
Chapter 29

He's awake, damn it.

She can hear him in the lab and the sudden silence of the clock informs her it's too late. With a sigh of resignation, she takes the stairs down to the lab.

'Tony,' she calls out when the door opens for her. 'It's time to go to sleep.'

He doesn't look up from where he's coding something. "Finally calmed down?"

She splutters. 'I was calm!'

"Sure you were," he says as he finishes writing and turns to look at her. "So?"

She tilts her head, and he sighs. "Have you come to a decision?"

Squinting at him, she speaks slowly. 'About what, exactly?'

"Are you going to be dense, once again?" he says, throwing his hands out.

'Hey, it's not like you proposed anything. I can't read your—okay, well, I can. But I won't. I've got morals and that."

He sighs once again, looking up at the ceiling for long seconds before turning to her. "Okay, fair. I'm used to people being more direct and not having to spell these things out because of how obvious they are—"

'Okay, get to the point,' she grumbles, crossing her tiny paws.

"Would you like to go out with me?"

Shit. This is harder than she thought it would be. What does she say to some direct question? He's her first friend in this world and doesn't want to damage that relationship by being hasty.

Okay, maybe being honest will work.

'Look,' she starts, but Tony cuts her with a "Huh, first time I've got rejected after being legal."


"One does not start with that word and tone without wanting to let the other down. Believe me, I know. I said it a lot of times." He doesn't seem to be affected, yet she can feel the hurt coursing through him. "Can I ask why?"

'That's what I was going to say until you interrupted me, you know?' she says dryly and he waves his hand, motioning her to continue. 'Okay, look. One, I'm a different species.'

"I don't care, I'm pan. I thought it meant all human, but apparently it includes literal aliens, too."

She glares. "Are you going to let me continue?'

At his sheepish shrug, she does so. 'Two, I think we don't know each other enough. True, it's been almost two months, but I think we latched onto each other as soon as we met and that's not really healthy for a relationship.' Before he can ask, she continues, 'I just came into this world and you suffered a great trauma when we met. I helped you and even if you don't believe it, you helped me, too. So we clung onto each other.'

"Huh," it's all he says.

'If we're interested in being together after I'm self-sufficient and you're better, we can try it. I'm not an expert in relationships, as I've never been in a serious one before. And basically, I don't want to jump into anything without being serious about it. You're my friend and I don't want to lose our friendship just for something that might not last long.'

Her nervous monologue seems to get him contemplative. She knows he's stubborn, but he's also a genius, so there's a high chance he will accept her proposal of waiting.

She watched as his hurt feelings slowly morphed into doubt, and then hardened into determination.

She kind of feels guilty for being able to know what he feels, but she can't turn this off. Maybe if she had a higher degree of control, she could block the emotion sensing but as it was, she can't lower it further.

At least she's not reading his mind. That would get invasive and awkward pretty quickly.

"Okay, I see you've got a couple of well thought arguments, so I'll accept to wait because you might be right." He sighed, running a hand through his face. I'm aware that my mental health isn't in an ideal place right now. I may not be good at expressing my feelings, but I'm thankful for the amount of thought you're putting into this—into what we could be, and into caring for me.

'You're my friend, Tony. My well-being is important, true; but you're, too.'

He nods. "Okay, then we'll wait. I don't think I'll change opinion, but I'm able to wait for us to be in a better headspace before trying anything."

"Thank you," she says with a smile as she flies next to him.

He pats her head as he sighs. "Though I admit feeling a bit disappointed."

Her smile widens. 'Don't be afraid to find someone for a casual night out. I don't mind. We're not a couple and you must be frustrated, as you've been a playboy for so long. Being without it must be hell.'

He coughs in his hand. "Hey, now you make it sound like I'm some sex maniac."

She shrugs. 'I'm not judging. I didn't know old you, after all. Also, I get that news about you were exaggerated, but the stories must have had a hint of truth because of how constant they were and they all said how much of a playboy you were.'

He groans loudly as he covers his upper face with a hand. "I knew those comments would come to bite me in the ass someday, but… I changed, you know."

'I know. I hadn't known the previous version of you, so I can't comment on that, but I very much enjoyed getting to know the Tony I met.'

She can see the subtle smile curling his lips as he didn't bother covering that part of his face.

"Still, I don't think it's fair."

She tilts her head. 'Why not?'

With a sigh, he takes his hand away and looks at her. "Never had I expected to feel such possessiveness, given that I had been in multiple relationships or had been in open relationships. I always thought myself of open-minded guy, so—"

'Tony, you're rambling.'

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I don't know how to say it without sounding sexist as hell, but…"

When he trails off for longer than she thought he would, she continues for him. "You don't want me to date others I get?"

He let out a loud exhale, as if someone had just punched him in the stomach. Still, he cringes as he mutters, "Yeah, that's why I said it wouldn't it be fair. Sorry."

She shrugs. 'Eh, frankly, I don't mind. As I've told you before, I'm not interested in playing around, so you don't have to worry about me being in a relationship. And I said it before, right? I don't mind you being with others.'

"That attitude makes me want to make you jealous."

She huffs. 'Yeah, not happening. I'm not demeaning our friendship or anything, just being honest.'

"That doesn't help at all."

'Tough. I am open-minded and have never felt jealousy over anything. Seriously, I wouldn't even mind an open relationship. Polyamory is a thing here, too, right?'

"Er. I've been hearing about it lately, so I more or less know what you mean. I don't think it being socially accepted yet, though? At least, I haven't heard of legal cases of it happening."

'Huh. Well, I wouldn't mind being in a relationship with more people.'

He raises an eyebrow. "You between two or more men, you mean? Kinky."

She shrugs. 'I wouldn't mind if there's a woman or a man, actually. I just prefer men over women. Having seen the woman's body too often, I find it dull.

"Dull, huh?" Tony seems way too amused by the turn of conversation. "Really? I think you being with other women would be hot."

'If there's not a man in between, I don't think I would enjoy it.'

She's not sure if she would even be able to enjoy herself with a man, so she wants to explore and experiment with her new body first.

"You haven't said you're not attracted to other women and you do know strap-ons are a thing, right?"

"I'm not blind; women are hot too.' She rolls her eyes. 'Also, it's not because there's no dick, but because I just don't like the sensation of boobs. Like, I don't even like other women hugging me because our boobs touch each other and it's just ew.'

He coughs. "Yeah, I don't think it's fair to speak about things like this, either."

She cocks her head to the side just in time to see him fixing his pants.


'Er. Yeah, we probably should go to sleep.' When she sees his raised eyebrow, she can help but add hastily, 'Not together! Ugh! Go to your room if you don't want me to Sing to you, right now.'

He chuckles, but stands up. "Sure, sure."



Reviews fill my soul with motivation :D

Also if you wanna read up to 8 chapters ahead, go to my p-a-treon/JorieDS