

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
53 Chs

Fabulous Nightwing

"No! Stop asking!! I won't go with you back!" Jean yelled as she was facing Charles X and the others.

For a few minutes they were having a heated argument, well it was mostly Jean as Charles was trying to talk calmly and bring her back to the X mansion.

"Thats enough Charles, remember what I told you don't get her too emotional." Kali said.

"*sigh*...you really won't come back home?" Charles X.

"No... I have no home..." Jean said softly.

"Very well." Charles X said.

"Jean..." Scott muttered.

The others looked sad and down as well, Logan actually had a shopping bag by his side full of beers and didn't seem to one bit feel shameless and is taking it as if it was from his own house.

"Jean... know that we still want and are willing to help as well when the time comes, and you are always welcome at the mansion." Charles X said Jean just avoided his look not wanting to face Charles x.

"And Mr.Green... I will have to put all of young Jeans needs and safety to you." Charles X said.

"Leave it to me old x, I got 16- I mean 17 kids whats one more..." Kali said but when he said this sentence he realized how abnormal it is to have that many kids or at least adopted kids.

"Thats... good for you." Charles X said.

"Oh trust me I just now realized I need help, or they need help.... whatever's I'll just think about this trouble in my mind later." Kali said.

"Well then, from here we say our goodbye-" Charles X said but Scott cut in.

"Wait!.. look Jean I-" Scott couldn't give up but he knew that Jean just wouldn't come back with them no matter what.

"If one hair on her head is harmed... then you will be sorry." Scott said and pointed at Kali.

"Hahahaha the moment she steps in my home and interacts with my kids... she is already considered my own young man." Kali said.

But what surprised everyone was that Kali's eyes lit up green like how Scott's would when he blazes out his laser eyes.

"So if anyone, in your words, 'harm a hair on her head'... then they will be sorry." Kali said.

"What old man you need to show us all the tricks you got up your sleeves mann." Chase said.

There were two sides Kali, Charles, and Jean on one side and the X-men on the other side. Chase was in the middle going back and forth recording our faces fanboying about some superhero face-off or something.

"You said your not a mutant?" Charles X asked.

"Nada, I am not, even the boys her could do it with enough time." Kali said pointing at Charles and Chase.

"What?!" Both Charles and Chase said basically screaming.

"Really?!" Chase asked.

"Don't get any ideas!" Kali said to Chase.

"All humans have it, they just don't know how to access it, I'll tell you about it another time... boy is your suit here in the hideout?" Kali asked.

"Uuh yeah I put it somewhere over th-" Charles said.

"Suit up." Kali said.

"Right." Charles was about to ask further but realized Kali's serious tone.

"Oh please don't leave so soon, come, come have a sit there are food and snacks in the resting room kitchen with drinks too of course." Kali said as Charles power walked away.

"What is going on?" Charles X said feeling the change in Kali.

"Well there are a few energy signatures heading our way... and since no one ever comes knocking on our door I would have to think they are your company... or maybe they are looking for Jean instead." Kali said.

"And they feel to be pretty hostile as well, they seem strong but... well just sit down I wanna show you something." Kali said.

"Show us what?" Charles X asked.

"How me and my boy will kick the shitt out of a few hundred super species without causing major damage." Kali said.

"A few h- Mr.Green if what your saying is true then you are gonna need our help!!" Charles X said.

"Oh no no it is quite alright kind sir, but it is quite hard to find good practice for my three boys to fight so this will be an opportunity, of course I would love to fight with you and your team but maybe later in the future." Kali said as he put the giant screen and computers into cameras looking out into the warehouse both inside and out.

"Fine, but we will interfere if need be." Charles X said.

"No worries old X, ready?" Kali asked.

"You know it!!" Charles said as he came out of the testing room fully suited up with a bright smile.

Everyone had different reactions to this, Storms eyes widened but that was it, Charles X was genuinely surprised, and Colossus was laughing out loud. The X-Kids were fanboying out talking about how Nightwing was Charles but Scott seemed to be a bit bland about it.

"Duuude your Nightwing?!" Kurt said as he teleports around Charles.

"OH MM GEEE!! Can we take a picture pleeeaase!!" Kitty screamed.

Bobby was just nodding slowly admiring Charles suit with a smile.

Scott was having some thoughts side eyeing Charles.

"Who would have thought that we would be in the hideout of the Night-watchers." Charles X said finally having a look around.

"Lets skedaddle!" Kali said.

"Let me help!!" Jean yelled.

"Sorry hun but this is gonna be a two man combat or... look don't worry you will have plenty of chance later just leave this one to us alright?" Kali said.

"Alright." Jean nodded but looked a bit down.

"Oh and they don't seem to be normal so... I'd say go all out if you want." Kali said as he walked to the stairs walking out.

"Roger boss man." Charles said as he walked into the lab room and grabbed a metallic-like staff.

"So what can you do?" Scott asked him being the closest one to Nightwing.

"I do tricks and flips, hold that for a second please." He said as he gave the metal staff to Scott as he readjusts his gauntlets.

But when scott tried to grab a hold of it it almost fell taking it with him as Scott tried his best to hold onto the staff.

"Whaat?! What. Is. This?!" Scot grunted holding the staff with two hands.

"Oh sorry mann I thought you could hold onto it at least... I guess you can't hold something up thats more than 200+ pounds." Charles said taking back the staff.

"Tsk... what kind of staff is that?!" Scott asked.

"I don't know, but cool right? I got it as a birthday present from the old guy, anyways I gotta go or else I'll get screamed at." Charles said but before he went out he turned to Jean.

"Wish me luck Jean." Charles said winking at Jean who just rolled her eyes, but scott didn't seemed to like it as he was clenching his fists.

"The kid sure knows which buttons to press." Logan said.

"I think it has It's uses, get ready we might have to interfere if needed." Charles X said.

"I don't think we do." Logan said.

"Oh? Care to explain?" Charles X asked.

"Just a gut feeling, instinct tells me the guy knows how to handle himself." Logan said as they all turned their attention onto the giant screen.

Kali and Charles...

"All I gotta say is that there is less than 200 of them and they are stronger and faster than the regular human but other than that we should think they have more abilities than that." Kali said.


When they walked out of the doorway to the hideout they to the middle if the warehouse, when they were in the middle the locked gate of the abandoned warehouse started cranking as it was being bend and opened outward as a person was pulling it making an entrance in.

After that many other noise were made glass breaking, loud booms, thuds and other metal cranking.

A few seconds in, around a hundred or so people were inside filling the warehouse.

"Wow, this is gonna be a long day." Charles commented.

"Yup they are not humans." Kali whispered.

Soon two people walked to the front of the newly arrived group, a white woman and a black man.

"I'm guessing you two are in the lead?" Kali asked to no replies.

"You are gonna have to explain why you broke and entered into my building." Kali demanded.

"We... want the girl, we can help her." The white woman said.

"The girl, oh so you are after Jean? And no sorry but I am already helping her so... you are going to have to leave." Kali said with a smile.

The woman didn't say anything and just looked at the ones behind them signaling them to look around.

"No no!" Kali said as he waved his hand and a force knocked back about 5 of the guys looking around.

"Your not searching the place. And since there doesn't seem to be a way to avoid this I guess we will have a fight." Kali said taking the [Barbarian Style] stance.

"Finally I've been looking to find a way to stop holding back." Charles said as he took a stance with his staff.

When out patrolling they always had to hold back or else they just might kill everyone they hit out there, this also frustrated them a lot including Markus who would love to go all out in a fight going crazy.

But now that Kali said that these people aren't normal and that Charles could go all out he couldn't help but get excited, he was also nervous as having to go against more than hundred super humans would just be plain crazy.

"Either you skedaddle or we'll just beat you bloody into a pulp." Kali said.

The two leaders didn't react for a second before raising a hand as all the newcomers started running towards Kali and Charles.

"Well lets hold down the fort." Kali said as he made a barrier around all the enemies and them so they would only be able to go out id they beat both him and Charles.

"Alright lets goo!! HULK SMASH!!" Kali said as he jumped and using both his clenched hands he brought it down smashing an opponent, after that hit others were knocked back by the force of the blow.

Kali looked at the one he smashed and he saw that they were shape shifters and that they looked to be some grey alien like beings.

"I knew it aliens, were fighting aliens boy don't get abducted." Kali said to Charles as he did a turn sending a kick sweep.

Charles on the other hand jumped and came down bringing his 200+ pound staff down taking out and aliens head. He stood up and looking at the smashed head and alien blood he gagged almost throwing up.

"Ugh I can't throw up right now, Maybe after." He said shaking his head before sending his staff at another alien.


"How could they take all those guys out by themselves?!" Kitty screamed.

"Th- they're not humans." Charles X said holing onto his temples.

"Their fights... they're experienced." Logan said.

"So is this guy like... Nightwing's trainer or something?" Kurt asked.

"Yes, trainer, teacher, master, and father... well step." Chase cut in.

"We should help." Colossus said.

"No need, if the old guy wanted to he could have just taken all of them out." Chase said.

Kali and Charles...

"Hah!!" Charles grunted as he swung his staff taking two aliens with it out.


"Are we keeping-"

"Scores? Cause if w-"

"If we are then that was m-"

"Oww... that was my 14th.. 15th alien."

Charles was multitasking both fighting and talking.

"Oh you wouldn't wanna keep scores with me, your still a baby boy comparing to me." Kali said as he blocked a kick from the side using his arms before chopping down hard knocking the alien out.

"Or maybe less than that, compared to me you would need hundreds of thousands of years before you can catch up HAHAHA!!" Kali said.

"Yeah well you never know, with hard work I could probably catch up old geezer." Charles said sending another one with a kick.

"Ooh your strong." Charles said.

He struck at another alien when the alien caught the staff with both arms.

"But not smart enough!!" Charles said as he let go of the staff as it weighted the alien down a bit, Charles crouched down before doing a turning jump and kicking the alien as it was blown back letting the staff go as Charles caught it.

"You need to be as fabulous as me to pull that off." Charles said.

"Heads up!!" Kali said as he sent an alien up.

"Double teaming, I like it." Charles stepped on another alien and using it as a stepping stone he jumped up and using his staff he sent it at the alien that was thrown up by Kali sending a blow as it hit the ground cracking it.

"Your turn!!" Charles said as he used his staff to send up another alien for Kali to abuse on.

"Nah don't feel like jumping." Kali said, but his eyes glowed green as a beaming green laser fried the alien up in the air.

"Whoaahoho you got laser eyes?! You have got to show me more!!" Charles said.

"Thanks, it was an idea from a certain person." Kali said thinking about Cyclops.

He started getting more ideas the moment he met up with the X-men, and like Cyclops he could use KI to shoot from his eyes or ever his mouth.

There were he thought of like making KI claws from his hand like Wolverines or just making a plain KI sword to mess around with, there were other thoughts of using telepathy like the Professor or teleportation like Kurt but Kali does not have any ideas how he could use any of them. He remembers Goku using the instant transmission but he has no idea how to put that in simple words and learning it.

"You gotta hit them hard enough boy, or they'll just keep on coming." Kali said.


"I can't believe they actually survived this long."

"So thats martial arts? Maybe I should learn some."

"That staff isn't normal?."

"Staff?! Do you see that guy blowing heads off with just his fists?!"

Many comments went by about the two fighting on the upper floor.

Some impressed, some in disbelief, and some... well Chase was fanboying recording all he can.

"What's on your mind Charles?" Logan asked the Professor who was in deep thought.

"Hmm? Oh nothing, nothing too important right now." Professor X said.

The professor was thinking of asking Kali to teach some classes at the school, he thought it would be a good opportunity. Knowing that this guy taught the three Night-watchers himself, he secretly went inside the head of the two boys Charles and Chase a while ago and he was surprised at how smart and caring Kali was.

Seeing the personality and life of Kali through the eyes of Charles and Chase the Professor couldn't help but respect the man, the man seem to know a lot about things that no normal person would. Even the Professor learned a few things from the memories of Charles and Chase.

It would be an understatement to say it was a great opportunity to bring in this man and make a great relationship with, he seems to be laid back as well.

In a short time that this man brought the kids in his house he has done more than can to help them all, and he didn't discriminate or leave one out but did his best to help all equally.

"You think he will be a great teacher?" The Professor suddenly asked.

"Huh?! Your thinking of bringing him in as a teacher? You sure?" Logan asked.

"If he accepts, I think he will be a nice addition." Professor X said.

"Look!! Th- thats..." Kurt said pointing at the giant screen.

Over at Kali and Charles...

"Took y'all long enough." Kali said.

"He didn't wanna wear the suit because it was still bloody." Zhang said pointing at Markus.

They were both wearing their suits but there were some scratch marks and blood on it.

"You didn't have to come if you didn't wan-" Kali wanted to say.

"I know... gotta move on sometimes." Zhang said as he got a staff out.

"Finally!! I get to use these!!" Markus said as he took out two short sword katanas.

"Don't hurt yourself boy, or I'm gonna be laughing my ass off." Kali said.

"Shut it old man!!" Markus said as he dropped down from the building edge cutting down an alien.

"I got some heat to get off and ya bunch will be a great help." Markus said.

"Wait!! Why are you guys here?!" Charles yelled.

"You called them here I thought it was only gonna be us mann?!" Charles said.

"Sorry bud but your gonna need to share... they need training too." Kali said.

"Let's just get this over with." Zhang glided out of the edge gliding into another alien before knocking it down using the staff.

"Alright, you guys take care of the rest I'll take the two leaders out." Kali said walking to the man and woman in charge of the swarm.

The two were busy trying to break the KI barrier Kali made, they tried force but it wouldn't work now they are just standing there like dumbas*' not knowing what to do but to only fight.

"Hii!" Kali popped out of nowhere and appeared next to them.

"Remember when I said to skedaddle and you didn't? Yeah well now you group is done for c'mon lets go.

Kali said as KI chains popped up and chained the twos limbs as they floated up following after Kali who got out of the green KI barrier and was making his way to the underground hideout.


Karstagcreators' thoughts