
Chapter 7

The next day...

All might told me to meet him in the same beach as the anime where he trained Deku. I showed him my daily routine and my Muy-thai practice, he told my to take of my shirt. I did so knowing that he was inspecting my muscles and structure and he was thoroughly satisfied.

Duh... He should be. I had followed a regimen that will bring me close to All Mights body structure, sans the bulging muscles and the monstrous power whuch comes with it. Instead I am going the power-speed route. A mix between All-might and.... well someone fast. I kinda feel guilty taking his chance but I actually am not too affected by it. Talking about the moss head, I wonder what he is going to do with his life, now that he doesn't have any power. hmmm... Meh, who cares, I have my own problems.

All Might then pulled one hair and gave it to me and said, "Kue!" I take it without hesitation and swallow it. "So that's it... I don't feel diff- WOAH!!" The whole world was spinning for one second and then came to rest. I was sitting on the ground, a hand on my head.

The big guy was crouching next to me, a worried look on his face, "Monoma-shonen are you alright? Tell me if you feel something weird or bad?" "Its okay sensei- may I call you sensei?" I asked smirking. "Ha! You are alright then. You gave me a scare there. And of course you can."he said.

I nodded and did my routine again and told him the difference I had felt. Everything was easy to do. "It seems the quirk assimilated faster than I imagined and you are already using it passively. I suggest not drawing anymore power from the get go. gradually increase it."

"Monoma-shonen, you have ten months to make this quirk yours, I know you have other priorities...BUT! To be No.1 you need to be at the top of your game and I'm sure you will make me proud."

I had gone back home after promising not to tell anyone about it, even mom.


4 months later...

3rd person PoV...

"...BLAZE! BLAZE! BLAZE! BLAZE!" The crowd was going nuts, they jumped each time they chanted his name. In the back stage: Monoma, was bobbing his head to ever 'Blaze' the crowd outside was chanting. This was his first concert and was slightly nervous, but the crowd calling him out relaxed him. Knowing so many people- nearly 50,000 fans waiting for him and his band, The Hellblazrs.

He put the earpiece he was given and cracked his knuckles. He turned to his band mates which consisted of Mr.Jiro and his former band, "Ready Jiro-san? Guys?" he asked them. "Mattaku! Call me Kyo already... What's this 'Jiro-san' crap?" The lead guitarist told him in fake exasperation and grinned.

The stepped out to the deafening sound of the crowds roar of excitement.....


3 hours later...

A car was waiting for us to drop us off at the airport. It took us a couple of hours to reach home and finally relax.

"... and then we finished the show with our last song 'Highway to Hell'(originally by AC/DC). It was so awesome! you should have been there mom." We were having dinner at home. Mom made my favourite, stuffed Onigiris. My favourite used to be Ramen, but when coming to this world and eating the first food made by mom, my preferences changed.

I went to my room and finished my homework. Even if I'm a celebrity rockstar, it doesn't give me leave from my studies. *sigh*


5 months later....

All Might helped out with my training and gave tips on fighting villains which proved out to be very useful. Gotta give the guy credit, he does know his stuff. After all, he has years of experience under his belt. It would be foolish not to heed his words.

I am at the recording studio where the band is golding a press conference. Jiro-san is acting as our manager.

Jiro-san got up and announced, "Okay, settle down. Before starting, I would like to ask all of you to be courteous and patient. We will be answering as many questions as legally possible. And if all goes well and you guys behave properly, I promise to take you all for BBQ and beer. What do you say?"

There was laughter and a cheer from the people gathered...

Reporter 1: "There is a rumour that the band's splitting up. Is this true?

Jiro-san: "No no. Our lead singer Monoma Neito is going to take a break. Our band will be playing the older songs that we used to play.

Reporter 2: "What would Mr.Monoma AKA 'Blaze' be doing when he is going on leave? Will he be taking a vacation?

Me: "Uhh... I will be answering that. Since I just finished my junior highschool, I will be attending the U.A. Hero academy next month."

There were bursts of camera flashes clicking away facing me. Damn that's annoying... But that is the price of fame. Oh well. There were murmurs and excited phone calls to their bosses.

Reporter 3: "Mr.Monoma is it true you saved a boy from danger a few months ago. Can you tell us what happened?"

There was another excited murmur and a blast of flashes.

Me: "There was nothing special about though.. I just saw a person in trouble and no one was able to do anything. I had the power to help. So I just did what my heart told me to do.

Reporter 4: "And if you don't mind me asking... What did your heart tell you?"

Me: "Of course, not at all. You see I follow a policy, a self rule if one could call it. If you can help someone without harming or getting in other people's way, do it. 'With great power comes great responsibility'. That's what my mom always tell me.

Reporter 2: "Is it true you live with your mom? And that she got a divorce 2 years before? How do you feel about it? Did you fall into music to distract yourself?"

Jiro-san made to answer but I told him it was okay and I could handle it...

Me: "Yes. I do live with my Mom. She is the person I respect, love and adore the most in the world. They had gotten a divorce because it dint work out, as simple as that. They made their choices, I won't interfere in it. I get all the love from my mom, my band and all my fans out there. That is enough for me. So I won't be loosing any sleep over that."

Everyone present gave a lighthearted chuckle and a few nods of approval. My bandmates looked a proudly at me for handling the situation so well.

Me: "Coming to your last questions, I did not 'fall' into music to distract myself, no. Music pulled me, it was just a hobby. But after I met Mr.Jiro Kotoku, my mentor, bandmate and manager, it became my passion. And it is thanks to him I'm here."

Reporter 4: "Is it true you have multiple quirks? Many people are speculating what you quirk is. Can you tell us more about it?"

Me: "Haha...I do not have multiple quirks, but I will not be discussing my quirk. You can ask permission from UA after I join there and you can get it from them."

There were few more questions and then we wrapped up the session. We took them to lunch as promised and even I had a great time. Jiro-san had already booked the whole restaurant for lunch. Some guys, even the restaurant staff started asking autographs and selfies, to which I obliged.

All in all it was a fun day and I ate a ton. I considered today to be a cheat-day.

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