

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
53 Chs

Don’t Always Play Well Together

Multiple gunshots were ringing through the streets in a building in the middle of the city.

Thats how it has been for the past 3 nights.

On each part of the city a certain place would be blown up with reported mass shootings.

The police would gather up and clean up the area, bunch of goons knocked out with some shot to dead, could have been saved but the medics took too long to get there.

The shots at the criminals weren't critical, it was just enough to put pain and bleed them to death.

Talking to the knocked out goons that were lucky enough to survive, reports said that it was either Red Hood or Nightwing infiltrating these hideouts and dealing with these low-lives.

Unfortunately for the dead ones, Red Hood was their vigilante of the day.

Though the others were only injured with bruises and broken limbs, they were still lucky to have Nightwing as their opponents as he didn't kill.

But the police was also able to find that the low-lives they caught were the ones involved in several kidnappings.

And were filled by the more "cooperative" criminals.

On the third night, which is now, the police are more prepared and after the dispatch radioed about the disturbance, more than a few cops cleared out the area and had the gun ringing building surrounded.

And soon enough the gunshots in the buildings slowed down until none was heard.

It was quiet, that was until the side door of the building slammed open and a disheveled messy hair jock ran out with a handgun on hand.

"FREEZE!! You are surrounded! Slowly put down the gun and raise your hands- Stop !! Or we will shoot!!" The officer with the megaphone yelled out.


The criminal jock clumsily ran as he shot his gun sideways at the officers shooting nothing in particular.

*BANG* x7

The officers took cover before more than a few shot back.

But not one bullet hit the running criminal as apparently these dumb fucks can't shoot to save a life.

A brave officer took the charge and rushed ignoring his co-officers scream to not chase.

Some others tried to follow but after a few no-particular-target-shots were shot they stayed back as the officer chasing still ran after the criminal.

The officer yelled at the criminal while still after him.

After some minutes of chasing the criminal finally turned into an alley, just as the officer also turned a few shots came after him.

Lucky for him the criminal was just feinting shots to get a head start.

The officer took cover as he yelled at the criminal.

"You are only making this harder for yourself!! Stop running, there is a radius of blockage around the block and you won't get far!!" The officer said.

*Bang* x3

He peeked out behind the dumpster only to get shot at again.

The officer helplessly tried to speak again only to see a shadow on the top corner of his eyes fall.

Then grunts along with other muffled noises was heard.

The officer peeked out just to see a reddish black shadow kick the criminal to the wall before doing a turning jump back kick to the criminals jaw knocking him straight out.

Then the shadow jumped disappearing.

The officer slowly and cautiously moved up looking around before kicking the criminal to see if he is actually down and out, safe to say he was.

The officer turned the criminal on his stomach before cuffing him.

Soon enough other law enforcement officers came and brought the guy in a cop car before sweeping the area.

As the officer was at a corner watching the activities he heard a low voice behind him.


The officer jumped and turned around with his hand reaching his gun in panic.

"No need for that, I'm not gonna hurt you." The voice said.

"Nightwing." The officer sighted in relief.

"Was that you?" He asked, it was pretty dark so he wasn't able to see much, just as he can't see well right now as the shadows embraced Nightwing hiding him from eyes.

"Yeah, he slipped from my hands so I had to catch up." Nightwing said.

"You know you and the other guy caused a lot of work for the past 3-4 days, had to clean up after the... dirty shitt you left." The officer said.

"It wasn't me-"

"Yeah I know it wasn't you, it was that Hood fella, with the itchy trigger fingers." The officer said.

Nightwing changed the subject and told the officer what he found out.

The guys he and Red Hood put down in that building were the boss of the recent kidnappings, the big players in that building had their "workers" by the balls and was blackmailing along with threatening weak sides of the low-lives to work for them.

"We were able to find most of the kidnapped in the rooms of the buildings cellars, unfortunately not all of them are present.

If you ask these goons you will know that the kidnapped were sold off to buyers across the globe, we'll see what we can do but there is only so much we can do." Nightwing said.

He gave a few more things the police should know before he flew off.

The officer noted the tired look Nightwing had, bullet dent marks was all around his suit.

Must have been a long week, the officer thought.

At the [Nest]...

In the training room Ronny was doing his usual left jab on the punching bag.

Zhang was asked by Charles to do some small trainings with Jack and that is what he is doing, teaching Jack some tips and tricks in close combat fighting.

Logan was in the resting rooms meditating.

If a Marvel fan was to see him now they would be surprised, in fact anyone who knew about the great Wolverine would be surprised.

As he is not exactly known to be patient, or a meditative man.

In fact he can hardly believe it as well.

Yet for more than a month Logan has been sitting in this room almost everyday working on the amount of KI he can use.

Logan was waiting for the day he could finally let it all out, but for now he will still gather up as much KI as he can.

He never thought about meditating, but when he first sat down and crossed his legs to sense his KI for the first time, he was shocked.

Because in doing so he was able to feel relaxed, and best of all the quiet.

Ever since then he would stay in the [Nest] and have his time alone without any annoyance.

Best times were at nights or mornings, because there would be usually no one in there.

So he was there meditating in the dark, quiet, and breathtaking time his KI gives to him.

Plus a refilling fridge of beer is almost two arms away from his spot.

The only time he was annoyed nowadays was when he was bothered by some noisy punks moving around him.

Mostly Markus or Chase.

Like now.

Markus just popped up in the hideout threw his masks on the nearby table and went straight for the resting room grabbing a bowl and making himself a bowl cereal.

With an extra move of unnecessary asshole noise.

This is how it would usually start for the two, then it would lead to a small "spar."

On the training room mat, they battled a few times, of course without their pointy stabby claws and shooting bang bang guns.

When they started this routine of sparring Markus was worried at first because he has heard of the reputation of Wolverine, stabbings and limb cuttings alike.

Until they made the rules of no weapons which includes what they used.

After that Markus made a mistake of underestimating Logan, thinking he was only a savage beast with his claws.

But it turned out bad, as Markus was a battle genius, he was only one if he was in a desperate situation and such.

So the first strikes were simple, but powerful and quick.

Logan effortlessly dodged the first two strikes but when the third came Logan dodged to the side and countered with a turning back kick which send Markus on his ass.

As Markus was shocked and looking at Logan, Logan taunted and advices the kid not to try that easy bullshitt with him.

Logan said he faced more smarter and stronger opponents than him, and that made Markus more serious.

But it till barely did anything as Logan still wins against him, although barely winning.

The only time Logan would lose was when both Markus and Charles teamed up.

But still with more than 80 years of fight experienced and monstrous beast instinct Logan had the best advantages in the fights, even with their KI fully on.

But when Zhang joins the two it was a sure win for the three, Markus was angry at how weak he was that he had to team up with the two, while the other two was happy to have another fighting partner who can teach them.

They were hopeful until Logan started learning how to use KI, Logans first fight with KI was a bit clumsy but the other three don't like to talk about it.

About how a first time KI user beat them up senseless.

Since then Kali left the "training" to Logan since he was always here.

They can't imagine what kind of strength he would have once he refines and get used to his KI.

As Markus sat on the sofa finishing his bowl of cereal and staring at Logan, he was ready to start a little fight.

Until the hideouts door opened and Nightwing came in walking to Markus.

"Hah! Took you long eno- fgah!!" Before Markus could finish Nightwing who took is domino mask off and threw it to the side punched Markus sending him to the wall.

Markus looked back and forth at Charles and the blood on his fingers from his nose.

Logan side glanced looking at the current situation, Ronny paused his left jabs, while Jack and Zhang also stopped their daily lessons to watch the show.

"Explain that stupid weak punch of yours." Markus said glaring at Charles.

"You know what you did today? Markus?" Charles asked with no hint of joy in his tone.

Markus touched his temple as he looked to the side, they had this type of conversation for more than hundred times.

"Do you?" Charles asked again.

"Yeah, we put away so-"




"THEN THEY ARE BETTER OFF WITHOUT THESE SCUMS, WHO THE FUCK KIDNAPS KIDS WHEN THEY HAVE KIDS THEMSELVES?!" Markus said as he stepped up to Charles as they collided foreheads.

"But you are not getting the whole story mark!! You go out and there and the only thing controlling those trigger finger of yours is who did this and that, but you don't go deeper asking yourself why this and that." Charles said.

"I don't need to get anything, I'm here to make things easier for everyone and harder for the criminals, they need to know what happens when they do stupid shitt!" Markus said.


"SCREW THE LAWS!! DO YOU REALLY THINK FOLLOWING THE LAW WOULD MAKE EVERYTHING OKAY? THE SHITT WE KNOW CHARLES? The law can't handle it, if all the things that old fool said is true than a simple planets laws can't do shitt." Markus said.



Charles paused realizing that talking to Markus was pointless, the guy had comebacks for everything he has to say.

"There is just no talking you out of this huh?" Charles asked, to which Markus crossed his arms.

Charles got up to Markus' face and looked straight at him.

"You know, I think you're scared." Charles said.

"I think you want to stop but you don't know how, and you're just scared to just stop because you don't wanna seem weak.

I think you make it seem like you like the killing, but it was too late to go back and change what you've done.

I bet you like going solo because you don't have to hide anything when you are alone, in truth you are actually soft, but when you are with us you put up a tough wall to make it seem like nothin bothers you with your no-care-attitude... but really, you're scared to be alone." Charles said.

He moved in and whispered in Markus' ears on the last part.

Which earned him a shove from Markus, though Charles barely moved back that shove actually put a small dent in their current relationship.

"Back off, I won't say it again." Markus muttered.

The bystanders felt the tense air between the two, Ronny and Jack took it upon themselves to make some popcorn and sat down watching the argument.

Charles moved up again, this time with his right hand out as if asking something.

"Markus, give me the guns." Charles said.

For a slight second Markus' eyes widened a bit before relaxing again.

He scoffed and turn to the side trying to walk past Charles.

Key word is "trying."

Charles turn, but his hand gripped onto Markus' biceps stopping him in his tracks.

"I won't ask again." It was Charles turn to say it.


A small wind was made between the two when Markus flicked his whole right arm getting rid of Charles grip.

"Charles, you might have a good standing in life at the moment, but don't forget our pasts, you were just an old nerd being bullied, if it weren't for me you wouldn't be standing here so proud.

So don't treat me like I'm some easy going guy you can mess around with." Markus said.

Markus attempted to walk away again only for Charles to grab him again.

"Don't compare our past to our curr- *gasp*" Charles couldn't finish when he sensed a sudden surge of KI from Markus.


Markus jerked his hand back loose from Charles grip again and with the same hand send a back fist.

Though Charles didn't summon his KI fast enough, his instincts guide him as he tilted his head dodging the back hand from Markus.

As Markus' arm was dodged and stayed near Charles face, Charles fired up his KI fully and it took less than a second for Charles to pick a technique from his many studies before executing it.

With his left hand Charles grabbed the arm of Markus and with his right hand grabbed his neck before pushing him back tripping him on his leg slamming him on the ground with a heavy thud.

"You don't wanna do this, Markus." Charles said.

"Actually, I do." Markus said.

"Here we go again." Zhang said.

Markus got out of the hold by kicking the side of Charles head, which was blocked, and then a kick thrust upwards at Charles face, which was blocked again, but the force behind the kick pushed Charles back giving Markus enough time to jump back up.

"Aaaagghhhhh!!" x2

They both stared for a second before running at each other.

As they fought Markus was able to get behind Charles and chocked him while dropping elbow strikes on his head.

Charles protected his head waiting for a chance to grab Markus' arm, when he finally did Charles dropped down and rolled forward before throwing his own elbow strike back at Markus' ribs freeing himself.

Charles kicked Markus back, but when Markus tried coming forward again Charles let out a flurry of kicks leaving some bruises on his face.

Markus having enough ran up and tackled Charles into the floor and got on top of him before punching his face in.

As they fought Markus grabbed the small chairs and stuff around hitting and throwing at Charles.

Charles try to keep some distance enough to do kicks and mixed martial arts while Markus was either throwing things or try to get into close combat which Charles didn't allow.

Markus had a hard time asking Kali to teach him the style he had, [Barbarian Style].

And so that was one reason Charles didn't let Markus close in to the grappling range.

It was a style that trades in some strikes to get closer, but once they closed in they let all that impatience out and pummel the opponent.

The ones on the side stood ready incase the two went too far, because they were fully geared and anything could happen.

The flurry of unpredictable kicks and punches annoyed Markus too much.

At one point Markus smoothly took his jacket off and threw it at Charles face.

That small window of distraction gave Markus enough time to rush in and headbutt the pretty face of Charles and with that unleash his fury on the older boys stomach knocking the air out of him.

Charles realizing the problem jumped back, Markus tried to hold on him to stay in close range but lost him.

Markus rushed up to get at Charles again only for Charles to throw his leather jacket at his face instead.

Markus went on the defense while throwing the jacket to the side and looked for Charles only for him to disappear.

Suddenly Charles appeared behind Markus and wrapped his hands around Markus and with all his enhanced KI strength jumped up taking Markus with him.


Next thing everyone heard was the ceiling messed up and Charles slamming Markus' head under it, then dropping back down with Charles feet over Markus' chest in victory.

"Thats hahh enough out of you." Charles said catching his breath.

The others watching was gobsmacked.

(Haha first time using that word😂😂)

They have never heard of such fighting strategy, though it looked silly it seemed to have worked, Markus was staying down.

"Tsk, you think winning this fight makes you better?" Markus asked.

"I mean..." Charles said but didn't finish.

"This doesn't change shitt, and you know it." Markus said.

Before they can go any further a sudden reddish golden spark appeared between the group, and all went alert.


(Idk don't fucking ask😂😂)

At this moment there was two sides, everyone and whatever this sparking circle is.

Charles helped Markus up before Markus flicked Charles hand away, Logan clawed up fully, and Zhang walked up standing in front of Ronny and Jack.

It seemed like a circle firework at first, but then it's shape changed unstably like a wiggling smoke ring.

It grew until it was an adults size, and it stayed right there.

Looking closer they saw that the other side of the portal looks like a setting of an ancient time.

There was worry, until a familiar voice rang in their ears.

"Whoahahahahah!! It worked!!"

Then a head popped out.

White hair, blue eyes, some scar on the face, and a blue robe on.


"Old man?!" x3

"Oh hey guys!!" Kali said as he walked through the portal before it disappeared.

"Where have you been?... you've been gone for like a week." Charles asked.

Though that wasn't what he really wanted to know, what they wanted to know was what he just did.

Although Logan has seen his fair share and doesn't look too surprised he still has questions because the last time he check this bastard doesn't have any teleporting abilities.

"Sorry, I was out learning magic... well mostly other languages but you don't need to know." Kali said.

"So..so that... that just then was magic?"


"Pffthahahaha, damn who bruised you guys so bad like that?" Kali asked laughing at the two.

"They had another fight." Zhang said on the side.

"Yeah? Haha such idiots." Kali said.

Last time kai and Zhang were together Kali punched him and now there was a bit of awkwardness, at least for Zhang but kai didn't care much.

"You shouldn't even be talking you're pretty much an idiot too sometimes." Markus said.

"Hmm." Charles nodded.

"Old man you gotta talk to him, he killed more than a few tonight, and it's gonna keep getting wo-" Charles said but was interrupted.


"Yo back the hell up Charles, don't worry about what I do!" Markus backslapped Charles chest before walking off.

Charles massaged his chest and looked at Kali with expectation.

"Don't worry I'll talk to him in a bit." Kali said.

"But for now..." Kali turned to Logan.

"I have something beautiful to show you Wolvie." Kali said as he rushed grabbing a big mug and showed it to Logan.

"What am I seeing?" Logan asked.

"Nothing, right?" Kali asked.

Logan raised an eyebrow at this thinking it's a waste of time.

Kali shake the mug around confirming there is nothing, then he hold it and glared at the mug in great concentration for more than a minute.

Logan almost walked away leaving the idiot to himself when he heard something, he turned around and looked at the mug.

And with great smell he knew what he smelt, grabbed the mug in the middle of Kali's concentration and looked at the mug and saw beer inside, fizzling and all cold.

"Really? You couldn't wait until I was done? You know how hard it was just to make beer?" Kali asked.

Logan downed the mug in one go and burped out.

He than looked at Kali, there was an urge to ask how but a man must never ask 'how' but if there is more.

"Damn awesome right? It's magic." Kali said.

Logan didn't reply but gave him the mug and told him to refill, which Kali did fully in a minute and some.

He has been studying with the Ancient One for more than a week and he hasn't slept since, he learned the portal first in a week, then the moment he achieved the booze magic he rushed here to show his best drinking buddy.

The others already returned to their own things, they try to stay calm and not ask question about the portal, they knew for a fact that it's a small thing comparing to what weird shitt Kali will do in the future.


The time came for Hannah's birthday, and Kali wanted to throw the biggest birthday for her, but certain people and things weren't up for it.

In the end Kali and some of the girls set up for a small party.

Everyone that was at the Christmas party was present... except for Natasha.

Barton made it but wasn't able to get in contact with Natasha, when Kali invited them for the party Barton looked for her and asked around the agents.

No one knew but Fury said he just missed her as she immediately went for another assignment after coming back.

Now Kali was a bit annoyed, he knew that from the comics and movies Natasha isn't the type to avoid a situation like this, she says what is on her mind instead of hiding so.

But he still couldn't help but be hurt thinking she might be avoiding him.

Everyone else was there, Logan and Barton drank with him, the others doing their own things.

It was a weekend so most of them weren't in college at the moment.

Hannah was turning 2 and everyone did their best showering her some attention even though she wouldn't remember much.

The kids also found a way to cheat life with endless stamina and weeks of activities without sleeping.

The KI fruits that was in their backyards, it could keep them energetic for days without needing much sleep, but they still sleep at least once or twice a week to have good rest.

The fruits were such a cheat it turns '5 Hour Energy' into 'One Day Energy.'

So during the days they do their own things while at night those that wanted to took some nights of training with Charles and Zhang.

Anna on the other hand didn't seem interested, at least not to the others.

But she approached Kali and asked him to train her which greatly surprised him, her reasons were understandable so he agreed.

Soon enough they might all have a foot in the vigilante business, though only if.

Though Kali didn't see this coming some thoughts popped up and it got him excited for them.

I have a secret to tell you guys...

Charles is Nightwing

And Markus is Red Hood...

I know I say this a lot but, iron man is comin soon.

A few more foundation refinement for the family and it’s all good after that.

I’m trying to make each of them have a place to play in the chaotic times and all.

And the questions about Natasha? You asshats will see soon enough HAHAHA

Karstagcreators' thoughts