
ᴘᴀꜱꜱɪᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ ʜᴜɴɢᴇʀ

【one piece x reader】gxg,bxb,bxg. An actress transferred into her favorite anime ! Her goal is to have a harem and have fun ! Yandere are lurking beware! "I'll devour you !"

Emsmutcorner · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Immortality put to test ホぢ易な

Wile 囲タニ

[ devious or cunning stratagems employed in manipulating or persuading someone to do what one wants.]

''I can't see you but I know someone is here "

Well, arent you screwed right now, gulping you think quickly before he gets impatience and more pissed then he already is. So with your big smart brain of yours, you decide to show your self to him before putting up your hands in surrender so he wouldn't try to kill you till you finish speaking which may be testing your immortality power sooner then you thought as well as your ability to not feel pain but you rather not test it with the strongest swordsman right now.

"Umm, I can explain this but could you...umm not look at me like you are going to give me an earlier death ...if possible ?" you plead to the sharp-eyed sexy swordsman but it doesn't work he just sneers at you before speaking in a deep menacing voice which almost makes you drop dead right there, who knew he would be this scary!

"You have one minute before I cut you...So start talking now."

"Well I'm (y/n) violet (l/n), it's a pleasure to meet you."

"I wouldn't say I feel the same, but you seem to already know me so continue time is ticking."Seems like maybe you shouldn't have started with that since the air around you makes you feel tenser.

"I do which is why I snuck onto this boat since I know where this boat is heading with my power, but I also wanted to talk to you about something regarding the future for both you and Shanks plus I got a little gift for both of you. "you say with a small smile looking up at the scary man in front of you which makes you feel a little worried at his calculating eyes at glaring into your soul.

"So you can see the future ?" he is being real shady with how he says it, basically saying 'what a load of bullshit ' to you without saying it.

"Um yes, for example, there is a war appearing in the near future which happens to kill Whitebeard along with many others. But also Blackbeard will use his power to throw the world into chaos, Shanks will be visiting Whitebeard to warn him about the bastard but it will be too late by that point. "you speak confidently before looking into his eyes with bravery and honestly speaking towards him.

"Well then, I can see your truth in your eyes ." He glared into your soul before you speak again with growing confidence.

"Then wanna make a deal with me ?" you smile sweetly unknowingly using your craving touch ability which makes the usual level headed cunning swordsman soften his eyes slightly but you don't notice that but you do notice the deep chuckle that comes from his mouth but it just sends a shiver that goes thought your whole body.

"A deal you say, Amante tonta~, tell me this deal you wish to offer me?"Golden eyes that seem to glow in amusement and twisted curiosity hiding something dangerous behind his words.

"Yes, it would offer you lots of amusement in entertainment for you can use your time-wasting more fun than it is right now?"

"Well that certainly sounds interesting but that's not enough when you haven't even told me what the deal is, so why don't you keep talking before I get impatient, Mi tonta Amante ."He says with a dark tone and glares at you with his golden eyes that make your legs feel like jelly but you do love danger so you decide to make things riskier by walking over to his leg with is crossed over his other leg but you decide to move the leg that was crossed down making his lap available for you to make yourself a comfy seat.

"Mnn please don't be too impatient with me, since I'm always used to taking my time with gorgeous people which you seem to be so I'm sorry ~" you smirk watching his eyes but you freeze for a second at his eyes filling with uncertainty at your movements. Seems like he hasn't been hit on before like this.

"Gorgeous people? That's quite a compliment but it doesn't tell me anything about this deal does it ?"His cheeks flushed for a second if you blinked you wouldn't have seen this but luckily you did. It's time to push him more though so you moved in front of him before smirking climbing on his lap, leaning close enough to have your chest pressed against his making him growl at you with a deeply rich and menacing tone.

"I'm glad you like it but my deal might be too much for you if you blush at a single compliment and growl at me with a touch, can you really handle it ?" smiling sweetly but the man below you doesn't seem to like you speaking to him like that.

"Then tell me what this deal is ?"Mihawk says before glaring hard into your soul before you run your hand down his bare chest down to his pants stopping at his belt buckle before you start speaking again.

"Well, the deal is, I want you to be part of my harem I guess that is what you would call it which means be one of my lovers in exchange I'll entertain you lots also ill give you my blood. "

"What am I to do with your blood, I'm not a vampire, as for your 'harem' I don't know what you mean by one of your lovers, do you mean to be your lover? And Entertain me, you say, I bet you could but I don't know how long you could."He lets out a sigh before you smile and leans closer to your lips near his ear before biting it lightly making the man below you stiff.

"I'm a succubus so my blood is really valuable to everyone so you would want it, and I can't be satisfied with one lover so I need another and if you agree I'll give you my mark then you can summon me whenever plus I don't think you want to miss out on this deal, but if you do then Shanks might need a better deal since I wanted you both on my list of lovers, to be honest, so it will be a shame if you don't agree." you decide to give him a little trail run by moving yourself so your inches away from his lips before looking into his eyes then smashing your lips into his wrapping your arms around his neck as you hips grind into his lap making him let out a small groan but its enough to let you up to your tongue into his mouth exploring his mouth before he started to kiss back arms gripping your hips pulling you closer. 

"Mmn That's enough for now, you could call it a trial run of our deal ~" you smile as you pull away from his lips but his hands on your hips tighten not letting you leave his lap.

 "Trial run of your deal, you say?"

"Yup you are correct, so wanna be one of my lovers yet?" you give a lopsided grin towards the swordsman with those gleaming golden eyes as you lean back as far as you can with his hands on your hips which aren't letting you get far and the way he's looking at you makes your blood run cold at his dazed eyes staring at you which makes him give you a sadist grin before crushing your hips but since you have Dio's skills it won't break your bones like it would if you didn't have the skill.

"You're very crazy aren't,(y/n)? Don't you know who I am?"

"I-I do know who you are, which is why I want you to be one of my lovers!"

"Well then let's say I do agree with your deal, would that make me your first lover of this harem or what number am I ?"

"Ooh, great question, you would be number one on my list of lovers right now but on my marked list, I would say your number four. So does this mean your my lover now?" you smile and put your hand on his chest while your other hand is on his cheek.

"You're a succubus as well, which according to legend they are the beings who live off of life force from living beings but they can give you their blood to heal anything or strengthen you but they can give you the unmeasurable pleasure that could make those crave for more till they crave only them no one else can compare to a succubus ."

"Umm does that mean yes?"

"Are you willing to take responsibility for me if I were to get addicted to you like the legend says if you are then I will agree." smiling you nod your head prepared to be his lover anything because who wouldn't but his words seems a bit unnerving but who cares about that when he just agreed to be one of your lovers.

"Let's have fun, Mihawk ~"kissing his lips before going down to his neck kissing it softly before biting it slowly making your lovebite for your new lover.

"Let's but you should know I can be a bit rough and possessive with my lovers~" he smirks purring out with his deep voice.

"Fine with me as long as your mine and only mine ~"Mihawk stiffens at your words making him growl before kissing your lips in a passionate kiss but also rough and needy.

"Palabras peligrosas de las que te arrepentirás, mi Amante"you are confused at his words not knowing Spanish but it doesn't matter when his hands are taking off your top while kissing you.

A warm feeling spreads in the pit of your stomach as his warm hands explore your body while you slightly moan at his touch. He twitched when you nibble his neck while he touches your breast groping hard and rough but it made you feel so good. You decide to leave some more purple lovebites across his pale neck making him pant at your bite, you know he might not like that you're leaving more marks but that he doesn't need but only one with stay which is the red heart like lovebite.

"Stop it, we don't have much time till we are at Shanks island, so let's not waste time ." he says while motioning you to take off your bottoms which you do and you decide to grab his pants unzipping them so his dick is freed but it is quick big it really surprises you before you smirk kissing him again.

"Wow, you really kill the mood don't you ?" smiling at his words before getting on his lap again rubbing against him but he growls before moving you up above his dick but he checks your face seeing if you are ready, which you are since you were soaked from kissing him. Before you can say anything he slams his hips up and your hips down on his lap making him groan but he doesn't like to keep it slow it seems since he bites down on your neck making you clench tightly down on him. His impatience leads you to see stars at his strong and powerful thrusting movement, slamming your body down on his hips, hitting your sweet spot each time making you gasp and moan loudly at his roughness.

"Fuck! Mihawk "you smash your lips kissing him deeply as he kisses you back while he groans deeply as he starts to take a steady pace but still rough and fast never letting you have the opportunity to rest. You start to twitch lightly at the growing feeling of coming to a breaking point. 

"Do you like that, Mi tonta Amante?" he purres out smirking at your face twisting in pleasure making him smash into you harder, you're at his mercy as you moan loudly before biting down on his neck.

"I love it so much~ I'm going to come soon ." you moan as he chuckles deeply moving his hips faster making twitch clenching on him tightly trying to milk him as you come on his dick making him bite you next as he comes to his own end cumming inside you.

"Me temo que ya soy adicto" he smiles kisses you gently as you get up putting on your clothes before stretching feeling full before saying 'keep' under your breathe.

"So I can't understand what you are saying but that was amazing "You jump up and down like a puppy that got a treat.

"I'm glad also we will be there in an hour ."

An hour later of planning 雲亜鋭ぅ竹

"We are here,(y/n), are you ready ?"Mihawk speaks in a bored tone but his eyes are filled with amusement waiting to see the plan you made go into actions, he doesn't seem to regret his actions in taking the deal yet.

"Super ready!! Are you ready to be entertained ?" smiling you stand up as Mihawk docks the boat next to Shank's ship after he offers you a hand to get off the boat which you gladly take.

"Let's see if you can entertain me with this foolish plan ." Mihawk chuckles deeply before returning to his resting bitch face as you walk side by side seeing some lean pirates but you can tell that their weak newbies but they seem to look at you with a blushing face, must be your clothes or Mihawks purple and red marks on his body showing off your work with his open shirt making you smirk before whispering in Mihawks ear.

"Hey...drink this for the marks go away and then I'm connected to you ...so drink up ." you hand him a premade vial of your blood but in a golden color.

"Why should I?" you look at with a dumbfounded face basically like 'what the fuck do you mean why' face but he just gives you a bored-looking face back at you.

"Just do it, it's part of the plan." you sigh but you are thankful that he drinks it and his lovebites are all gone but the heart-shaped one that's on his neck stays.

"Show me where your good for nothing Captian is , I got some business with him ."

"U-um...YES ,sir but what about her ?"the unknown pirates points at you but Mihawk just glares at him .

"She's with me, show the way I won't say it again ."

"Right away !!''

"Don't be to mean to him, he might piss himself.." you chuckle in his ear looking at the shivering man looking like he really might piss himself but is trying his best not to, leading the way you see lots of plants and some pretty flowers.

".....Weaklings should know there place."Damn, that's pretty harsh coming from him but I remember that he called Zoro a worm.

"Captain !!! Mihawk here with someone ."The scared pirates said before running off behind you but in front of you is the red hair pirate with one arm named 'Shanks'.

"Mihawk it's been a while hasn't it !?!"That smile that could light up a whole city was blinding you when trying to look at the man in front of you, why is he so bright and hot! This is so unfair how can your plan work with him being this blinding!

"It has, Shanks. "Miwhaks says as he goes closer to Shanks pulling out Luffy's wanted poster handing it to him while you just stand beside him smiling.

"Who is she, old pal?"Shanks smiles at you as Mihawks glares.

"She's part of your runt's crew, she hopped on my boat saying we wanted to give you a gift for giving your arm to her captain, I don't know if it is true but she can see the future which is how she knew I was coming to see you so here she is." Mihawk explains while you wave your hand going in front of shanks without fear.

"Hi, I'm (y/n), your soon to be lover and I'm part of Luffy's crew!I'm only here to give you a message from my captain as well as a gift from him then I'm on my way to my crew or your bed !" you smile while speaking confidently shocking all those around you making Mihawk eyes twitch at your speech since this is definitely not what he was expecting.


".....(y/n)"Mihawk looks at you while Shanks is still silent. 

"Hahaha...My lover ?!? You sure are funny, kid but I'm too old for you but Luffy sent me a gift and a message ?"Shanks laughs at your speech then changing the subject which made him blush a bit.

"Yes, he did it was 'I will be coming to the grand line soon and I'm going to be coming for him soon!' as well as giving this for you, drink it and enjoy !! Also, age is just a number so I don't mind ~"you wink as you give him a vial of your blood with a golden color like you gave Mihawk.

"Did he say that! haha, That's just like Luffy but this gift is a little surprising but it's ok! But are you really serious about being my lover, kid because I can joke about it many times and I don't want running when I try to take you up on the offer ~"He flirts back before opening the vial chugging it without a second thought.

"Please do take action ~ "you smile walking up to him and sit on his lap making him blush lightly at your actions but something distracts him and earns loud gasps and weird looks from his crew as the point at his lost arm. But before he looks at his arm you bite his neck leaving a little lovebite marking him as your fifth victim before you smile at him smashing your lips onto his making him gasp at your movements since he can't seem to stop you nor wan you to stop. Kissing him you bite your tongue before shoving it in his mouth giving him the same treatment you gave Luffy when you meet him.

"Keep, I'll see you if you ring me, on the snail I gave Mihawk . "you say as you smile before using your power to go invisible to everyone but Mihawk, everything is going according to plan.


"YOUR ARM!"Shanks still in shock of what happens looks at his crew then his arm.