
A Jedi Reborn: A Star Wars Story

Set in an alternate reality of the universe of Star Wars, Yuji, the son of a Jedi must cross the Galaxy with a Jedi Master and a Mandalorian to reunite the Jedi Order and regain the Galaxy from the Sith Lord’s hands. However, when they seek to overthrow the Empire, they find out many obstacles that stands against them, but do they really stand against the Galaxy? - - - - - - Instagram: @the_real_dark_fox (For latest news about my novels)

The_Dark_Fox · ภาพยนตร์
4 Chs

C1: The Dump

Tohio District, planet GENSHI

Day, 3033 June 11 - Night

"Kid! Be back before midnight... and please, don't mess with the Imperials." My mom yelled down the stairs as I continued to walk out of the house.

I looked back only to say, "Be right back mom!"

Of course, I wasn't going to come back to the house anytime soon. To be honest, it's really boring in the house. Nothing to do. No job. Just living off from the food and the goods that have been handed over by those rich assholes who live in the skies.

I was one of the poor people, one of the poor kids to be exact. But... Every human finds their 'thing.' So did I. Even after all of those things happened to me. Even after my dad, a Jedi, was slaughtered by the New Republic and my family was thrown into the gutters of Genshi, I found myself a life.

I walked out of the house, filled with roots that had been growing out of the tiles, cracked walls, and the greasy floors which were a result of the broken down ceiling. The outside was... Just as messed up as the inside. It's the district of sewer rats.

Just as I walked out, a drone-like bot arrived at the doorstep. It was a familiar chunk of metal. B2. The droid I found at the Garbage Dump just down the district, 2 years back.

"Huh... B2, where the fuck were you man, I was looking for you all morning." I shook my head in disappointment as I walked down the stairs right outside my doorstep. I stepped out into the edge of the steep before my house and stared at the view.

There it stood.

The district of Tohio. Right in front of me.

The skies above me were shifting, and slowly... The rain started to pour into the district. As I gazed at the sky, the clouds spat right on my face. I smiled. Raindrops gently slid down my cheeks. Fuck this life...


B2 was going crazy or something, probably because it was raining. I stared at him and said, "Bear with it."


"Yeah... Fuck you too, B2."

We walked down from the house to the old town. The city was vast, with large buildings everywhere, but it was based on eco-friendly concepts... If you would like to call them that. I'd like to call them the nature of the utter gutters though.

The night had already fallen in, and rain was pouring down now. The lights dimly shone on the streets, which gave the district the usual creepy look. Not many citizens owned a car in the district, so it was very rare to see headlights lighting up the street.

B2 and I walked down the street to our usual spot. The Garbage Dump.

Actually, for the poor people down in Tohio, even the Garbage was worth it. People gather around those wasted metal scraps to put them together and create things or sell them if they had any value. I have a good eye, and B2 always kept an eye on the times when the Garbage ship came and went. And just when it dumped its next pile of metallic trash, we dive in to fetch it.

"B2... Found anything worth taking from the Dump?" I asked B2 as we walked through the street towards the Dump.


The bot responded in his way and shook his tiny head. Then, I looked down the street only to see some bad news.

"Huh!? Stormtroopers! What the fuck are they doing here?" I turned to B2.

He stared at me too, as if he was also confused. However, there were only a few. So, the problem must've been minor. If it was something like finding a Jedi... A sith would definitely arrive. Still... I pulled up my hood and hid myself.

We hurried down to the Dump through a gap between two large buildings and entered the second route to the Dump. The Dump was the lowest part of the town, and it was infested with all sorts of assholes. Grunts, Monocroles, Roths, and Fennecks. All of them were traders and junk collectors.

So, it was quite a race to steal the best equipment down there.

"B2... Be on the lookout for the Stormtroopers while I fish out something good. It's only been 10 minutes since the last Dump, right?"

B2 nodded.

"Great news... Time to kick some Roth ass. Laters B2."

I walked down the entrance to the Dump. It was a mess, the whole street. Roots growing out of the streets, roadways cracked, and yeah... Eco-friendly baby!

As always, the Dump was a dump. People living there had the kind of faces you would expect from a person who lives near a Garbage Dump. Though, they are extremely suspicious. Most of those aliens seemed like they were high on drugs and had masturbated 5 times before arriving there.

"Oi... Orknok!" One of those shorties totally wrapped up in black cloths stared at me. He was wearing some heat signature goggles, probably to help him find some good stuff from the Dump.

I didn't make a sound, just passed by him.

Finally, I was there. I was standing on an elevated place, right in front of the great hole that looked like the depth of the Grand Canyon of Planet Zhame...

"Oi... Yuuji? What the fuck are you doing here? I thought you weren't gonna come to the Dump on Thursdays." A familiar voice echoed behind me.

I turned, only to see Gus's face. The fat old guy who worked at the Dump, Night and Day. Jeez, wonder how that guy's life is going...

He was a Blorton, a species of fat old aliens. (They just look like fat old aliens since birth... Poor species.)

"Oh... Gus," I started to scratch the back of my head. Of course, this motherfucker would show up, how could I have forgotten?

"Mhm... Now, it's a good time to pay up for that 200 units you left me hanging on. So...?"

"Ugh — Today's Dump is a big one, right? Surely, there is much valuable stuff down there. So, why not I go check it and find us both an engine or two?" I smirked.

Gus narrowed his eyes. "I can't trust a rat like you... But anyway, run along. A few Roths already went in. Get ready to take some punches." Gus turned around and walked away from the Dump to his guard tower once again.

He was a dirty old man, but somewhere down in that greasy ass flesh bag of his, there was a heart. I turned around and stared at the bottom of the Dump. Sure enough, there were like 3 Roths circling the spot.

"Hmm... Suckers." I got the hook from the back of my belt and hooked it up to the metal cable that was fixed to the deepest spot in the Dump. I jumped off.

SWOOSH! On a whim, I was at the bottom of the Dump.

Jesus, the trash over there. I'm pretty sure I saw some thighs of a robot prostitute... Only if someone with a robot kink was in town these days, I could've sold it for 2000 units.

I gazed over the pile of trash only to see those disgusting Roths collecting some scraps of metal, which, I'm pretty sure was damn worthless. I don't know why these assholes collect those.

And as always, I cheated.

I took it off my pocket. A device that reacts to even the lowest energy that comes from an object. And if it reacts, jackpot! I'm going home with 250 units at least... Which was enough to keep our stomachs full for 4 days. Though, most of the time, the device doesn't even show a light.

"Come on... Gimme something, anything!" I muttered to myself as I started to climb to the top of the pile, wavering the device around the garbage pile and... Bam! The device reacted.

BEEP BEEP! The reactor showed a cylindrical structure right below the scrap of metals I was standing on. "Huh? Is this... Could it be?" I asked myself, crouching on top of the trash pile.

Hell yeah... A half-beat engine was right below me! "Gorknok..." A weird noise came from behind me. Though, the tone was slightly familiar.

I looked behind, only to see a very familiar face. Thermal goggles (from earlier) were there and he had spotted the engine too.

"Ugh... I spotted it first, so... fuck off, Shorty!" I yelled. Goggles looked up at me and said, "MARKAKA!"

Did he just rhyme motherfucker?

"You want it... Come get it."


/ / /


"Mhm... I kicked the shit out of a little piece of shit. Whatever his species was... Like I give a shit about it," I dragged my loot along the floor.


"The fuck you laughing at B2!"

And hell, it wasn't even an engine. It was a friggin battery. A half-dead one, so, if we power it up... Probably gonna go home with 400 units. And if it doesn't... It's worth less than 20.

Limping, I crossed the road and went into the nearest bar. It was a good place to trade these kinds of stuff, of course. I met Gus in one of those places.

As always, the name "Riley's Pub" was shining bright on the sign at the front. The place was crowded. Though there wasn't a line, cause everyone was already inside.

A slow Jazz was playing when I entered the club with B2. Some Rutian Twi'lek prostitutes were walking around the place, without tops of course. Must be nice to buy one of those. Costs more than 1000 units. It's worth it though. That blue skin and the weird tentacle hair... Damn, Gus told me they work you out nice with those tentacles.

I went straight to the bartender because that guy had all the trades on the table.

"Hey hey... Mr. Rakuza," I sat in front of him and smiled at him. (As if we just met.)

The dude poured a drink into a cup and stared at me. "So... What did you bring me?" The guy asked me, the drink still within his grasp.

"Ugh... I went to the Dump. Got something..." I said, "And... Yeah, it's kind of a battery." I pulled out the bag I was carrying and opened it.

"Huh? A fucking..." dude went silent when I showed the half-lit battery to him.

"Ugh — Deal's on the table, here you go mate!" He handed me the drink right away. "For old time's sake!"

I smiled and took the drink. I was dying from thirst, GULP!

"So... 600 units for this one. What you say?" Rakuza smirked at me. I stared at him, dumbfounded. "What the fuck!? 600? Why... For a battery?" I asked.

"Yeah. 600."

"Deal's on the table –"

"No... That battery's worth 3000 units in every part of the Galaxy, fool." A voice resounded from behind.

"Huh?" I turned around.

A hooded person stood in front of me. I didn't know who this stranger was, but I had a bad feeling about this guy. "Who are you?"

And... the old geezer just double-crossed me? Motherfucker... 3000 fucking units! "Me...? Well, I'll tell you that later on. But, I came here looking for —"

"The battery!?" Rakuza jumped in. "We can make a deal... The boy sells it to me and I give him a good 1.5k and we'll share the rest, no?"

The hooded stranger gazed at the old geezer. "But there's one problem... I didn't come for the Battery, I came for the boy."


Who the fuck was he? I had no idea who he was, and this stranger wasn't giving me good vibes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He didn't reply to me. He leaned closer to my ear and spoke.

"The brother of Goku and Yume. The son of the white Jedi, Hashiro." The stranger spoke. It was a 'she,' whoever she was... and she fucking knew me!