

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

New Players

In midtown something which was common was taking place, it was a small robbery on a seemingly harmless woman around her early thirties.

The hooded figure who was apparently the robber held out a knife at the lady and threatened.

"Y- you don't need to do this." The woman hesitantly said.

"What the hell do you know? Just stop resisting and gimmie that damn bag!!" The robber said.

"Ple- please!" The woman was starting to tear up as the knife closed in.

"Hurry u-"

"Seriously dude? Now? It's way too early to be doing this.

Why don't you wait until it's after 10 p.m. before doing something that will take you to prison." A voice sounded out in the dark.

The woman seemed to brighten with hope and the robber jerked backwards and looked around to see where the sound came from.

"Mann you're bad at this, and I'm not even trying to hide." The voice said.

Soon enough the two in the ally looked up to one of the balcony railings and saw the one and only Nightwing perched on the edge looking down at the situation.

"Nightwing!!" The robber yelled out pointing the knife shakily at Nightwing.

"Yes, sir criminal, IT IS I." Nightwing stood up as with his hands on his hip and his hair flutter from the wind fabulously.

The robber raised an eyebrow while the woman pursed her lips and squinted her eyes at this cringy new arrival.

"Oh forget it." Nightwing said before he flew down with great speed and knocked out the robber with enough force to not kill but to... well knock him out.

"Oh thank god." The woman breathed a relief before looking at Nightwing.

"Oh god thank you so much!! Wait! Can I take a picture of us together?" The woman asked.

Nightwing contemplated before agreeing and took a selfie together before Nightwing told her to call the cops for the crook as he took off.

The woman slowly looked down and inspect the black substance in her hands and smelt it.

"Hair dye huh?" The woman said.

She walked over to the knocked out crook and looked down at the robber.

"Wake up!!" She lightly yelled out.

"Tsk, useless." She muttered.

But the robber didn't budge and was heavily knocked out, seeing no way of waking the man she just walked away with her phone on her ears.

"Hello, yes already done... hahaha I even got a picture from our so-called hero... but there is more... oh no honey it stays with me, not until we start the plan will I share... no... we are not starting yet, it's too early for that... if we rush it then it will just fall easily, we need to work on the foundation of the plans for the strongest wall... we'll need to align it so our plans work along theirs..." she spoke calmly as she walked away disappearing into the night.


More than a few blocks away Nightwing was jumping from roof to roof doing almost impossible parkour movements.

Of course, he can fly but nothing beats the feeling of rushing through the roof of New York and doing air jump tricks.

Plus he would rather let the public think that his flying abilities are just a rumor and who knows, maybe something could come out of it.

On his ears was Red Robin who was at the Nest being Nightwings assistance through the comms.

Yet it was Nightwing who was consoling Red Robin since he felt down.

So far nothing too big was going on, the underworld criminals have been keeping a low profile ever since the Night-Watchers became an official thing.

And so the street has been quiet, too quiet that even some petty crimes are barely seen or reported.

But Nightwing is not worried, in fact, he is loving this freedom where he could just run around or fly around enjoying the city views.

Red Hood has been doing his own thing nowadays, he could be seen once in a while on a rooftop or an alleyway but whenever someone sees him they would think he is hunting someone.

Thats pretty much all he has been doing, he left the hero work to Nightwing and Red Robin while he puts heavy bullets on the legs and arms of anyone who he thinks should deserve.

His kill rate in the city lowered, now whoever he goes for gets capped in the knees or shoulders making their limbs almost disabled.

But it was enough to put fear in the real deep scums in shadows and all.

Nightwing on the other hand was on a case, he was looking for a girl not older than 10.

There have been kidnappings in the city but it was mostly adults disappearing and all, suddenly there were young kids disappearing as well.

He has been on this for two days now and he has barely got any leads.

He has been listening in on the mafia families across New York for any clues and even interrogate some small rookie gangsters but nothing useful was out.

Now he was convinced none of the mafia crime families were involved in these kidnappings.

And he really believed that no matter the things these Italian crime families do they have some bit of honor, one of them was touching kids were out of the question.

They have rules that they follow, and if the rules weren't followed then it will just be an organized group with trigger itching punks under these family heads and all.

They take families seriously, even if the enemies die the Italian mob would send their regards... or just some flowers.

And this is Nightwings first time working on a case alone, there were other times where they were following leads but Kali was there holding their hands throughout the investigations and such.

Not being able to get much Nightwing was heading out to Hell's Kitchen to look for an old friends who helps them out every once in a while.

Turk Barret.

Sure Nightwing can go to the [Overwatch] and request for some help but at the moment they weren't working on street information, and is still in the process of refining it's organization and will soon start more projects for the coming company.

At least that is what he thinks.

And Zhang's abilities on the computers can only do so much, most criminals stay off the net just to be safe.


On the edge of New York, a spot where no one roams at nights there are two vans and an old classic muscle car.

It was a deal that just ended, the two vans just drove off and Turk who closed his trunk with the widest smile ever.

"Another day, another deal! Haha!" Turk said as he was heading to open his car door when...


(It's the sound of metal being pierced... I think)

"What in the-" Turk gasped as he saw his hand almost get fucked up by the thrown projectile that easily embedded itself on his car door.

He panicked and looked back and around not seeing anyone, then back to the pierced projectile in his car.

It looked like a ninja star of some kind.


Turk reached into his back and brought out a gun pulling the chamber back ready for fire.

"Ever think of retiring Turk?" A voice rang out in the dark.

Turk gasped again and aimed at where the voice was coming and finally saw the shadow.

Nightwing was perched on top of a street lamp, by the time Turk turned his head at him Nightwing stood up before jumping down effortlessly.

"Shitt, Nightwi- mann come on!!" Turk complained.

He thought about pulling the trigger at the masked vigilante but he knew better that it won't work.

He has seen and heard many groups firing off at Nightwing but nothing ever landed on him, at least he doesn't think so.

"Out of all the days you can fuck my night up you choose tonight?!" Turk said as he backed up from the coming Nightwing.

"If I didn't know any better I would have thought you don't sound happy to see me." Nightwing said as he put a hand on Turk's chest and pushed him onto the car.

"Mann....what do you want wingman?" Turk asked.

"You know how it works with this man, you give me some information and I don't bring you in, I won't even hurt you if you comply." Nightwing said with a bright smile.

Turk had business with these guys more than a few times, his favorite was Red Robin who only asked questions and didn't do much strong-arming, Nightwing was in the middle as he is unpredictable on his good or bad days.

Red Hood on the other hand was the worst, after some business he knocks Turk right out leaving him for a short nap.

There was one guy who came to him first who was supposedly a vigilante as well, first one too.

He was asking for the suit designer Potter but since then he stopped coming to Turk after that.

Which he was thankful for and always hoped the same would happened to the Night-Watchers and let him do his business in peace.

"Mann, I can't keep doing this, you know how much these mothafuckas will be aiming for my head?" Turk asked.

"That is why nobody knows we are here right now, your lucky I don't show up when you meet with your friends and regulars." Nightwing said.

"Mann!" Turk moved his head left to right wanting to throw a tantrum but didn't know what to say.

"Or I could just break and arm and throw you in jail with the criminals you "helped" us put in." Nightwing said.

"Now thats cold, tsk fine what do you want?" Turk asked.

He just wants to get it over with before someones see them together and words starts getting out that he is an informant to these annoying vigilantes.

"A chain of kidnappings happened throughout the city the past month... what do you know of it?" Nightwing asked as he backed up giving Turk some space.

"You came to me for that?!" Turk asked massaging his chest.

"I'm here asking aren't I?" Nightwing said sarcastically.

"Them kidnappers are new players, sloppy though, word on the streets is that they trynna make money and make a name for themselves." Turk said.

"It's common knowledge, that is usually how these guys in the low start out." Turk said.

"I doubt that, I asked around and no one knows much about it." Nightwing said.

"Well you probably don't know how to ask, should have left it to your boy Hood." Turk said.

"Oh I've asked, broken a few things along the way, still nothing." Nightwing said crossing his arms.

"Well you probably asked the wrong people." Turk said.

"I've "asked" some informants pretty high up in the mob, still nothing." Nightwing said.

"Well them boys high up don't pay attention to whats down here like that." Turk said.

"Okay we are getting off topic, this still doesn't help me, where can I find these guys?" Nightwing asked.

"Their area of operations is in the Upper West Side, guys in the group seemed to be mixed." Turk said.

Nightwing raised an eyebrow.

"I know someone that had the chance of getting close to the operations, thats all I know mann." Turk said.


"Hmm, alright, I'll go check, if I find nothing there I'll be disappointed Turk." Nightwing said before he threw his hands down and a puff of smoke blew up and he disappeared leaving a coughing Turk.

"Damn! *cough* thats one o'them magician shitt." Turk said.

He then looked at the ninja star stuck on his car door and drooped.

"Mann, and I just got this ride." Turk said.


"Robin, look up anything suspicious for me in the Upper West, police reports, disturbances, poste-"

>I know what to do Cha- Nightwing.< A voice on Nightwing's comms sounded out.

"Right, I'll position myself in the district and see what I can get, Nightwing out." Nightwing flew from Hell's Kitchen to the Upper West which was near and perched on one of the highest point in the area looking around.

He closed his eyes and played with his comms turning to the police radio channels to see if he can hear anything.

15 minutes later...

"Robin, you have anything yet?" Nightwing asked.

>I am, but nothing you are looking for.< Red Robin said.

"Damn, this is progressing too slowly." Nightwing said.

"Hey, can you contact [Overwatch] and see if they know anything as of late?" Nightwing asked.

>Already made contact with them, old Mitch said they are not in the information business anymore, but he said he will reach a branch in Upper West to see if any of his contacts know anything< Red Robin said.

>I'm gonna retire for the night, speak to [Assistant] if you need anything, Robin out.< Red Robin said.

"Guess he is still upset." Nightwing muttered.

It has been a few days since Zhang has been stripped of his "gift" and he has been a bit quiet ever since.

Kali hasn't been home and Zhang thought it had something to do with him, but Charles knew better.

He also cheered Zhang up and encouraged him to start doing things and not mop all day which he knew Kali wouldn't like.

Now Zhang was doing light weight patrols and watch Hannah sometimes.

Though he still studies and work on [Entity], surprisingly he can still make improvements and learn but only at a slower rate and he was still thankful for it, he needs to.

( [Entity] is the main big boss A.I. while others like [Assistant] or [Guardian] are a lower form of A.I. that is "working" for [Entity].

Zhang set up [Assistant] for patrol A.I. assistant.

Pretty basic naming but Zhang doesn't think naming these things with cool names matter)

But before another minute could complete the comms sounded again and Red Robins voice sounded out again.

>Nightwing a call of disturbance just went in, location is ••••••••, multiple gunshots fired.< Red Robin said.


"Roger, lets hope this is a lead." Nightwing said as he zoomed in through the city.

Nightwing landed in an alleyway and looked as a door was kicked down and he hears gunshots, he felt it was only one person doing the shots and they were taking their time doing it.

He rushed in down the steps and saw that the lights were out with only a few weakly dimmed lights, he turned on his night vision in his domino mask.

As he goes from room to room he gets a bad feeling, he felt a familiar energy in the underground room.

He saw barely alive goons on the ground breathing hard and holding their limbs which were shot and bloodied.


Another gunshot, then some panicked talk to screaming.

Nightwing rushed in quick and when he finally opened the last door to another room he saw many knocked out men either extremely bruised and knocked out or again holding onto their injuries.

At the end of the room a man had his hands up in surrender while someone was standing over him with red boots on his chest and a nice looking handgun aiming at his head.

Those two men both turned to look at Nightwing.

"MARK- RED?!" Nightwing gasped out in surprise.

"DUDE!! Why do you always do that?! I wear a mask for a reason so call me by which I go by in the suit!!" Red Hood sail almost yelling it out.

"Now I have to kill this guy." Red Hood said and pointed the gun at the now panicked guy but by the time he pulled the tricker a wingding came and hit his gun changing the direction missing the criminal.




Before Red Hood can voice out any complain Nightwing appeared beside him immediately and knees the criminal knocking him out.


(Idk I'm just having fun making these sound effects 😂😂🤪)

"REALLY?! How can you talk about killing like you're talking about throwing out trash?! You are taking the lives of people!!" Nightwing said.

"Really? Are we doing this shitt right now? Get off my ass wonder boy, I'm doing my business what the hell do you want?!" Red Hood said walking to another guy.

"...I'm on a case."

"Yeah well so am I." Red Hood said.

"No! No no no, pl- please don't hurt me-"

Red Hood grabbed a man by the throat and threw him to the wall and grabbing his throat again.

"I won't, if you don't waste my time and tell me what I want to know." Red Hood said.

"I- I don't know anything I swear, we are only told about how to make money bringing in- GAAAAHHHH!!" The crook couldn't finish when Red Hood shot the palm of his.

"Then who is your boss, who knows the shitt around here?" Red Hood asked.

The crook looked to the side at the man Nightwing previously knocked out.


"Okay seriously what the fuck mann?!" Red Hood looked at Nightwing who for the second time knocked out the man he was interrogating.

"Sirens, police are coming." Nightwing said as he started walking to the exit.

"We can easily run past the blue, don't know why you're tripping." Red Hood said.

"I usually wouldn't really, but you are here so it will get complicated, lets go." Nightwing said.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Red Hood said as he walked to the first criminal Nightwing knocked out and picked him up before walking past the twitching Nightwing.

Once they were out they started running and before they could be seen or get surrounded Red Hood raised his free hand while Nightwing grabbed that hand and they flew up with a criminal in tow before anyone could catch a sight of them.


In the middle of the city high up on one of the roofs of the skyscrapers, a man woke up.

The first thing he saw was the city pointing downwards, he looked up to see that he was hundreds of feet from the ground and like anyone else he screamed in panic.

He looked up, or in his case down, he saw a reddish shadow holding him on his leg as he was dangling on the edge of the roof threatening to fall down.

Looking closely the man saw that it was the infamous bloodthirsty Red Hood.

And now he was scared shitless, he was one scare from pissing his pants.

How could he not, he woke up high up on a rooftop and saw Red Hood.

Those two are not a good combination.

If you wake up on the roof like that, you are guaranteed to die.

If you see Red Hood you are also guaranteed to die.

Seeing those two together all you could do is to die peacefully, but that is far from what could happen.

"No, no no no no..." the criminal Red Hood picked said twenty something no's.

"...please don't drop me, please don't drop me, I will do anything, I won't do anything bad any more, I'm sorry plea-" tears started dropping.

"You are livin this kind of life, yet you are not cut out for it." Red Hood said.

"Just get it over with, Red." Nightwing said in the back.

The criminal calmed down a bit when he saw Nightwing, he knew that Nightwing doesn't kill so he would most likely save him, but thy was only him hoping.

Red Hood huffed, wondering why the softy is even there, he thought that he was keeping him from his fun.

But there were more important things to do.

"Where are the little brats you're weak little men kidnapped?!" Red Hood asked, with a dark serious tone.

Nightwing looked at Red Hood and the dangling criminal in surprise.

They were doing the same case? He wondered.

The man stuttered not knowing what to do and say but a few kicks to the face and some feints in letting him fall broke him and he spilled out everything.

Turns out he wasn't even the top man, he was just in charge of a rendezvous area where kidnappers gather the kids before sending them to the main "holding" area.

With a promise to let him live the criminal let out a few more locations and some names.

"See now that wasn't hard was it?" Red Hood asked.

"N- no... are you gonna let me g- go now?" The man asked sweating profusely even though it was cold this high up.

"Let you go? Sure, I won't kill you, if anything you will die from natural causes." Red Hood said.

The man did not understand what he meant, but his eyes widened knowing the situation.

Then Red Hood let go as the man fell screaming his lungs out for the whole of New York to hear.

Red Hood jumped down from the roof edge and looked at Nightwing who glared at him while jumping up.

"Really?" Nightwing looked at Red Hood and asked before he jumped off the roof going after the man.

Before long the man was grabbed and taken to police custody and Nightwing made it back to Red Hood.

"I thought you said you weren't gonna kill him." Nightwing said.

"I wasn't." Red Hood said not looking back.

"He would have died if I didn't get him, if it wasn't for me he would have died by your hands." Nightwing said.

"No he would have died by natural cause." Red Hood said.

Nightwing raised an eyebrow on that one.

"Gravity is natural... thereby if he died it would have been the gravities fault, boom, death by natural cause." Red Hood said.

"..." Nightwing stood there with his brain actually blown away by the thought of the idiot before him.

"Okay listen here you little shitt, you would still have a hand in his death, natural or not!!" Nightwing yelled pointing at Red Hood.

"You can stay here and yap all night, I have things to do." Red Hood said and jumped off of the roof edge and brought out what looked to be a grappling gun.

The grappling gun had been existing for a while now but they haven't used it too much since Kali had to do more work on it to finish up.

But after he completed it some time ago only Red Hood and Red Robin were the only ones using it.

"Wait! How are you here, how did you come upon this case?!" Nightwing yelled as he flew after him.


In a dark room where one man was standing looking at many others sitting down, no lights were on even though a lot of the silhouettes can be seen.

The room seemed to be captured by the man, all attention was on him and he was smoothly talking as if teaching a class.

This is a scene where a new villain arise to face the new heroes in the city.

Where there are heroes there are also those who appear to bring a certain type of purpose to one another.

"...and they never get it right, they always go for the head and are always impatient.

You have to be smart but if you're not then be patient, and if patience is what you are missing then be smart, be precise.

You see these crime-lords are impatient with these heroes and are rushing things, do you know what their immediate reactions are?

They order their men to hunt them down, put a bounty on their heads, or set a trap for them.

That last one is a smart one but it can't always work, these heroes come prepared.

What they don't get is that these heroes are also human, and with enough waiting and watching... you will see a slip, even if it's a little one.

You can catch them at a bad moment, and in that moment you can either end them...or find a certain weakness to use against them.

If you think outside the box, you will find unusual but outstanding ways to deal with your problems.

Welcome gentlemen, you are here because you are either tired of those heroes messing with your business, or you are trying to do your business and learn to avoid these heroes.

While the rest have repeatedly failed to kill them... and came here for an opportunity to learn how to kill a so called hero." The man said with his smile showing in the dark.


Short story...

In this world some movies, shows, and other kinds of entertainment don't exist like in Kali's previous world.

Some examples are the DC Comics, TMNT, some anime, and others where the actors are already existing here.

One example would be the [A Song Of Ice And Fire] saga.

Because the actor who was Sophie Turner is now Jean Grey, and so all the movies, shows and everything Sophie Turner played on doesn't exist here.

Same as for Hugh Jackman, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, RD mothafuckin J, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth and many other actors.

When Kali noticed this some time ago he saw an opportunity to be a ripof- a writer with great imagination.

So every now and then he would bring out some papers and started writing down a few titles of things he could write about then start writing.

The first book he was on was [A Song Of Ice And Fire] book.

It was then that he started the journey to gain the title of 'Writer' if anyone ever asks he can just show off the amazing books he had written after the "inventions" he made along with other things he will shamelessly take credit for.

He uses his KI to enhance his speed physically and mentally, so he could write and think quickly, the world slowed down as he was in his own world now.

During those nights he writes Hannah would stumble in his room and hop on his lap where it was big enough for her to lay on and go to sleep with her stuffed dinosaur.

Hannah might still be young now but these moments would be some of her precious 'Dad-and-Daughter' moments she would remember when she gets old.