Throughout the story, Koike navigates the complexities of high school life, forming bonds with her classmates while grappling with her own inner demons. From training exercises and exams to facing off against villains, Koike and her classmates endure numerous tests of strength, courage, and teamwork.

Invisible_Ghost · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter 2 - Understanding what it takes to be a hero

Laying on my bed scrolling through my phone. Reading the newest chapter on "Tales of the Forgotten." It's a sad book honestly. Anyway, I get a notification on my phone from an old friend, Ike.

"Guess who just asked me out on a date!!! 💞💞"


Before I could catch who asked her out on this fantastic date, my father called for me.

I leaped from my bed, flinging my legs off the bed. I ran to my door opening it quickly making the soft creak as it always did. That small sound was what made my room, mine. 

I rushed down the hallway, passing door after door after door. I made it to the stairs and I raced down them faster than normal. Since well, I have an idea of what he may say to me. A small smile formed on my face.

As I made it to the bottom of the stairs I took a second to breathe and then I walked to the living room.

The room was spacious. A few paintings, mainly of hero costumes for my father's work, and 2 that were of nature places. 1 in Norway the other in Greece. It was simple but beautiful. They were also extremely old, the countries don't even look a bit like the ones in the portraits.

There were a few small plants, yes they are real. 1 of our maids takes good care of them. There is a big white couch that curves connecting to the other couch. There is a smaller white couch that doesn't curve on either side. Then we have a white recliner. Mainly for my dad so no one sits there on purpose. 3 end tables are black with a few small decorations but mostly empty. Lastly, a coffee table that is also black. Empty except for a vase always holding my mother's favorite flowers; Zinnias. They are flowers that can be found in a shade of green, she loved them because they matched her eyes. 

Sadly they mainly come in red or pink sre expensive. Though my father always says; "We're too rich for it to affect us." Always scares me whenever he says that type of stuff...

The moment I enter the room my father looks as proper as ever. His dark brown hair pushed back into a slick style. His suit was as clean as it ever was. Black blazer, black dress pants. His dress shoes are also black. With a white undershirt and his iconic dark green tie. That was certainly my father.

"You called?" I walked over to where he was standing in front of his recliner. Making his recliner look like a thrown. He was fixing his tie when he looked up at me and stopped fixing it.

"Yes, Koike. I have some great news." A small smile was on his face. He always smiles but tries to hide it whenever he's been working on it for a while. That smile caught my interest.

My lips part slightly from noticing his smile. Making me do a small smile in return. But he probably saw it as a big smile since it got him smiling a lot bigger. This news was important to him. "What news?"

"Well, you'll probably guess it after I point this out." My eyes widened a little, he caught my attention. "You know how you always wanted to be a hero?"

Those words sent a rocket of joy and my eyes widened and I dropped open. That smile of his grew. "You didn't..."

He nodded and outstretched his arms, he was offering a hug.

I took that, I ran into his arms giving him a hug that I knew he would understand; I'm so happy! "You got me a recommendation for UA?"

He was laughing now. "Of course, you always wanted to be a hero. This is the best I can do for everything you've done so far."

I shook my head pulling away from the hug. I smiled happily. "This may be the best thing you've ever given me, but.." I didn't finish my statement as my father handed me the letter. This was for the best. I don't think I could figure out how to say thank you or you've been the best father I or anyone could have. But I'd hold my tongue.

I looked down at the letter. The words at the top:


We are pleased to inform you that your recommendation for your daughter has been accepted! We are excited to see your daughter take the entrance exam, which is scheduled to take place on x, x, xx. This is a great opportunity for her to showcase her skills and abilities, and we look forward to seeing her there. Best of luck in her preparations!

 - UA

I reread it a few times before it finally hit me. I did a small sigh of relief. I never thought this would happen. I clench the paper lightly, never wanting to let it go. 

My father patted me on the head. I looked up and he turned to grab his briefcase. I watch as he waves to me. Like this is the last gift he'll ever give me. I watch him leave the house. Holding the note tightly, before I look back at it. I reread it a few more times. I smile softly.

I look over at the TV noticing it's been left on. Before I can grab the remote to turn it off I watch as a random kid, around my age runs into the street. Running towards a monster that looks like slime. He began pulling on the slime as if he could pull it off. The kid who was trapped in the monster looked like he was yelling at him. I don't know what he was saying but he was mad.

Suddenly when the monster is about to attack the boy, All Might appears. My mouth drops. Shocked. He punches the monster blowing it away along with changing the weather from a sunny day to a rainy day. I watched in amazement. That kid looked like he needed help and the only one who tried anything was a boy who seemed almost quirkless.

I stared at the TV until the topic changed, I grabbed the remote and proceeded to turn off the TV. Left with a strange feeling. Not sure how to react. It didn't seem anyone at the moment realized that the boy only ran into the fight because he wanted to help his classmate. I look down at my watch and back at the TV.

"Why did that boy... do that?" That's all I could say. It was honestly amazing. I sighed softly, then proceeded to head back to my room. Pulling out my phone to see what Ike said...


Final Notes-

Long title card! Scares me sometimes...

So next episode we'll be focusing on the training part! Sorry again for this being long. I understand how annoying long chapters are. You're just sitting there like, honey why are you still dragging this ON???

Btw you'll never know who Ike got asked out by, it doesn't add to the plot so it was just a small fun detail, you know?

Again thank you for reading this and this extra note. I'm honestly trying to make this seem as connected to the story right now. Until we make it to the first day of UA; you won't see Midoriya or Bakugo. So I think that small detail will tie everything more. 😗