

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

No Work No Gain

*Haah* *Haah* *Haah*

The sound of hard breathing, Kali was panting, out of breath as he as he jerked his head at the many figures slowly walking to him with I'll intentions.

These things were but shadow silhouettes that look like human, humanoid shadows to be precise.

Kali huffed out before he put his hands together by his side, the KI around this dark red world started to gather between his hands.

"Haaaaaaa!!!" Kali screamed out.


The KI ball between his hands flashed and turned into fire, yet more KI were being absorbed nonstop.

"Cruel Fucking Suuu- SHITT!!"

Before he can finish and throw the small palm sized fire ball one of the shadows body glowed a colorful color and shot out a beam from it's chest.

He jumped high and out of the spot he stood before as that shot just made a big crater.

Far from the view humanoid shadows Kali stood back up and looked back and forth at the shadows and his KI fireball.

Both angry and relieved.

Angry that the shadows didn't give him time to do his power move and relieved that he still had the fireball stable in his right hand.

"You ASSHOLES!! Don't you know you are supposed to let your opponent go through their special moves and not interrupt them?!

I mean I know this isn't some kind of thing on TV but still!!" Kali vented.

But no reply came.

What the shadows did was change directions instead and started their walk at Kali again as if nothing happened.

The whole time Kali was here, these shadows moved and thunk like robots or something.

He still hasn't figured out the full lists of what these things can do, but he does know that he doesn't wanna get shot by those beams.

It's not anything he has ever seen or felt before, because those things hurt, and he meant it HURTS.

"Fine, do whatever y'all want, but take this first!!" Kali raised his left leg up as if he was pitching a baseball game.

When he finally let go of the small fireball he jumped back far from the collisions.


The red ground was blown to pieces.

After the dust and smoke dissipated Kali could see that a hole as wide as a regular house was there with more than tens of feet deep hole.

The few shadows in front were gone, nowhere to be seen which brought a smirk to Kali.

But it only lasted a few seconds as the shadows appeared again, floating up from the deep hole and no apparent scratches (Even if there were he still wouldn't be able to tell as they are shadows, too dark to see anything even with a flashlight) anywhere on them.

For the last... while that Kali has been here he has not done any damage to these shadows, at least not critical.

It may look like he was on a red themed planet but it is actually smaller than our little earth.

This one was big enough to hold a city on it.

If the current camera was to float a few hundred feet up in the air, you would be able to see the sphere like shape.

It was an ideal place to bring about those idiots who think of planets as "flats."

Back to the current situation.

No matter what Kali threw at these things, it doesn't seem to be effective, all but one, such as [KI Force].

But still all he could do with it was increase the shadows center of gravity slowing them down, or blast them back.

But that wasn't what he is going for, Kali is trying to find a way that could hurt these shadows that absorbs everything like a vortex of black hole.

Not only do they absorb most attacks but they return the energy attacks back at Kali, almost a few times more painful and annoying.

Everything would have been fine if these shadows weren't mindless and just attack whatever is alive and isn't themselves.

There is like a few thousands of these humanoid shadows around here but only around a hundred plus are chasing him around.

"Well Fire doesn't seem to work..." Kali muttered.

Now he was running out of ideas, he even tried the new spells he learned from his teacher The Ancient One.

At first he was just using these shadows for training blasting his new-learned spells and incantations, but that was a long while ago, now he barely have any KI on his body.

There were still plenty in the air and among many of the things around but it wasn't wise to do an instant suction of the KI in the area or else things won't end well.

Not only was he exhausted a bit, his clothes were also tattered and half burned.

Before he can have any more thoughts, he heard a small noise.

He looked up in time to see tens of the Shadows that were in the AOE fireball, were glowing around their entire body.

Looked as if they were to be burned, but Kali knew better and by the time he was blinded by the flash he zoomed up in the air as the tens of shadows send back the [Cruel Sun] he blasted them with earlier.



The explosions were too big that it still caught up to him and blasted him higher up into the air.

Half a minute pass and he woke up on the war like battlefield.

With all the shadows standing around him.

"Really?! Y'all mothafuckas can't give me a break?! Screw you!!"

Kali screamed as he jerked his hands and spread before using a large amount of his leftover KI and used [KI Force] to blast the group of hundred shadows back.

*Haah* *Haah*

Kali slowly stood up panting as his forehead started to show some sweat.

"I won't be going easy on you assholes next time. PEACE!!"

Kali put up a peace sight before he fell backwards when a sorcerers portal showed up on the ground and swallowed him.


In a very old fashioned room there sits a lady with golden robes and a bald head.

The Ancient One.

She sat on the floor with a low table drinking tea and reading an old looking book.



When on the other side of the table, a greenish like portal appeared and from it dropped a man, Kali.

The giant of a man sigh before slowly and lazily getting up, he then looked towards the Sorcerer Supreme who didn't even bat an eye at his arrival and still read her book.

"Awww mann...how could this hurt so much...." Kali rubbed his right side of his lower back.

"How long have I been in there teach?" Kali asked.

"Days I presume, four at most." The Ancient One says.

"4 days?! Hell no, I've been in there for at least..." Kali paused as he realized he wasn't even keeping track of time.

"...around four days, ugh." Kali gave up.

"Was your... training... productive?" Ancient One asked, again not looking away from her book.

"Yeah, learned a few of them old Ancient demons great spells, I'm actually getting used to casting them and am trying to make it second-nature to me...but to be honest I might not use a lot of these when I'm outta here." Kali said.

Kali suddenly raised his right hand as a big mug flew to his hands out if nowhere, he then gave one intent look at the mug before looking back at The Ancient One as the mug filled with beer.

"Either way it is good to have more than brute strength equipped, you never know when it is needed." The Ancient One said.

"Of course, but I can't get over the feeling of punching someone straight in the face, plus my basic KI techniques are easy to use, unlike the more advanced ones you taught me." Kali said.

It has been a year, and the Ancient One has taught Kali how to use his KI in various ways.

One significant way to use his KI was to turn it to spells and incantations, or in other words, coding.

The Ancient One told him to look deeper into the KI energies and learn how they work, to learn what they are more than a simple Life Energy.

Though Kali was smart he was in a new field of learning, and using "codes" to play around with the energies isn't exactly easy, so it took him a while to grasp on it.

When he first reincarnated all he ever did was meditate for a 'Quantity' of his KI.

Now he was working on the 'Quality' of his KI.

But once he got a foot in it he started looking up to the basic spells first, then onto the more advanced spells.

Kali also learned that some forbidden spells or too advanced spells were not given to anyone unless they are the Sorcerer Supreme or such, but the old Ancient Lady doesn't seem to worry about that and show Kali the advanced ones.

Kali once cracked a joke about letting him be Sorcerer Supreme just to see what her answers were, safe to say fate and destiny didn't change and Doctor Strange would still be the one taking her spot as the Sorcerer Supreme.

Clearing that up Kali wondered why she doesn't bat an eye and still give him those that were not supposed to be given.

In the end he just threw those useless waste of space thoughts away and continue his lessons.

Although KI is called and considered [Natural Energy] there is actually three types of energy according to the teachings of Agamotto.

The first one would be [Arcanum Ego], which is "Old Magic Language" for Personal Bio Energy.

The second is [Arcanum Eco], for Universal Energy.

And the third is [Arcanum Exo] for Dimensional Energy.

But there was also another path, which was [Necromantic]. (Black Magic)

And the category KI belonged to was [Arcanum Ego], Personal Bio Energy.

Kali was confused with it since KI is considered everywhere, that is what he could also feel.

But it brought him more understanding and surprise when he saw a few old books of CHI.

It is termed [Chi Magic] for any of the Sorcerers around there, surprisingly that is one of the many common magics some of the Sorcerers use when they get in a fist fight and they need a boost in physical strength.

Kali thought about how the people of K'un Lun would be surprised hearing that they are not the only ones in modern society to still know of Chi.

But so far it's still not easy to learn, Kali hasn't seen any of the Sorcerers around using it.

In the first few months Kali learned the basics of the old languages that uses magic.

The book of languages that the Ancient One gave him was something he never heard of, he learned the common languages such as Spanish, Russian, Italian and a few others back when he learned of his comprehending mind, but some of the ancient languages he was told to learn was too much since there was not much of them on the internet and such.

But everything went well once the Ancient One guided him.

After that he learned of a few spells, ones such as [The Chains Of Krakkan], [The Mists Of Morpheus], [A Sorcerers Sphere], [The Vapors Of Valtorr], [The Shield Of Seraphim].

Those were mid-level spells and even common among the Sorcerers that have been training for centuries, even the ones that have been training for decades.

Some were even dissatisfied of how fast Kali was learning them, Kali saw a chance and even taunted some of them calling them useless, untalented and such.

Mordo didn't seem to mind it much, but Kaecilius? Oh He was raging, and it didn't help that he was Kali's most favored target to annoy and taunt.

At one point Kaecilius approached The Ancient One to ask her why she was teaching someone as despicable and ignorant like Kali.

But he was just turned away by her usual "wise-words", since then Kaecilius seemed to stay far from the Kali to avoid ever being so angry that he would lose his mind and kill Kali.

Kali took it down a notch as well since he didn't really want to make Kaecilius turn villainous just a few years early.

That and The Ancient One told Kali to stop, something about not his to face.

He was then told that Kaecilius is another mans destiny for a stepping stone.

Kali was surprised that that she knew Kaecilius would turn into a bad egg in the near future, but she didn't say anything else so they left that topic.

But it still didn't stop Kali to do some "small" scale sneer, Tease, and Insult Kaecilius.

Other than the current spells, the ones that The Ancient One gave him were [The Shackles Of Sheol], [The Seven Rings Of Raggadorr], [Bolts Of Balthakk], [Crimson Bands Of Cyttorak], [The Images Of Ikkon], and [The Light Of The All-Seeing Eye Of Agamotto].

The various spells are not something anyone can just learn, unless you are a somebody.

When Kali saw the [Images Of Ikkon] he knew that the spell was the one Doctor Strange used against the fight with Thanos.

The one where he split himself into tens of himself, it was hard to learn but it sounded easy to learn.

[The Images Of Ikkon] is an illusion with a touch or "real", reading it Kali realized that when Strange split himself into many other bodies, his clones were not real, they were but clones of energy.

What was real was the spells his clones casted therefore Thanos was roped.

But there was still so much to learn.

What Kali had his mind on the most was [Bolts Of Balthakk], which was to summon lightning and use it as a weapon against ya foes.

The spell was powerful on it's own, but Kali thought of using that very lightning to give him an extra boost of power.

Power for his [Emerald] form.

Like Goku's [Super Saiyan 2] form.

Which he knew was a great focus on speed and precision with strength not that far behind.

Other than his main lessons to improve his spells, he also invested his time with other schools of magic.

When he learned of the other schools he turned into a kid in Christmas and was giddy.

He saw a school he was familiar with, [Chaos Magic].

Which was definitely the magic Scarlet Witch A.K.A. Wanda Maximoff, was using.

And other such as [Atlantean Magic], [Blood Magic], [Druidic], [Faerie] (Fairy), and [Pantheonic].

But those were way out of his league, what he was studying at the moment was [Technomancy] and [Runic] magic.

In fact when it came to studying magic, Kali used most of his time for those two particular schools.

He saw [Technomancy] as a way to significantly put him leagues beyond even Tony Stark and invent shitt that would make all if not most tech, it's bitch.

And [Runic] magic is a GREAT plus as well, even if runes didn't work on his personal inventions it would be fun to make magical items.

At least he hopes that's the kind of magic it is.

All in all he is also making his own creations in the Sorcery business, the things he have seen in his past lives could be made here as well.

"The more you master the more you come close to being a Master of the Mystic Arts." The Ancient One said.

On the other side of the table Kali had more than 5 full mugs of cold beer and doesn't seem to plan in stopping soon.

"You should try some tea Kali, it would calm you and help you focus more on your lessons." The Ancient One said as she just stared at the alcoholic on the other side of the small table.

"Hmm, maybe I'll try some when I'm back to studying." Kali said.

"But that is not what is on my mind, how the hell have I not heard of these shadows yet? These things are monsters, they have the abilities to take over the universe if they ever had the thought of it." Kali said.

"Those are but small few of the foreign dangers in the outer dimensions, most may be dangerous but they lack the qualifications to do villainous acts." The Ancient One said.

"My foot!! You know how bad those things are?! They see something alive that isn't them, they attack." Kali said.

"And that is their purpose in existence, no matter how ill-mannered the Dark Golems are, innocent is what they are." Te Ancient One said.

"That's what those things are called? And innocent?" Kali asked deadpanned.

"Yes, they are...wired to do one thing and that is all they can do really, they don't have much freedom like most species in the universe, they don't have their own thoughts." She said.

"See in the universe it is all connected to the 6 infinity stones, therefore most species have their own soul, own mind, certain time in life and have something that was given by the stones, but in the cracks of the universe there are the other realms and dimensions that is not touched by the universe and stones, therefore-"

"They don't have the qualities of the stones!" Kali finished for her.

The Ancient One smiled as she nodded at Kali.

"Hmm, so they don't know the concept of having their own thoughts, or have a soul." Kali muttered.

"But it's not all as it seems as well, though the Dark Golems don't have any thoughts or souls they are surely powered by something similar of the Power Stone." The Ancient One said.

"When the big bang happened, the stones brought certain balance to the universe, mind for thoughts, soul for emotions, and the other 5 for their own purpose.

Tell me, if one of the 6 Infinity Stones were to not exist when they came into existence what do you think would happen?" The Ancient One asked finally putting her book down.

Kali didn't say anything, he looked down thinking and when he finally jerked his head up in realization, The Ancient One spoke his thoughts.

"Exactly, if the Mind Stone didn't exist then the universe would be full of mindless monkeys, if the Soul Stone didn't exist then it would be full of emotionless species.

For others such as the Time Stone or Reality Stone, even I cannot imagine how ghastly it would be without them." The Ancient One said as she looked up in thought.

"God how did we get to this topic?! I hate these kinds of talk." Kali said.

He drank the last of his beer before standing up.

"Time to go?" The Ancient One said getting back to her book.

"Yeah, I gotta go to a meeting with Europes minister of public affairs and talk about spreading my business there and buy some properties, after that I need to garner some pr-... why am I even explaining it to you teach, you're not interested in my boring activities.

Anyways yeah after Europes whole ordeal I'll be home in no time!! Haha!!" Kali said as he opened the wooden door in the little room.

"I'll see ya later teach!!" Kali said disappearing.

Soon enough he walked out of a force field which was a portal gate from Kamar-Taj to his current location.

What he saw on this side of the gate was a house mixed between old fashioned and a modern look.

The London Sanctum.

Kali walked some steps before turning into a room and entering closing the doors.

Not long he walked out of the room looking like a new man, unlike moments ago where his robes were tattered.

He now donned his black and white suit with a simple black tie.

But overall, around his neck was a silver chain necklace, not too big but big enough to catch many attention.

He no longer have the long hair tied into a man bun as he cut it and styled it backed to his faded sleeked back hair and a full mustache around his mouth.

(For his new facial features, think of Slade Wilson/Deathstrokes look, but without the eyepatch and all)

He then head straight for the sanctums front doors when he stopped looking at the old man in the sanctums living room.

"Aah Master Rama, good day to you. How are those old bones doing?" Kali asked with an innocent smile.

"Mr.Green..." Master Rama grunted out.

He was the keeper of the London Sanctum, but even though he was a keeper he still knows about Kali's infamous teasing at Kamar-Taj.

"Hey I think earlier Master Tina was looking for you..." Kali paused seeing Master Rama's reaction.

Sure enough Master Rama had a twitch on his eye and lips.

"Say...you two wouldn't be in an intimate relationship are ya?" Kali curled his lips and donned a face of playful sneer.

"No! It is but a strictly professional relationship, and we only advise each other on exercises assisting the novice and intermediate studen-"

"Calm down calm down, I was just kidding, she looked too young for you anyways, I doubt you two are doing anything.

Anyways I gotta go and do some winnings in life, I'll see you some other time Master Rama." Kali said as he finally went out the front double wooden doors.

Master Rama on the other hand stood where he was with his face twitching and face turning red in frustration.

He was thinking about why he didn't just avoid that idiot of a man Kali.

If one was a sorcerer and knew Kali, there is a high chance they would know Kali.

And knowing him long enough will either frustrate you or... frustrate you. (Different if you don't know)

Of course Kali would joke around and they would have a laugh at first but after a while he would just piss them off and they don't know that Kali is actually practicing his words with them.

He wanted to see what he can do with just words, and so far his understandings in making Sorcerers laugh and angry was easily achievable.



"Oh you're already here, I only called a few minutes ago and here you are, Great!" Kali said.

Down the sanctum steps on the roadside parked 5 cars, all black.

In the middle was a 2007 black Cadillac sts-v, while in the front and back were black Range Rovers full of security.

Kali walked down to greet his assistant for some time now.

Linda Kerchek.

She has been really dependable on the many stupid things Kali would ask for, and she is strictly professional.

Kali actually didn't think of an assistant at first, but then she was recommended if he ever thought of the position.

And the very man who recommended her was right beside her as well, Davis, who is also Kali's newly appointed Head Security.

All groomed and looking like the toughest gentleman around, even a few heads could turn for this middle aged man.

Linda was apparently the Niece of Davis and from time to time would actually help him when he needed it, she worked in an office around a year ago when she was fired for reasons Kali don't know.

Hearing she was looking for work Davis had a "small" talk with Kali of several positions he might have available, Kali gave Davis a chance and now here she was.

And at first Linda was surprised her uncle even had connections to give her a job she was thankful none the less, but she didn't think the job would be much.

But when she heard from her uncle that it was and assistant job for an upcoming CEO for the future, she grabbed onto the opportunity and wouldn't let go.

And for months she took the job, Kali was a laid back chill boss and the pay was good, and not only that but the [Green Industries] was slowly expanding, and if she played it right she could be there as one of the individuals working to bring the company to the top, and she would be irreplaceable.

She also met a few of the Greens, she knew Charles the most as he traveled with them to the other countries expanding their business.

But as Europe was the last trip Kali let Charles go back to New York to do his things.

Kali taught him enough for the past year and if everything went right, this last trip on Europe would be a quick one.

"Ms.Linda, Davis, good morning...wait is it morning?" Kali asked looking up at the sky.

"Afternoon, sir." Linda corrected as Davis just nodded in greeting.

"Oh well, it's still daylight so..."

The driver opened the door as Linda got in first scooting to the other side before Kali got in.

Davis got on the passenger seat as the rest of the security on foot also got in their cars.

"So anything on the schedule today?" Kali asked.

"You have a dinner appointment tonight with three gentlemen, Mr.Harek, Mr.Revus, and Mr.Conrad." Linda informed.

"Remind me who the hell they are again?" Kali asked not in the least bit embarrassed about it.

"They are the holders of most properties in the UK, and you are to grab some opportunities after the minister allows you to expand your business here." Linda informed.

She has a resting bitch face and so she don't smile much, it actually scared a lot of people that talks to her and Kali enjoyed it a lot.

Now the security guarding them are not your regular baby faced security on TV, no these security guards are MEN, muscled and mustached with a mothafuckkn glare MEN, of course some WOMEN as well.

In fact all the 132 security guards that Davis was in charge of were homeless, and this is their first job in a while and they ain't messin it up.

Of course Kali didn't need security or even the cars to travel, but he is now a busy business man and needs to look the part.

He didn't spend millions of dollars investing on these men and equipments just to not use it.

Plus he loves it, having and assistant, having security and the nice cars.

He likes to feel special and this was it.

One of the first things he put money on was the muscle of the company, the security and he had plans for that.

And before he left New York he brought out more than a hundred properties, he also gave some old labs to scientists and researchers for them to do their thing, and that was one of his money makers.

He financed their research and whatever the scientists and researchers discover or make, he gets money from it as well.

At the moment Kali told them to head back to his suite as he put his head back after telling them to turn the radio on.

A lot has happened in 2007, it was now January of 2008, the year where things start to go to shitt.

Well that was a lie the X-Men have been shitting ever since they're existence but for some reason some people still don't know about mutants.

It was some unrealistic bullshitt.

On January of 2007.

Kali brought a hundred plus properties to which he planned to turn into useful buildings.

Mysteriously the Red Hood changed his ammo to non-lethal rubber bullets, no one says anything about it but they are happy he changed for the better.

But there are still real bullets ready whenever he needs them.

Ronnys left jab started to feel like second nature, Kali told him to do rapid jabs after that.

On the February of 2007.

Davis and his group of construction workers finished rebuilding the warehouse over the Nest, Kali paid them handsomely while he appointed Davis as Head of Security.

After the newcomer Linda was hired as Kali's assistant they started their journey with a group of security guard handpicked by Davis.

Then they head to South America, Colombia to be exact.

It was rich with minerals and has many lands unused, it was a gold mine, literally.

It was Kali's first business deal meeting with the Colombian higher ups and he was nervous but put up a good tough look since Charles was with him learning.

They had some fun with some locals and partied before the meeting commenced.

The deal went well, mostly because the Colombian higher ups didn't think a low starting company would do much, but it was their first success so Kali was happy.

After that they spread to more cities around Brazil with most successful.

From April to July of 2007.

Kali spent 4 months going through the countries of Africa, Australia, before ending in Asia.

Africa had ton a shitt of minerals and Kali grabbed the most properties there but they were all really small areas since other world wide businessman have their foot in Africas rich resources.

The continent was endowed with mineral reserves and actually ranked first or second in quantity for a bunch of rare resources.

Australia was also rich in minerals, but again other businessman filled the lands mining area, still Kali was able to get a few small lands for himself.

Kali also made portals from wherever they are to the skies of New York and send Nightwing to do his nightly patrols just to be safe incase geniuses connect the dots on Charles and Nightwing.

Both Dillon and Mannix joined ESU's college football.

For Mannix Kali had no doubt it was to get more girls, and for Dillon it was probably to get experience.

But surprisingly the two made it to be the top players in ESU, and are being eyes by the state teams.

No doubt it's from the training Charles and Zhang gave them.

Mannix also picked up on some interest and is now majoring in engineering, he has seen the cool shitt Charles be making and wanted some of that action, Kali is not sure how that will go, but as long as the kid believes himself.

Dillon got into music and was thinking about doing some producing lessons.

On August of 2007.

In the middle of the month as Kali was making deals left and right Charles told Kali of his thoughts, his thoughts about Jack being ready to learn KI along with some others.

But Kali told him he will see after returning to New York, he could have just teleported but he didn't wanna make it seem to easy or the others will just keep calling for him.

On that same month Fury called Kali to cash in a favor, and with a question in his mind Kali actually portal'd into Fury's office scaring the black out of him but calmed down later screaming at Kali not to do that again.

As Kali sat in Fury's office about to talk a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents blasted in fully geared pointing guns at Kali.

Apparently they detected a foreign energy and thought there was an intruder, but Fury waved them off.

As they sat Kali finally asked the question: Where is Natasha Romanoff?

Because she was hasn't been seen, physically.

Even Barton said he only got her calls and video chats, but never seen her in real time.

But all Fury said was that Kali just missed her as she was in his office a few weeks back.

After a back and forth intense small talk Kali just let it go and asked why Fury called him.

Fury needed him for a search-and-rescue mission, and he can't have the mission be a failure as things were too important for such.

Kali told Fury he was busy, but he had another option for Fury.

Red Hood.

Which was immediately denied by Fury, he knew Markus' rebellious behavior, he can't be controlled and too much was at stake for a rookie to do it.

Kali talked Fury into it, Red Hood's talent is being wasted in the streets and could be used for the better.

Fury was still reluctant but Kali assured him one thing to make Red Hood behave: A target with the green light for lethal weaponry.

Fury decided to give Red Hood a chance, but he can't believe this kid who was still a teenager had multiple counts of bodies on his hands.

Kali called Markus to inform him that he will be doing a quick search-and-rescue mission for a man named Fury, he told him that he would be picked up by some agents before Kali hung up.

Markus didn't have a chance to say much.

With the done deal Kali bit Fury goodbye before heading out, through the door like a normal person.

But what he wanted was to really see his favorite agent.

Once he located Agent Hill Kali went straight to bothering her and whatnot, she tried his best to ignore him but in the end winded up talking to him, again.

As they walked through the hallway Kali spoke of what he has been doing lately just making conversation.

Annoyed Agent Hill grabbed Kali's clothes by his chest and pushed him back.

Kali thought he would be pushed back into a wall but they went through a door instead, the mans bathroom, that's where Agent Hill pushed him into.

Kali heard her say "shut up" before she tip toed and kissed him on the lips, which shocked him hard.

Because even though he liked to annoy her at best, he truly didn't think of their relationship to go there but only in friendship.

As their lips parted ways they realized another agent was in the bathroom with them and was frozen staring at the two.

Kali wasn't sure if Hill had a bad day or something, because she yelled out at the agent to "get out", the agent didn't take long to run out of the bathroom.

She walked to the door and locked it before making sure it was only her and Kali in there.

Kali was trying to ask if she was okay when she just grabbed him by his collars and pulled him down so close to her face Kali could see her blue eyes.

Then she asked: "You said you could help me relieve my stress right?"

And at that moment Kali stopped thinking with his mind as his dick woke up strong and took charge of the situation.

They locked lips again, with some tongue battle as Kali picked her up, and walked through a wall as they suddenly appeared in a room with a queen sized bed.

(Sorcerer Portal)

But she didn't even care how they got there as Kali laid her down on bed as they continued their tongue battle.

With one flick all of Kali's clothes were thrown to the side, Hill stared for a bit and gulped before she got up trying to take her clothes off as well.

It took so long for her to get things off Kali moved in to try and rip everything off when she screamed out rejecting his thoughts.

After a while when she finally took her boots off she was suddenly picked up again in a princess carry and they both got on bed with lips locked again.

While they locked lips Kali hd one hand on her cheeks while the other on her soft bosom while also rubbing himself on her legs a little bit.

Hill backed her head up and licked her lips before taking charge pushing Kali as she took the top position.

She looked down and gulped as she bit her lower lip, breathing quickened, and heart beating faster.

She positioned herself on top before sitting down, but nothing was in yet, what she did next was slide forward and back trying to get one off early as Hill was already lubing Kali's underside rod with her own secretion.

She had spasms here and there.

Kali on the other hand was clenching the bed hard as he was holding it in as she was using him to her own satisfaction.

If it was a metal Kali was clenching instead of the soft bed then he would definitely dent the damn metal.

He had wills of balls just for not grabbing the shitt out of her and pound her to hell, because if he actually did that then she would die.

That was one reason Kali didn't wanna get too strong for and slowed down his cultivation.

He wouldn't be able to interact with humans anymore, let alone his kids.

By the time she bent backwards getting her orgasm Kali took the initiation and pin her down, though not too hard and he didn't touched her much and slowly started to push forward.

She also tried to make it easy as she spread herself but she could feel it all the way down her toes as they clenched up.


After an hour and a half.

Kali laid on bed, and on top of him were Hill, just having a peaceful breathing moment.

Kali got off about three times and he fully enjoyed it, and fully he meant.

He learned a new skill with his KI, to redirect his fluids out of her before they go any further.

And he laid there thinking about how he didn't have to do that to Natasha as she couldn't have kids, so when they did it he went all out without holding back.

But all in all he wasn't complaining, the short moment with Hill was also amazing, in fact she got off more than him and he was more than happy to help her.

It didn't take long after that for her to get up as something beeped around her clothes, probably a call.

As she was getting dressed it was then that she realized where she was, she freaked out much to Kali's amusement.

September all the way to December of 2007.

At Asia Kali stopped at the Hong Kong Sanctum meeting Master Tina Minoru before spending the rest of the year there making a few deals, but mostly partying.

He wished Logan was there with him because he actually had many drinking contests and had some mass brawls, his security guard also got in the fun but they skedaddled before law enforcements could arrive.

By the time it was January of 2008.

Kali and his group went to Europe near the London Sanctum, but not before he gave Charles a choice of going home or staying for the last deal in UK.

Kali headed straight home with some security regardless of Charles not wanting the protection.

He also tried to fly home but Kali dragged him into the plane instead and told him about patience and how to live normally once in a while.

After two weeks at London, Kali officially finished his traveling business.

As they boarded the private plane Kali screamed in excitement to go home as he wrapped the emotionless Linda in a hug and jumped around screaming "we're going home."

There was a few things to do when he gets home, it will be tiring but he is glad to do it at home.

But most importantly? He needs to put Ronny in a gym to start his debut match and let him be a pro boxer.

The next thing for [Green Industries] is to present the world with his stolen ide- new inventions and get some big bank to put in his industrial work and mining equipment and machines.

The Ancient One actually knows about Kali's shameless plan but she didn't do anything about it, in fact she was being entertained watching this idiot and his kids go through life.