
Chapter 27

According to the info, if we keep heading towards the east, we'll past through the < Forest of Valleys > first. Soon after that we'll go through the < Great Pond of Lemlin >.

Who the heck decided that name? Anyway, after that we should encounter a large mountain.

We are to go over it and on the other side is when you'll see the Kingdom of Sylia.

Additional information of Sylia is that It's a huge flying kingdom.

Yep. An actual flying kingdom. It's said to span over several cities as well as being the number one harbor in air transportation.

It's placed in the middle of many continents so it was convenient and great place to be used as a harbor.

That is why that kingdom is so rich, since they monopolize all the air transportation.


We've been flying for about three hours now and we're still above the forest of valleys.

I like how it's literally called that because surrounding this forest are large valleys that could be seen from all directions.

The two on my back were taking a nap since it was a long flying trip.

The weather was great, the wind was refreshing, I'd really want to take a nap myself.

Sigh... oh well, here's to another boring flying trip.


After an hour, we finally reached the Pond of Lemlin.

I still have no idea why it's called like that but one thing is for certain.

It's very large, about two to three sizes of olympic pools.

Along the way, We've encountered so many different kinds of monsters.

Some were huge flying flamingoes, while there were turtles easily sizing into an elephant.

It was fun kind of experience, It's like being a kid in a huge zoo with so many different kinds of animals.

Even Ruri herself hasn't found this many different kind of monsters.

It is just as they said, this world was incredibly huge. I've got no estimates but credibility with gods should be enough to believe.

The huge ass mountain was finally in our sights by the time it was afternoon.

All I can say is, it was taller than mount everest.

It was really, actually huge.

Judging by the size of that thing- how the hell is a carriage gonna go through that?!

For a normal carriage- It should at least take a week to go around it!

As we got closer, I realise that there were structures and buildings on the mountain.


'Hey guys wake up.'


[ Are we there yet boss? ]

I landed somewhere near the foot of the mountain.

" Finally... I can stretch my back... *yawn*"

[ Kinoko wants to grind! ]

What happened to this kid...

'That's a no go for now.'

[ Awww.... ]

"Oh we're here!"

'What do you mean?'

"I forgot to tell you, that town in the mountain is a branch of the Sylia Kindom."

'I see...'

"Apparently, for those who are nobles, they can take an airship and head directly towards the kingdom, while for commoners, theres' a huge tunnel that's connecting this town to the other side of the mountain.

This mountain is like the gate of that Kingdom, every commoner needs to go through that tunnel and get these 'tickets'. "

"Those tickets are shown validity for entrance in the kingdom. So meaning that no ticket, no entry."

'Seems simple enough... however, how can I enter without standing out?'

" Lucky for you, there's a similar monster with almost the same appearance as you."

'Really? they have four tails?'

"What? of course not. They're called the <White Snow Wolves>, almost as large as you but one thing noticable about them aside from their white fur is that they have two little horns on their forehead."

'Then how do you suppose we deal with the horns and the tails?'

" For the horns I could use my sculpturing skill and make you something similar to them however for the tails..."

[ How about we cut it off? ]



[ Hm? why not? can't boss just put it back on later? ]


'...well you see Kinoko, we have what you would call, limbs and th-'

[ ? ]

'Teach him about it, Ruri.'

"Uhn. Sure. As for your tails, maybe we could cover the other three with a huge cloth, making it look like a package on your back."

'Good idea.'

I rolled up my long tails and covered it like a burrito.

Really uncomfortable If I may say so my self but I can deal with.

With this, we can enter the branch town through a disguise.


We arrived at road to the entrance of the town. So far, We've only seen humans come and go.

However, what we did see are many different kind of mounted monsters.

Some were red raptors, a flying mammal with four wings and many much more, one was even the elephant sized turtle we saw earlier.

It was quite a quiet road, some were together and enjoying chatting, some were wearing serious faces, while some doesn't look like they want to be bothered at all.

The town was somewhere in the middle of the mountain and so, we had no choice but to ride along the road because as much as possible, I'd like to keep the flying fox thing a secret.

What was entertaining throughout the trip was inspecting other people and monster's stats.

I've found so many different and kinds of skill while some indulged in their hobbies.

Not only that, but I've also found some who were stronger with higher levels that me. There were also 1 and even 2 stars skills!

I'd very much would like to steal them all....

Oh yeah, Also, about the hero activition skill thing, The hero status remains and the activation skill, I can pass it on to other people.

However, the main problem right now is how to find those people. I'll need to find a courageous hea- yeah right, no. I'll just need to look for dumb asses wanting to fight the demon lord.

Of course not literal dumbass but dumb enough to join the risk of being cast out into the abyss.

A fearless person with steel will. Doesn't exactly need to be smart, and as for the strong part, I've already got that covered.

So basically, all we need now is a trustable team mate and person.

The carriage beside us was quite lively, always chatting.

It was a passenger carriage, different people were inside and most seem like they're excited to enter the town.

However, it seems two cloaked people were just vibing on their own.

Well they don't seem quite the type to vibe with others.

"Nya~ I'm sure we'll meet all sort of fun people there, Uri-sama!"


This voice... this smell. T-this is.... It's a-