
A Naruto Fan ends up in BNHA

Guy gets reincarnated into the wrong world. Disclaimer: None of the characters written in this fanfic are mine. It belongs to Horikoshi-sama. Disclaimer 2: I don't own the Cover Pic also...just an FYI head-up.

mugen95 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs

Chapter 8

I am back at the beach trying to use the <One for All> quirk without hurting myself, which is proving to be a headache and a huge let down. I was more disappointed in myself than the quirk. Well, I couldn't just blame a non-living thing just because I'm not strong enough to use it.

It was not a total loss though. When I activated the quirk and punched, even the sea had parted for a moment, but I broke my arm and had to visit an old nurse who All Might introduced me to me as Shuzenji Chiyo or Recovery Girl. But why still girl though??

This really intrigues me... is it a rule that, there is a person and an old lady at that, named Chiyo in the medical sector, in every universe? Damn that's creepy. What's even more creepy is the fact she kisses people to make their 'boo boos' go away. Anyway I manage to steal a hair, which proved to be the most difficult task as her hair was in a tight bun.

Her quirk proved to be the most important in my collection. They only drawback is a loss of energy in your body or the current stamina. But that is a small price to pay for the advantages the quirk gives, also I have a lot of stamina.(*wink*)

I had replaced the binging balls quirk with the <heal> quirk. Now I can use my quirk without any problem...or so I thought. Every time I use <one for all> and my arm breaks in the same place, it takes longer than the previous time to fully heal.

Thank god I used my left hand, I don't think I'm good enough to fight without my right arm. Although I could defeat villains with just my legs and other copied quirks, I do like my dominant hand cause it feels correct when I punch a straight with my right than my left, which I use only jabs and elbows.

I had just finishing my warm down exercise and was heading back home when I saw All Might in his skeleton form training...wait, what the fūck!? Deku?! But how? The scene was as it is in the anime, just that he was still not able to push cupboards and refrigerators.

I was hella curious, I went there and greeted All Might, "Yo Sensei! What's goin' on over here? MAZAKA!! Sensei is cheating on me with another student!? Sensei how could you?" All Might changed into his 'super' form and repleid hurriedly, "Oi Oi! Monoma-shonen, please don't give young Midoriya here strange ideas... I have been giving him some training. He had shown some promise and kept his promise even after finding out my secret."

All Might explained everything about his training. It seems he did not get the quirk but was just training for the supports and sidekick course. Well that made sense, the lil' shit would make a decent sidekick. If nothing he has excellent observation capacity and has a bit of courage I guess.

*sigh* Who am I kidding? The guy might be a shitty hero, but a damn fine sidekick. He would probably be one of the best on and off site. An idea struck me. I made a serious face "Midoriya is it? I have a small test for you. If you pass it, I promise to take you as my side kick when I go pro. If sensei himself sees something in you then you gotta prove it sound fair."

The boy froze for a second and then squeaked happiness written across his face, "Hai!" I nodded and continued. "I will show you a number of quirks and you have to tell me what the quirk is and how they work. And at the last you have to guess my quirk. Ah! that already is a clue. Okay you will get 10 minutes." When I said that, he nodded as if piecing together a puzzle.

I showed him each quirk slowly and carefully. He came near me and walked around me and started a murmur which irritated All Might but I found it fascinating. He was thinking of so many possibilities in hyper speed. I think I have to take this shi- no, Midoriya seriously.

I could tell he already figured some of them, especially the <explosion> quirk, no doubt it has haunted him even in his nightmares.

After his given time he had named all the quirks but was confused about the wooden swords, I told him not to worry since even I had limited information on it.

"So did you figure out my quirk?" I asked grinning at him. My opinion of him has completely changed. He just needed some guidance and support. But don't take it that I'm growing soft. Its just that I usually don't like to judge people on limited information. But I admit I was a little prejudiced and a little pissed off at his character at first. But it was not entirely his fault. The boom boom guy is gonna get the ass-whooping of the lifetime he deserves, one of these days.

I still don't like him. But its not like I hate him, its just that I can just stand him and understand where he is coming from and what he had gone through.

His murmuring stopped and nodded with an uncertain expression on his face, "Do you copy quirks?" I simply nodded and told him about my quirk. Then I showed him the strands of hair around my fingers, which All Might told me to ask permission from the owners the next time I did so.

I just nodded and dint say anything. Pfft! As if I would do that. "Well, a promise is a promise. And you have proved yourself so yeah." I said lamely. He shook my hands eagerly, snot dripping from his nose. Eeesh!

All Might exclaimed, as if remembering something, "Ah yes! Before I forget, Monoma-shonen. In the entrance test you will be using only your secondary quirk <one for all>. Not your <copy> quirk. I know you can do it. Just squeeze your butt and swing with all your might and shout at the top of your lung 'SMASH!' ".

"What?! But-" something he said struck me deep in my core. He said " 'your' secondary quirk". My... secondary quirk. My...quirk. My quirk, not copied!

I clenched my fist and jumped it in the air screaming, "YEAAAAH!!!"