

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

For The Love Of Alien Shitt

In the hideout the two alien leaders were chained with some type of hard metals.

Kali sat down on a chair and was looking at the two chained up with most of the X-men behind Kali.

"Alright, alright, alright, now who do we have here?!" Kali said.

No replies as the two were just looking at Jean who stood next to Kali.

"Eyy eyy, speak and I will talk to the higher ups to bring down your sentence." Kali said.

"We can help you... we saw how it fused itself onto you, it took a liking to your self-sacrifice and decided on you as the host-" the woman said to Jean ignoring everyone else.

"You were there?" Jean asked.

"Yes, we have been following it for some time now, it destroyed our solar systems sun and with it a lot of our species-" the alien woman said.

"What in the hell was your goal in following the flaming chicken?" Kali asked.

"...The Phoenix is a cosmic entity capable of great power, it is known to have the power of chaos and destruction itself but not many know of the true power of the Phoenix. Life, it has the power of rebirth and can recreate everything it has every destroyed and mor-" the alien woman said.

"And so what? What was your goal? Why were you following it?" Kali asked looking at the two as if they're idiots.

"If we could get the chance to use it power an-"

"Whoa whoa whoahahahahah... mann you people are idiots. You said it yourself that flaming chicken is a cosmic entity what makes your think you would be able to 'get the chance' to use It's power? Not only that It's is a child of the universe now I don't know much about y'all but I am pretty sure you people are just weaklings comparing to the universe." Kali said.

The X-men were at this point a little taken aback at the key words used in the conversation, "cosmic entity?" "Phoenix?" "Child of the universe?".

It all sounded like some joke or unbelievable story to them, it was mostly the old ones that were with Kali and Jean, the others were watching the Night-watchers kick alien ass.

"We can help you use the true powers of the Phoenix, we can show you wh-"

"You aren't showing her a feathers ass, and you are not strong enough to use the powers of the Phoenix unless it choses you to be It's host. And even if you did you can't really use It's power of rebirth, It's easy to use the destruction side of it but the creation side is not something you can easily use." Kali said, for all he ever read on comics or watched on movies he never saw the powers of the Phoenix used for creation and all.

"Who are you?" Jean stepped in.

"Ar- are there more of you?" She asked.

"We are but the first victims of the Phoenix's destruction, there are more powerful than us, more weaker-" the alien woman said.

"How did you find me?!" Jean asked.

"Let's just say I have friends in high places." The alien woman said to which Kali rolled his eyes to.

"Ugh for the love of alien shitt, why are- why am I even talking to these grey asses." Kali said as he got up walking away leaving the interrogation to the others as he picked up the phone and called someone.

>Green.< Fury answered not so happily.

"Hey one eye, uh listen I got uuuh... I got two alien leaders in my hideout with maybe possibly more alive or dead..." Kali said looking at the big screen.

>Y- What?!-< Fury yelled not sure what to take off of this.

"Oh hold on." Kali said as he got off the phone and walked to the screen monitors, he saw the three looking a bit tired as they were back to back surrounded.

"Hey guys remember that first team tactic you used on me?" Kali said to a speaker so Nightwing and the others could hear.

The three paused before nodding at each other, they all crouched down before reaching into their utility belts and jumped. In mid-air they threw something around the area, and not long smoke started appearing covering all the area as the three disappeared into the smoke.

"Wh- what happened?!" Kurt screamed.

"Yyeeesssss!! That is epic, they threw smoke bombs (pellets) to take the enemies sights." Chase screamed as he was still recording.

"Sorry had to help some idiots out." Kali said as he put the phone back on to his ears.

>What is going on Green? I thought you were over at-< Fury said.

"I was and I helped, but when I brought the poor girl here we were apparently found out by some self important alien fucks who suddenly knocked on my doo- well to be honest they didn't knock they actually broke my doors and windows which is really fucking rude, can you believe that?! I mean I know they're aliens but I'm sure even outer space species have the decency to knock on their own alien fucking doors, and don't even get me started on how they ignored me or how they carry theirselves it is beyon-" Kali couldn't help voicing out his troubles to Fury when he was interrupted.

>Green!!... Tell me you are serious.< Fury said as he needs to know if this is a serious situation or just some prank call.

"Ugh It's like you won't even listen to my troubles in life anymore Fury what happened to us?... I'm at my hideout." Kali said before he hung up.

"Well looks like the POPO is coming to get you damn trespassers, you know you aliens are the real immigrants of this world I should just batter all you out of our planet." Kali said as he walked to the interrogation.

"Anyways I got one more question... do you have a spaceship?! If you do where is it?!" Kali asked seeing some benefits of taking their ship using it as resources or something else.

The alien in the lead seemed to have lid a spark in Jean as she seemed to be in deep thought, but Kali didn't wanna progress anything of it further so he clogged their mouths with cloths rendering them unable to speak.

"Mr.Green I hope you would be able to explain as I admit to be lost in some parts." Charles X said.

"No problems Old X, but not today It's getting dark and I just wanna go home soon." Kali said.

Looking at the giant screen the smoke started to dissipate as three guys were standing around many dead and unconscious aliens panting with some scratches here and there.

The team tactic they used was something they came up with when they couldn't beat Kali in one of the full geared spars, they would throw smoke pellets everywhere blinding any and take this chance to attack using KI sense, too bad Kali was the one who taught them KI sense or they would have actually stood a chance.

But realizing how useful the tactic could be in certain situations Kali told them to hone it and practice KI sense into perfection for the best outcomes.

"Alright, you guys did good come in now." Kali said to the comms as the three heard and starts to walk into the nest.

When they were inside Markus and Zhang was surprised by the company as they didn't think anyone else would be in here.

They were immediately questioned by the four kids fanboying of them; Chase, Kurt, Kitty, and Bobby.

"Guys let me introduce you to Charles Xavier, he is a Professor at his mutant school and is also an expert in mutant something something." Kali said introducing him to the two who just came.

"Mutants? Those things were real?" Markus asked though not sounding too interested in it.

Zhang on the other hand was wide eyed for a second before shaking his head ridding of whatever he thought.

"Yes we do, but please refrain from saying 'things' as most wouldn't find it the correct term for us." Charles Xavier said shaking Markus' hand who just shrugged his shoulders not caring.

"So!! How was it fighting the alie- aggh!!" Chase put the camera up on Markus' face and started asking questions but was interrupted mid way.

"I told you, stop pointing that thing on my face or I'll break it you dweeb!!" Markus said as he grabbed Chase's face and pushed him away.

"Hey!! Watch it you'll break the camera." Chase said checking his camera.

"That's not the only thing that will break if you keep pointing it at me!!"Markus said as he tried to walk off but Kali grabbed him and head-locked Markus.

"I'm sorry Professor, he may seem aggressive and hard headed but out of all the kids he has the softest heart." Kali said.

"What?! You idi- let goo old man!!" Markus said struggling out of Kali's iron gripped head lock.

"Apologize to the your elder first." Kali said.

"What?! Apologize for what?!" Markus screamed.

"Because I said so." Kali said gripping a bit more.

"Aahh ow ow ok ok ok!!! I'm sorry I'm sorry!!" Markus screamed out.

"There ya go, see it ain't that hard." Kali said, Markus walked off massaging his head.

"Tsk, old fool." Markus muttered.

"What was that?" Kali asked to which Markus shuddered saying 'nothing!' before rushing away to the resting room.

Zhang on the other hand walked off a while ago to the lab not caring about anything else.

"You have a great family." Professor said smiling.

"Yeah they're uh... they're a chaotic bunch." Kali said.

"Anyways before we go go back I would like to ask, how would you like to come to my school and try out some teaching?" Professor X asked.

"Teaching huh?... nah I am already teaching a few punks and brats as well as trying to raise them so adding more kids to the list is just not a good idea." Kali said.

"Haha well if you ever change your mind the school is always open to you, you seem to be a good teacher with the Night-watchers even though you have your hands full with owning a restaurant and taking care of other kids. If you are to come by it would be a good thing that way you'll get some time off and we'll also talk about todays... situation." Professor X said.

"Yeah sure, sounds like a good idea. You know It's sometim-" Kali froze suddenly and the smile he wore dropped as he now wore an expressionless face.

"Mr.Green? Is everything al-!!!" The Professor couldn't finish as him and his X-team were suddenly in chaos.

Other than the Professor, the X-men were all dropped onto their knees and face for the weaker ones. Logan, Colossus, Scott, and storm were on their knees while Bobby, Kurt, And Kitty were facedown as if gravity was multiplied by hundreds.

The Professor was just sitting there, but he was also in the same situation as Kali forced his power down on them holding them down.

"Wha- stoo-" Professor X was grunting.

"Aagghhhh!!" Kurt teleported to the side to lessen the force on him but when he reappeared again he was forced down on his face again twice as hard.

Kali slowly walked to the Professor as he lessened the force on him.

"I was in a mood that I forgot what your mutant abilities were... see I don't remember telling you about my restaurant... in fact... I don't remember telling you my name at all." Kali said as he frowned with his pupils turning into a dark shade of green.

Jean, Charles, Markus, Zhang, and Chase who were unaffected stood up in surprise.

"How did you know of these information? Don't tell me, Professor, that you have gone inside the head of my kids and took, that information." Kali said as his eyes seem calm but Charles Xavier could see the anger building up behind the calm.

"Mr.GreEN!..." Charles grunted.

"I.. have friends that did research on... you.." Charles said through gritted teeth.

And what he said was the truth, half truth. When Charles and the rest noticed when Kali disappeared at the mansion back then Charles Xavier called a friend and with some easy description from Kali's build and white hair, he was able to get his name and the fact that he owned one of the best restaurant in New York as well as an unusual amount of adopted kids.

That was the truth of how he knows about the restaurant and his name, what he is not telling Kali was that he caught a glimpse of his life through his kids. And so he didn't say anything he shouldn't have, and that his stories should fit in, he already lost Jean through messing with her head he doesn't wanna see what would happen if this monster of a man were to know he actually went inside the head of his kids just to know a bit more about him.

"Kali!!" Teenage Charles screamed out.

Kali paused, even though he is angry he couldn't really do anything, at least not much, but the boys were here and he wasn't ready to be seen as some villain or kill this Professor. If he did he would be enemies with the X-men and he can't do that, because he likes Wolverine and he wanted to get to know Storm a little bit.

But that mattered as much as shitt when he thought of this bald man going into the heads of his kids again, oh what he would do!


After some thoughts the force finally disappeared as Kali backed off, but when the X-men could move again they all moved to harm.

Kurt teleported to the right back side of Kali in hopes of surprising him, Scott moved his right hand into his temples to fire off a beam, Logans claws were SNIKT and were clawing their way out into their full glory as he was ready to pounce at Kali, Storm floated up and was about to gather some lightning, while Bobby's hands were icing up.

With the others quick reaction Charles who was the fastest and most nimble ran in to join the fight, Markus pulled out two throwing daggers and threw it at the X-men, Zhang who was smart detached his glider and threw it and Kurt who was closest to him, and Jean who yelled out 'stop!' but was too late so she tried to use her powers.


In slow motion you could see the tension and worry in almost everyone, the Professor screaming out to stop everyone, Logan ready to pounce at Kali, Storm with lightning forming around her, Bobby ready to fire off his ice, Kurt with his claws ready to sink in Kali, and Scott already sending a beam in mid air.

"-OOOPPP!!!" When everything was on their way the Professor yelled out with some mind ability, when he yelled out all his team stopped, mid attack from the Professors mind commanding yell. But he was late on Scotts attack as it was already airborne going straight for Kali.

When the beam hit Kali on the left side of his chest it burned the shirt he was wearing and the burn spread a little bit burning left side of the cloth.

Everyone paused, on Kali's side his kids including Jean were all protected by a green KI barrier so the mind yelling command of the Professors didn't reach them, while the things they threw were stuck mid in mid air by telekinesis.

Two short knifes paused in the air heading straight for Logan, Zhang's glider also stuck in the air heading for Kurt, staying in the air for a bit they finally dropped to the floor.

Lookin at Kali the X-men were shocked, Scott the most as he knew how much damage his beams can do, yet other than Kali's shirt he is completely unharmed, how tough does your skin have to be to survive that?


Kali just exhaled a big sigh.

"Sorry about that, see I would flip over even the government if the plucked a hair off my kids, since I can't help but put them as my top priority. So I'm sorry for attacking you all of a sudden, but I think we should split before any unnecessary events occur." Kali said with his fists clenched barely holding himself.

"Y- yes I think that would be wise." Professor X said as he signaled Kurt to take them away.

But before they went Kali looked at Logan and gave him a shock.

"If you are unsure of who you are then come by, we'll have a few drinks as I tell you about who you are." Kali said.

"Wha-" before Logan could say anything they teleported away with both Logan and the Professor's shocked face.


When they were gone Kali dropped down on the couch with his head on the bottom and legs dangling in the air, he waved his hands as the green KI barriers of the four dissipated.

"Old man!!" Charles yelled out as they ran to Kali.

"Are you ok?!" Markus asked.

"Yeah of course I am why wouldn't I be?... *sigh* it was just too much drama for one day." Kali said as her got up and sat right.

"Wait were you just worried about me?!" Kali asked looking at Markus.

"Wha- Damn you!! You didn't need to ask that." Markus said as he huffed and walked off.

"Wait why are you still here?" Markus asked suddenly pointing at Jean.

"Because she is-... bahahahahha oh that is priceless hold on." Kali pulled his phone out and took a picture of Jean still wearing the tin foil hat Charles made for her.

"Why are you still wearing that?" Kali asked.

"Hmm? Oh I forgot about it... I think it works." She said not sure, but this Jean looked to be an oblivious one.

"It does? How I didn't think it would even work It's just silly and theres barely any scientific reasons that supports why it works." Kali said.

"I don't know... but I don't hear voices when I get out of control." She said.

For a few minutes we had some small talks and laughs.

"Alright it's pretty late now, you three take her home. Leave it to Anna I'll call her and inform her about it." Kali said.

"Tsk your just trying to avoid her naggings since there seems to be another addition to your sick hobby of taking in any kids." Markus said.

"Ooh yeah I think he is right, I mean two in the span of one day? Yeah you'll get some yelling soon." Charles said.

They soon left with a bit of lost Jean as she doesn't know what to do, she was honestly surprised of them already calling her "another kid" as if she was already in the family.

"Hello? Hey, yeah how is she? Haha yeah thanks, I owe you one. Right?! She is a good kid she didn't cry the whole way hole too...

Yeah... mhmm... of course...mhmm...alright thats not a problem...she did?! Well she is 1 and a half years old... yeah... hahahahaha... did you take a picture at least..." Kali was talking to Anna and didn't know how to start off with Jeans situation so he went along with whatever she was talking about.

"Anyways uuh... look the reason I called is... well Charles, Markus, and Zhang are coming home... mhmm with uuuuh +1." Kali said.

>Haha +1? Who is with them, don't tell me It's another one you decided to adopt hahaha.< Anna said that as a joke.

"Hahahahhaha wow you are good at this I didn't even need to tell you, a point for Anna." Kali said as if nothing is wrong.

>...< This time there was no answer on the other side of the phone.

"Ha haha uuh Ann-"

>Whaat?! You can't be stu~< Anna went on.

Kali on the other hand just took the phone away from his ears as Anna was yelling through the phone sounding like she was on speaker.

After a while she still hasn't stopped nagg- talking.

"Okay Anna!! Anna!! Anna!! Listen her name is Jean Grey she is a mutant and sh..." Kali told her story on the phone as Anna was trying her best not to crumble her phone in anger.

>We don't have any room here you know that?< Anna said.

"Yeah I know, thats why I am calling so you could use my room, you already know her story so take care of her for me it'll just be a while unti-" Kali said.

"Ah wow she mist be furious, she hung up on me." Kali said.

He fell back on the couch and changed the screen into channel before using telekinesis to grab whatever beer is left in the fridge.

"For fucks sakes mann can't you ever enter like a normal person?!" Kali yelled out to apparently no one.

"You can never be too carefu-" Fury came out of the shadows saying.

"Careful my ass!! Jesus mann." Kali said.

"Are these the so called aliens leaders you're talking about?" Fury asked looking at the two knocked out looking humans.

"Yeah I guess you've seen upstairs too?"

Fury just looked at Kali.

"Don't look at me it was those three boys that did it, did you know they were apparently called the "Night-watchers?" Haha how cliche." Kali said sipping his beer.

"Say what you want about them Green but they do great work, even if they learned from your messy ass." Fury said as he walked up inspecting the two aliens, Kali could feel a few more energy signatures popping up in the warehouse which were most likely S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

"Who you calling messy?!" Kali retorted but Fury just ignored him.

"Anyways just don't do anything no one should do with them, that includes mixing their blood with humans... that never goes well." Kali said.

"And please give me Bart and Nat's phone numbers I feel like It's been a while with them, you didn't secretly lock them up did you?" Kali asked.