
A Jedi Reborn: A Star Wars Story

Set in an alternate reality of the universe of Star Wars, Yuji, the son of a Jedi must cross the Galaxy with a Jedi Master and a Mandalorian to reunite the Jedi Order and regain the Galaxy from the Sith Lord’s hands. However, when they seek to overthrow the Empire, they find out many obstacles that stands against them, but do they really stand against the Galaxy? - - - - - - Instagram: @the_real_dark_fox (For latest news about my novels)

The_Dark_Fox · ภาพยนตร์
4 Chs

C2: Anju

"The brother of Goku and Yume. The son of the white Jedi, Hashiro." The stranger spoke. It was a 'she,' whoever she was... and she fucking knew me! She knew Goku. She knew Yume. She knew that I was the son of Hashiro. And if she knew all that, she was definitely a fucking Sith! But how, how did she find me? Last time I saw, no one had the knowledge of me and mom being alive. Not even Yume. But, there was no time to ponder about that. I had to make a quick move.

The thing that was within my hand's reach was the battery, so my hand instantly went for it.

"AGH!" I took it and threw it into the stranger's face, before turning around to run.

Welp, she caught it in a whim. I wasn't expecting to take down a Sith with a broken down battery anyway.

I ran across the bar, pushing through the crowd of people. I was sweating. What was I supposed to do? Every day, I hear news about Jedi dying. The lost families exterminated one by one. And today, was gonna be mine.

I couldn't even take a look behind me, because the fear was kicking in.

The only thing that separated me from the outside was the glass window that had a nice view of the outside, just beside a table. I didn't hesitate. I leapt right into the window.

CRASSHH! The window shattered and it caught the attention of everyone in the club. I heard some whores screaming as I leapt out. Some pieces of glass pierced my skin, but that didn't matter to me at that moment.

"Wait! Fool... Wait!" The stranger screamed. Why the fuck should I stop? Is she stupid or something.

I jumped off the steps to the entrance and landed on the road. I'm a good runner, and I could possibly outrun this person too.

Nothing mattered to me at that moment. I just wanted to run. I couldn't possibly stop my legs, and my only target was to run out of the Sith's sight. I ran for about a minute without looking back. The rapid footsteps behind me gradually decreased, meaning I was far from her. *Yes... I can do it,* I thought. And then, I looked back.

BUMP! I bashed into someone from the front, and whatever it was, it was like a metallic barrier. I gazed at the person standing in-front of me, but because of the rain, his face was all blurry. But... Anyone could tell who it was by gazing at that helmet. It was a Mandalorian.

"No... No," I tried to back away in the ground, but the road was too slippery. My hands slipped and I fell face first on the road. I couldn't outrun him. And... the next thing I knew, he was holding a gun towards me.



The lights started to come again, is this Heaven? I asked myself. Are the so-called Gods of the Stars real?

"Aren't you gonna tell him now?"

"I am... Idiot," a woman's voice replied to that faint voice I heard before. It took me a minute to figure out to whom that voice belonged to...

"No..." I mumbled.

"What the fuck!?" I tried to move, but... Nothing happened. Only then did I notice the chains that had been tied to my hands. Those were inescapable.

"The fuck!? Why are you doing this to me? Why didn't you kill me already?" I screamed out, almost tearing my eyes. I was sure... they were going to torture me to death, monsters!

Suddenly, a man appeared.

He was wearing a black cape, a suit of armour and he had one hell of a serious look on his face. He had black hair, and bangs of hair covering his forehead. But... By the black armour, I could already tell who he was. The Mandalorian of course.

"Kid... Chill the fuck out. We came here to talk to you, not to hurt you. And that there... Is not any of the Siths," the man spoke, pointing at the woman who was standing behind him.

Gorgeous red hair that dropped down from her sides, and fair as an angel. Damn... That was a gorgeous woman. But... Who the fuck was she if she wasn't a Sith?

I gazed at her and asked, "Who are you?"

She smiled and closed her eyes.

"I... Am a Jedi Master. A friend of your fathers," she said with a smirk.

I couldn't believe my eyes. A living Jedi? Meeting me? How did this even happen... Though, I wasn't just gonna believe it.

"Prove it." I said.

She took out a lightsaber from her pocket and showed it to me. "This here... Was your father's Lightsaber."

The words made my heart raise a bit. Instantly, a question came to me. "Did you fought against my father? Were you there... When the Sith took him out?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied. "But... I wasn't there when the Sith murdered him. He knew that it was the end of him, so he gave me his lightsaber... And told me to run. You know what he took to fight the Sith? An old crane... he was a man, your father. A fine man." She lowered her head in grief.

But, just hearing those words made me happy. Even though he is dead, his soul will live forever inside the heart's of the millions he saved.

"Ha... Dad was a good person. Even though I don't have enough memories of him, just hearing mom speak about him makes me... Wonder." I said to the woman.

It reminded me, I still didn't know the reason she would come to meet me, or her name. Or why she was working with a Mandalorian, though the answer for that was obvious.

"So... Why did you come to meet me? Just to give that?" I asked, looking down at the lightsaber.

"Well... no. I want you to take it. As in... 'Take it.'" She repeated the sentence for some reason. Take it? I wondered.

"Ok..." I muttered awkwardly.

"She wants you to join us..." the Mandalorian spoke.

I turned to him in a confused expression. "Join you with what?"

The Mandalorian didn't answer me, simply turned to the Jedi and said, "Anju... All yours. Not my problem." I couldn't figure out why he was scared to tell me that to my face... But, I could tell why.

"Join the rebellion... You know them, right? Us, who fights the Empire to take back our freedom. The freedom to live and enjoy life. Not this, rat-shit lives we spend in these gutters. We need to rebel against the Sith, and kill her."

I was left speechless. For years, I thought I wouldn't even have a chance against the Empire. For years, I thought that I wouldn't even get a life beyond this rathole, and now... This woman is asking me to join the rebels?

"But... To restore the Order, we need more Jedi," I said.

"And you think you're the only survivor?" The woman smiled at me. The words took me aback. Everyone I've ever met, told me that all the Jedi were dead, and there was no hope. But... Now, she was there, telling me that there is more. Not to mention that she was one herself.

"But... How?"

"How... How aren't there any survivors? There were many Jedi when the Order fell. And, most of the survivors are what you call the Dark Jedi now, or the Siths. No matter what, we need to bring an end to this, mass murdering, child abuse, power abuse, and every fucked up thing the Empire is doing to this Galaxy." Anju, the Jedi answered me.

The Mandalorian came to me and removed the metal straps fixed to my arms and let me loose. I finally relaxed. For a moment there, I even forgot that I was tied up with metal straps to be honest.

"So... Miss, Anju?"

"No, just call me Anju."

Anju... Hmm... First time hearing a name like this. I wonder what species she is.

She gazed at my confused face and this must've been a common reaction, because she said, "I'm Human. A weird species from faraway."

Human... First time I had heard of that too.

Time had passed by and it was already 11pm. Mom must've been freaking out back home, because it was past 10 even, the usual time I go back home.

"I..." I turned to Anju and the Mandalorian to ask for their permission to leave, but after hearing this, I wasn't even sure if it was safe to leave my house or not. "Should I go?"

Anju raised an eyebrow at me. "Go home?"

"Yeah, my Mom must be freaking out back home. I can't... I mean, leave her. Especially after what has happened here. Are you wanted from the Empire?" I asked her out of curiosity.

"Of course not, how would I walk around like this if I am."

"But... Your face is just hidden under a hood. Don't they know your alive?" I asked.

She stared into my eyes and said, "Kid... If they knew I was alive, I won't be alive. So, don't use the force. Don't use a lightsaber in public. And... Don't fuck it up and blow up your cover. We have to keep our heads down... at least for now."

She was true. If we blew up our cover right now, we were doomed.

"Kid... Your mom must be waiting for you back home," the Mandalorian said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded to Koge, the Mandalorian. Time was running out, though I wondered how he knew about my mom. Well... They were rebels.

I came out of the place where they kept me locked, which was apparently some kind of a basement. We were inside a small house, probably used as a hideout or something. It looked like a regular old house. Made from an old wood that often creaked with every step I took.

"Yuuji... Take care of yourself. And... Tomorrow morning, come back to this place," Anju said to me as I walked down the steps of the house.

"Ok..." I muttered.

After getting off the house, I turned back to get a good look at the house and it's surroundings. It wasn't much familiar, though these roads were. Mr. Gorge's house was only a few houses away and my mom often go their, for some reason... The old alien did have a robot surgery a while ago, maybe it was the reason, because Mom was a good robot surgeon. (A doctor who specifies in replacing human parts with robotic parts in certain incidents.)


Koge entered the house after Yuuji left and sat on the couch. Anju followed in, and stood in the middle of the living room.

"Koge, where are the batteries?"

Koge looked up at Anju, worried. "What? Are we going off planet tomorrow?"

Anju sighed. She leaned down and started to put some firewood to the fireplace in the living room. "Of course not. We can't go off planet yet. Not without the kid trained," she said.

"But, what is your plan? How are you gonna train the kid. And don't forget... A few more days, a Sith or even a fucking Imperial Droid would hunt us down. Not to mention, Grevious is on our tail too," Koge reminded Anju of the hundreds problems stuck up their asses.

"Yes yes... But if we succeed to kill the Sith, Goku and Yume... We will win. And this kid, he must be the key! Just maybe... With this guy against Goku and Yume, we might have a chance," she said.


Author's Note:

If you guys love this, and want more... comment below! Vote with power stones! And I will consider continuing the book!