
馬 / 马as

in 2020 A Huge commotion shook the whole earth. A kind of substance known as spirit liquid started raining and half of the population of the earth died as the result of the rain but afterward, people started awakening their spirit and various abilities. Earth's size increase by 10 times and every type of species be it animals or plants on earth started to evolve and humans can now train using spirit energy and get stronger. BUT the catch here is that earth was not the only one affected but the Whole Milky way galaxy was affected and It seems that this was a simple evolution that was inevitable to happen in-universe. our MC Ash found out that there are humans outside of earth and their technology and individual powers are far greater than earth. Let's Find the Mystery surrounding The universe and why it constantly evolves....could it be someone or some kind of beings are responsible for this?

DeathSinger · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Damn...I am such a talent.

Ash first used his bow against the moving targets and from his results, It seems that his mastery over the bow was not that bad even tho it was not as good as a pro.

Afterward, He told the system to create a warrior with Expert mastery over Swords, Spears, Bows, Daggers, and Poles so that he can spar with the warriors using different weapons to get some experience in fighting with the different weapons. Of course, He lost in every spar and received serious injuries too.

Ash spent the whole night practicing in the Trial Space and finally, when his consciousness returned from the trial space it was already 5 AM.

He still feels surreal because the trial space felt no different from reality except that his injuries were quickly healed but he still felt pain when getting hurt.

Just as he was trying to stand up he felt a splitting headache and very tired mentally.

' System, What the hell is going on? what's with this sudden splitting headache? ' Ash grumbled to the system as he had too many headaches these past two days but he could already guess the reason for this headache.

< Host has overdrawn his psychic by overstaying in the Trial Space. The host should only enter trial space for 5 hours Daily but the host stayed for 8 hours which resulted in overdrawing of the psychic energy >

' Why didn't you stop me then...! ' Ash grumbled but didn't expect an answer as he knew that system would stay silent like always for asking meaningless questions but surprisingly system answered this time.

< Because The System did not want to interrupt the learning mode in which Host was very absorbed in the training and was very motivated towards learning everything with a very focused mind. >

' Learning mode? ' Ash asked doubtfully.

< Host might not have noticed but when you were fighting with the Expert Level Warriors the system created, Host made tremendous progress towards Expert Mastery in all weapons, and host's fighting experience increased very fast.>

< Host doesn't know but the warriors created by the system were all peak level experts in their profession and that's why host lost easily at first and received serious injuries but you were learning at lightning speed as you fought more and more that even System was surprised and named this talent of the host as Learning Mode. >

' Did I really have a talent like that in the past? I don't remember learning at lightning-fast speed in the past. ' Ash was doubtful as he said to the system.

< The System thinks that this learning mode only applies to combat only. The system also thinks that this Talent will apply when the host comprehends the profoundness of various elements. >

' Damn I am such a Talent ' Ash thought and said to System mentally, ' Alright. You will tell me how to comprehend the profoundness of the fire element later and confirm if I can enter my so-called learning mode at that time but as of right now I am very tired and just wants to sleep. '

After that, he sent a message to Martin saying that he will not be attending the class today and took a shower before sleeping.

In the blink of an eye, Ten thousand years passed by. ( Author: Just kidding )

it was not until the evening when he woke up and he felt very refreshed after waking up. It felt like yesterday's splitting headache was just a dream.

Ash looked at the time and it was already 7 PM in the evening. Ash connected the call to Martin as he wanted to ask if there will be any problems since he did not attend the class today.

After hearing it Martin laughed and said, " Don't worry. Special Class is called Special Class for a reason. First, it's your freedom if you want to attend the class or not but you have to attend the weekly sparring session for the rest of the days, You can come if you want to or not if you don't want to. "

Ash was startled hearing this as Martin continued, " But of course you have to make progress and keep up with the rest of the students and meet the hidden criteria set by the academy through participating in various activities exclusive to Special Class students. "

" I see, So we have freedom but also obligations. " Ash said.

" Yep, And There will be a tournament held by the earth union after 9 months and The students of the Big Five are main players, Especially The Special Class students of the Big Five as they are considered seeded participants. " Martin further explained.

Martin hanged up the phone after explaining some things regarding the situation of the special class and the upcoming tournament.

Ash pondered about the information given by Martin for a while to make some future plans about his advancements into cultivation as he just needs to gather exp and level up but he has to do it naturally and maintain stability otherwise he might arouse some suspicion.

First, He decided that he will not attend the class except for the weekly sparring session. So he is going to stay in the dorm until the next sparring session arrives.

' I will ask Big bro Martin to take me for training every day instead of joining classes otherwise It will arouse doubts if I started making progress while staying in the dorm the whole day ' Ash thought as he made some plans.

After that, he told the system to level him up one time. Sadly He can only level up one by one even if he has more exp. He wouldn't be facing such troubles if he had the technique that can hide his cultivation but he can only buy it from shop and shop unlocks when he reaches level 10.

There is a way but it's risky. He had asked the system if he can reach level 10 using the current amount of the exp and he got a positive answer from the system that he needs exactly 4,500 Exp to reach level 10 which is all the Exp he currently has.

( Note :- 500+600+700+800+900+1000 = 4500 exp )

But the catch here is that he is not sure if he can buy the Technique from the shop after the shop unlocks because in case he could not buy the technique from the shop after reaching level 10 then it can be considered that he successfully screwed himself.

< Congratulation to Host for reaching Level 5 >

<Host: Ash Alvin>

<Race: human>

<Level 5>

<Exp 0/600> <Exp: 4000>

<Cultivation-Stage: Beginner-5th>

<Body Cultivation: Vitality Tempering>


Strength: 3.5

Constitution: 3 ( Chaotic )

Agility: 1.4

Perception: 1.8

Charm: 1.7

Unassigned Stat points: 1

<Sea of consciousness>

-Psychic Energy: 41/41

-Fire intent: 0.10%

<Elemental Ability>↓

<Spirit Ability>↓

<Martial Ability>

-Weapons Mastery ( Peak Beginner ):-[ Sword, Bow, Spear, Pole, Dagger ]

-Martial Skills: Explosive Spirit Steps ( Unusable ), Double Dragon ( Unusable )

Ash looked at his status screen. First He assigned 1 Stat point into Agility so that he can start using Explosive Spirit Steps. And he noticed that his psychic energy increased by 1.

' It must have increased because of yesterday's incident where I overdrew my psychic. ' Ash thought.

Any way he can only increase his level step by step and that too in front of Martin. He already made a plan to break through the next stage in front of martin after two days.

After that, he told the system to send him into training space so that he can start training using Explosive Spirit Steps.

Ash blanked out for a sec and after that, he was back into the Training Space.

" I feel really good here... Free of worries and tension. " Ash said as he breathed a sigh of non-existence air in front of him.

As in the outside world, he always has to stay cautious lest he leaves a clue regarding the system and he doesn't feel safe even in his dorm.

" Alright System. Summon a Peak Level Expert Sword Warrior. I want to try some new moves today " Said Ash as he picked up a sword from the ground.

First, he wanted to try his new skill Explosive Spirit Steps.

Ash channeled Spirit Energy and Fire Energy in his legs as he already knew how to activate the skill. ( After System Absorbs a manual It can directly transmit the information of the absorbed manual to the host )

After injecting the energies in his legs according to the method he felt that there was something boiling in his legs tho he did not feel pain but he felt like there was a bomb in his legs.

Anyway, He Activated the skill and...

*boom* ( muffled boom )

There was literally a blast in his feet as his legs left the ground for half a meter and he fell down on his butt as he didn't expect this situation to occur.

" So this is what it means to move explosively " Ash stood up as he thought about the description written on the skill by the system.

<Explosive Spirit Steps (Rare Grade)>

-Requirements ( Minimum ): 3 Str, 2 Constitution, 2 Agility, 200 Spirit Energy, 100 Fire Energy.

-Effects: Allows the user to move explosively by channeling Spirit and Fire energy in the legs.

He thinks that this Skill will be a bit difficult to master as he will need to control the blast in his legs with precision otherwise even if a little bit of timing and direction of his legs changed when using this skill then he would have to suffer in the battle.

Without further wasting time, He started fighting against the Peak Level Expert Sword warrior.

He Dashed forward using Explosive spirit steps and directly clashed with the warrior.

Because of the force generated by the skill, He pushed back the warrior in the first clash but He became instantly disadvantageous as the warrior counter-attacked.

He started exchanging moves with the warrior while being suppressed by him.

After fighting for a while and trying to find an opportunity to use Explosive Spirit Step he suddenly thought of an idea as he lifted up his right leg and directly activated the skill on one leg while he inserted his sword in the ground after clashing his sword one time against the warrior.

Warrior was fast in balancing after the clash and just as the Warrior's sword reached him, Ash's skill was activated and his lifted right leg spun for 360 degrees with lightning speed and hit the Warrior directly on his face.

Ash also barely held up with the support of his sword inserted in the ground beforehand otherwise he would have fallen down.

But Ash was full of excitement because he just discovered the real potential of this skill.

" I can use this skill in almost all situations..." Ash's face was red as he muttered with excitement because he had already thought of many ways to use the explosive spirit steps and now he can't wait to try his ideas.

Ash again started fighting the warrior with greater fervor than before.

If System was a physical being he would have a satisfied smile on its face while watching Ash trying to explore more different uses of Explosive spirit steps in various fighting styles.

Don't worry the pace of the story will increase after MC completes his Minor Quest.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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