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【one piece x reader】gxg,bxb,bxg. An actress transferred into her favorite anime ! Her goal is to have a harem and have fun ! Yandere are lurking beware! "I'll devour you !"

Emsmutcorner · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Entertaining ゲカホ

Calamitous 芋圧英

[ involving calamity; catastrophic or disastrous.]


Well, you did it, Shanks's arm is back thanks to your blood, which you hope doesn't affect the plot too much. It's too late anyway but that just makes him better at sex with two arms....damn you should have waited till you tried his one-armed sex first! What a shame.

"What kind of your drink at you drinking to say that !?!" Shanks asked Benn when said that his arm is back, Shanks doesn't believe them about his arm is back basically still in shock of what you did tho him.

"Captian he's right !!"

"Yeah look at your arm !!" 

"This joke is getting old, my arm been gone for a few years now. It's impossible for it to bac-WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Shanks screams falling off his barrel while he registers that his left arm is moving and that it's actually there.

"Mihawk, old pal, who the fuck was that girl you brought and what did she give me because I'm sure Luffy couldn't do something like this ."Mihawk sighs looking at his old sparring partner as he questions him about the girl who told him her name and who she is, did he not pay attention? You pout walking towards Mihawk looking at him with a sadistic grin before wrapping your arms around his neck tiptoeing to whisper in his ear.

"He's not that bright, is he? He's just like a grown-up Luffy !" you giggle as he tenses trying to hold back a chuckle.

"Well I'm sure she just told you who she is, didn't she? As for what she did I don't know how or why she did it, though she's most likely on her way to her crew or your bed, since that's what she said ."He says dully even though he can see you right in front of him hanging on him like a leech trying to make him lose composter but he is not losing to your light touches and gropes.

"Mihawk, do you know why she gave me a lovebite then ?"

"I do not ."

"If you don't then why is there a lovebite on your neck as well? Coincidence maybe? I highly doubt that !" Shanks is getting a little angry for some reason which makes you quite shocked at his behavior he is showing right now, maybe it was a huge shock giving back his arm.

"I do have a lovebite from her but I've earned it from what we were doing before we got here so, I, myself do not know why she gave you one as well since I had to agree to her deal to get this ." Mihawk huffs out while puffing his chest out a little making you feel like he's a bit jealous already but you pinch his cheeks when he mentioned the deal which earned a twisted smirk from the strongest swordsman.

"A deal?!?"

"Yes, a deal. Can you not understand that ?" Mihawk seems to be acting a little weird in your eyes since you thought they were kinda buds but it might be the fact Mihawk loves to tease and that Shanks is being a little grumpy right now.

"What kind of deal did you make with her ?"

"Can we talk about this without prying eyes and ears near. "

"Fine let's go to my ship ." Shanks announces before telling the rest of his crew to stay away from the ship till he comes back or else they might not like what Mihawk will do to them. After that Mihawk follows shanks as he leads you with them unknowingly which makes you excited, maybe you should get help because this whole situation screams danger but that's all the more reason to go through your plan.

"You will have to make sure to tell me everything, Mihawk!" Shanks says with a menacing tone making Mihawk chuckle.

"Are you trying yo make me scared with that tone, Red hair "

"Buddy I just want answers that's it "

"Well then let's hear the answers from her ." Shanks looks confused at what Mihawks is saying until they get to his room, going into his room before locking the door as he motions to a chair for both him and Mihawk which he does sit but he watches you.

"How will she give me the answers when she isn't here ?"

"Well about that ....." You smile as you reveal yourself to shanks while laying on his bed lazily before striking a pose winking at him.

"(y/n) was it? Why do I have a lovebite and two arms now ?" Shanks asks before getting up to probably murder you but Mihawk shoots up out of his seat stepping in front of Shanks since he feels a murderous aura around the red-haired pirate.

"Calm yourself, Red hair.'' Mihawk says with a glare looking protective over you making you think he's being a momma bear over you, but in reality, something inside of him doesn't want Shanks to hurt you or to even touch you.

"Fine, old pal but I need some answers now. "Both of the men looking at you waiting for you to speak but the tension is so thick it's almost suffocating making you gulp before speaking.

"Well, as Mihawk says, we have a certain deal going right now which earned him that little mark on his neck, cute right? But the reason I gave you one already is that I gave you your arm back because ...um how do I say this without sounding like a bitch. I gave your arm back because I like what you did for Luffy but with the way the future is going you will die so for my own entertainment in a way, I gave you back your arm to prevent your likely death and because two arms during sex are better than one but I probably should have waited to test my theory!" You smile sitting up giving jazz hands at his deadpan face Shanks is expressing.

"To stop my death and for your own entertainment ...Aren't you heartless but I'll let that slide for now till I figure out what to do to you, now what kind of deal do you have with my old pal ?" Shanks smiles darkly visibly pissed even letting out a slight growl.

"Shanks you won't do anything to her with me here."

"Ooooh~ My sexy swordsman coming to my rescue how hot, maybe he just wants to tie me up or something ...speaking of ting people up can we make a small stop at Dressrosa ?"You smile jumping up in Mihawk arms while rubbing your cheek on his as you do Shanks just stares at the two of you in disbelief with what he is seeing.

"What is this scene I'm seeing, but whatever this is just telling me about your deal you gave him!"

"Dressrosa is two hours from here with my boat. So yes but I'm afraid I can not follow you any more than that since the government needs me ."

"Ok, Well shanks ill explain real quick! I want to have a harem because I'm someone who can never be satisfied and because I'm a succubus with my devil fruit I need life force ... I made a deal with Mihawk where he becomes my lover and I give him ultimate pleasure and entertainment. So would you like to make a deal with me !"You smile happily at Shanks.

"Is the deal the same as his or do I get a new deal from you ?"Shanks sighs as he looks completely done with everything at this point.

"Well I should make you a different deal since you two are different people, shouldn't I?"

"Probably" Mihawk says with hugging you back tightly.


"Ok, its settled Shanks gets a new deal! Umm..the deal you get is that you have to become one of my lovers and I'll give you entertainment and messages and pictures from Luffy is that good for you ?"

"Luffy?? .....I guess I can agree with your deal, but since I already have the lovebite you didn't really give me a choice did you?"He blushes slightly at the thought of seeing and hearing more about Luffy, he is such a proud dad! Even though he isn't his dad but that doesn't matter!

"Yup, you're correct the was no chance I was going to lose you so I already kinda claimed you but that doesn't mean that you can have other lovers or anything but I'm just saying you're mine and I'm yours ." You break away from the tight hug of Mihawk to go in front of Shanks with your hand out for him to shake.

"It will be fun though so don't feel like I tricked you ok ?"You smile as he sighs again before he chuckles.

"Well, its survival of the fittest after all so you have the right kind of spirit !!"Shanks smiles before grabbing your arm pulling you into his arms.

"Yup so let me explain what my power is to both of you !" you smile as you move out of Shanks's arms and you sit on the bed.

"More Explaining?"Mihawk's eyebrow raised slightly.

"Really I thought we were done ."Shanks pouts before looking at you, seems like he is back to normal even more childish it seems.

"Well since I don't want you to be surprised later on but I believe you can keep secret so, my devil fruit the Succi Succi fruit is a Zoan type with certain abilities that allow me to copy peoples devil fruits and power just for example I can copy Luffy's power and devil fruit allowing me to fight and use his power as well as him. Since I already copied both your powers I am stronger than both of you now ."Smiling sweetly you wink at them.

"So you are as strong as both of us combined "Shanks laughs again at your wink before looking at you with an impressed face.

"Interesting" Mihawk says as he looks proud as well.

"But I'm just collecting powers so I don't plan to flaunt it off so don't worry because it's not fun when you're strong ."

"That's something unexpected"


"Well ill give you your own snail for you can contact me when you need me or want me if you know what I mean but I might just visit you instead ." you smile reaching into your pouch pulling out a pink mini snail handing it to Shanks.

"Thanks, but I don't mind you stay here for a few days anytime !"Shanks flirts back at you making you smile at him.

"I'll keep your offer in my mind so don't worry when I get time I will stay and have fun but right now both I and Mihawk are on a timer I would say and I need to be at a certain place at a certain time but I want to see a certain pink birdie before I have to leave ."You smile sweetly at shanks before starting to walk out of his room making the two follow after you.

"Pink birdie ?" Shanks questions before smirking after he figures out who you're talking about.

"The heavenly demon 'Doflamingo' also the current king of Dressrosa and one of the seven fellow warlords ." You smile as you nod your head at Mihawk's explanation.

"Yup I plan to make him mine of course, but he will be punished harshly for his misdoings he has been doing." Smirking darkly as your thoughts of 'punishment ' is more or less just BDSM and you being a sadist to your pink birdie.

"Hm ok well I hope you come back soon "Shanks smiles before wink at you as you and Mihawk walk to his coffin boat.

"Let's go !! Enjoy your arm Shanks, ill be sure to enjoy your arms soon!!"You grab his face with both hands kissing his lips shocking him but he quickly kisses you back before you feel an arm wrap around your waist before being tugged into Mihawk's chest.

"We are leaving, red hair."Mihawks says with an emotionless tone at shanks before he takes you to his boat sitting down on his chair with you on his lap as you two make your way to Dressrosa.

At the dock of Dressrosa ー謁印ぅは

"This is farewell for now, I will ring you when I'm available so you can choose if you wish to see me during that time, till then (y/n)" Mihawk smiles slightly, blink and you will miss it smile, quite cute in a way.

"I'll miss you lots, Mihawk !!" You smile at him as you pull him into a loving hug kissing his cheek before running into town.

Walking into town looking around you see them making you frown at the sight of the talking, dancing, and 'happy' toys. Frowning as you walk around seeing the country , it makes you mad but you have to wait but luckily as you walk towards the palace you see the coliseum. Stopping in front of it you are lightly pushed by a one-legged toy running from some officers before jumping up into the coliseum but only the bars as he states the rules.

"You know the rules!!! No police and Marines can step foot in here so back off!"The red one-legged soldier states before he watches the police groans as the walk away.

"You can't keep this up forever !! And we will get you when you can't!!"

"You wish !!"The toy says before turning to you, bowing down towards you.

"I'm so sorry for knocking into you as I was running away !"The toy says before you smile leaning down towards the toy before he picks his head up looking at you.

"It's quite alright but could you do me a favor, sir ?"

"Of course I could, depending on the favor !"

"Well I would love to speak to you about a few things but my true goal is for you to lead me to the palace if possible ?" You smile at him as you speak to him sweetly.

"The palace !?! Well, I guess I could but why would you need to speak to me? "

"Yes, I know a lot about this twisted king, Doflamingo, I know about all the dark secrets of this country but I can not help you yet..." You smile as you watch him move around in circles but he tries to shush you.

"You can't say that out loud, they will hear you !!" the toy soldier panics as you speak ill about Doflamingo.

"Don't worry about that just show me the way as we speak, your name is Kyros, right? Every toy in this city is a human or animal but everyone forgets about those who are turned into toys am I right?"

"How do you know that !! " You smile at him as he leads you towards the castle.

"It's a secret but I'm going to help you guys, well my captain will free everyone and give the throne back to the old king , but you must be patient. In two years you all will be free and Dressrosa will be free of this monster but for now, I will tame that monster to help with the pain you all must be suffering!! So just stay strong for two more years don't lose hope."

".....There is hope....Dressrosa will be free?" the toy soldier starts to cry a bit as he comes to a stop looking up at you as you smile down at him nodding.

"There is, so stay strong for now but before I leave I will give you my name for you can tell the others, ok ?" you pat his head slightly before you look at the palace near you.

"....We will stay strong!!"

"My name is (y/n) Violet (l/n), I'm apart of the Strawhat Pirates !! Till I see you again look for us in the paper in case you think we aren't strong enough."You smile before taking off leaving the crying toy soldier behind you as you walk into the palace.

"Little pink birdie I'm coming to punish you ~" you smirk as you walk inside the palace making those around you pass out with your haki which is probably going to make your presence know to a few people in the palace.

 "Excuse me is anybody here ?!" you cup your hands at your mouth as you walk into the inside of the palace shouting out for someone.

"I want to speak to the Heavenly Demon, Doflamingo !!" you continue to yell as you walk around looking for the little pink birdie.

"Who are you and what do you want with the young master !!"Seems like baby 5 is the first of the family you will meet which is perfect.

"Hello there! You're really cute but my name is (y/n) violet (l/n), it's a pleasure to meet you! I really need you. " You smile as you take her hand kissing it softly making her blush and mumble something.

"You need me !!!"

"I need you to lead me to your young master ~ Because I want to speak to him about a few things."

"Anything for you my darling ~"Baby 5 leads you to what you assume is his bedroom as she holds your hands while taking you there but you feel a bit bad about at what you did to the girl but instead of feeling bad you think to make her one of your lovers later on.

"This is where he is, I will leave you, for now, Darling~"Baby 5 blushes as she leaves making you smile as you knock on the door in front of you.

"Who is it?" a deep voice speaks out making you smirk as you open the doors.

"I'm your soon to be lover !" 

"Who are you ?"

"I'm (y/n) Violet (l/n), nice to meet you !!" 

"Fu fu fu ~ (y/n) is that right? What are you here for? "

"Little pink birdie, I'm here to punish you for all your naughty actions !"