
Writing Diary In Marvel World Novels & Books - WebNovel



    It is to be known, when a girl turns sixteen-: She is no more a girl! And, it is to be added, a man's greatest charm, is his rich earns and wit of standing out!! ***** ‘To, Miss Victoria Lancaster… My pen has sung, my writing has spoken… and I still remain a stranger! Or am I? My apologies for the wait, I stood by the riverside in Welsh lands, wondering why an imposter would impersonate my writings to you… Forgive me for calling him the word—I stand hurt, and hurt even more by this! From Prince Harry McVourse… with Love.' ***** Victoria Lancaster, fourth of the six Lancaster siblings, stands in the predicament of societal wants and her lone desire for love. Being introduced to society for the first time, and as the first daughter of her family to be introduced, she needs a successful first season. And a successful season for a lady means, securing a suitor and a husband! Concurrently, Harry McVourse, standing as Knight, seeks the same accomplishments as Victoria, but his situation is quite melodramatic! His mother, the third of King Charles' five wives—though each was married one after the other and divorced except for the last—seeks to have her two sons marry swiftly and bless her with a grandson. A grandson is not her will but a want from King Charles, demanded of his sons. This, indeed, is an all-queens' contest to see whose son shall deliver a grandson first. Knight, despite understanding the depth and urgency of the matter, knows that the partner must be his. An uncareful selection would lead to years of despair and pain! As of that matter, he depicts societal balls and celebrations as a confined showcase of hypocrisy and pretense. He needs see the eligible spinsters beyond societal confines, and that’s what leads him to stand as a night guard in the Lancasters' new London mansion. A coincidence? Therefore, with Victoria Lancaster being the definite spinster Knight becomes much engaged with, he gradually develops a desire for the girl. However, despite this desire, he is opposed by many admirers, especially his brother, Prince Edward McVourse, whose efforts cannot be overlooked, in addition to his half-brother, Prince William McVourse, a lad whose in future leaves Knight wrathful due to a certain impotent depiction. As a result, he delights in the idea of writing to Lady Lancaster every morning. An anonymous write! His intention being; to the least, stand out from the men in pursuit. However, without Knight’s knowledge, Victoria is slowly enjoying the curves and words in those writings. Each night, she dreads time to pass quickly, anticipating another writing to be brought to her. She becomes intrigued until she desires to know the man behind the writing. Additionally, her mother pressures her to stand firm on the choice of the man she is to choose—Lord Edward, Knight’s elder brother, who is said to possess two hundred thousand a year. The letters draw Victoria and Knight closer, but their budding connection faces significant challenges. Knight must navigate the rivalry with his brothers, particularly Edward and William, both competing for Victoria's hand, in addition to formally acquainting himself with the ladyship. Victoria, on the other hand, struggles to reconcile her growing feelings for the unknown writer with her mother's expectations and the societal norms of the time. What happens next? "In His Writing" is a novel set in the Victorian era, embracing themes of romance, mystery, and conflict, in addition to societal conflicts, identity, and desires. (DAILY UPDATES A WEEK.) I HOPE Y'ALL SHALL ENJOY. LIKE, COMMENT.

    Rhoda_Andrian · History
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  • Diary of the Dead

    [125chaps only] [Completed] Death is such a simple and yet so complicated phenomenon. We spent all our lives trying to avoid death but eventually succumbing to it. But then what? Is everything over? Is it really the end as we imagine or all the stories about reincarnation, about ghosts are true? What happens when someone dies? There are many stories which end at death and some that extend beyond death. But my story... It begins at death. Hey everyone! I'm Chloe. I've recently become a ghost and I have no memories of my human life. Join me in my adventure where I discover my past and my future together. The adventure of a "Life" that exists beyond "Death." *PS: The cover picture is not mine, and I'll take it down if the original owner wants me to.* Check out my other story, "Across the Galaxy (Sci-fi)" I would like to thank AMRITA CHOUDHURY, A friend and a dear sister to me who helps me improve the grammar in the chapters. If you want to connect with me: Feel free to message me in:- 1.Discord. ID: sillymlk#8687 2. Instagram ID: @silly.mlk or @zuozhe_jiemei 3.Discord group: https://discord.gg/rJPDJQA join discord to connect with other fans

    sillymlk · Horror
  • Diary Horor

    Mereka adalah sesuatu yang tidak bisa terlihat namun terkadang bisa dirasakan. Dengan perwujudan dari berbagai bentuk, ukuran, dari yang paling bagus hingga paling buruk. Bertempat tinggal dimana saja yang tidak jauh dari manusia . Tidak kenal waktu ketika ingin menampakkan diri, malam, bahkan siangpun jadi. Apalagi jika menjelang magrib , waktu dimana antara dunia manusia dan mereka akan berbaur menjadi satu.

    Nimas_3462 · History
  • Hogwarts In Marvel World

    Dunridor obtained the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry system in Marvel World. Not only can it extract all the magic, buildings, animals, and characters in the "Harry Potter" movie, it can also extract the magic elements in other movies and games. So Dunliddo opened Hogwarts, a magic school with hundreds of thousands of students in his own parallel world. (It mainly tells the daily life of opening a magic school. Please focus on this book for the timeline and storyline.) REAL Author:Jin Huanghuang --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Not Mine And It's Machine Translated Because I'm Not Chinese] https://m-imbg-cc.translate.goog/novel/143023.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=tl&_x_tr_pto=ajax,nv,elem COPY PASTE THIS

    DaoOfCopying · Fantasy
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  • Athena In Marvel

    Person Transmigrated to Marvel Universe as Athena Goddess of Wisdom and Strategic Warfare. Due note this is not my works it’s from a Novel called Marvel: Becoming Athena.

    Invocatus · Fantasy
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  • Marvel World With Naruto System

    Zhang Lan unwillingly transmigrated into another world. He reincarnated in marvel world but with a naruto system. The story begins here. PS: Non-invincible, no harem, early reference to Naruto, adding new capabilities in the later period.

    Fallen_Leaf · Action
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  • Gundam system in marvel/dc

    Wingzer0 · Fantasy
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  • Lovely Writing System

    Su Yan always wanted to be an author. Being moved by his determination (Well, in fact, she was just an avid reader of his fan-fictions and wanted him to write full time …) official Shen Lu grants the aspiring author a system: The Lovely Writing System! Finding a strange app on his beloved notebook, Su Yan is sure he has fallen prey to a hacker. But why is this strange app issuing tasks related to his favorite hobby? Wait … What? He is supposed to write BL?! And what is this shitty task about experiencing story immersion?! No! He’d rather not become an author if that means he also has to become a shou! Follow Su Yan on his path to becoming the world’s greatest BL author … and to reluctantly becoming a beloved shou thanks to a shitty Lovely Writing System! Release schedule: The story is finished.

    yansusustories · LGBT+
  • The newest Marvel (New 52 Superman in Marvel)

    When all seems lost, hope allways comes in unexpected ways New Superman of the 52 universe was rejected by his reality. Expelled and exiled, he is given a chance in a new marvelous one. A/N Pretty much it was crap that the way DC dump New 52 Superman so I decided to let him play around in the Marvel universe with a few tweaks to his personality, He WILL get a harem. adopted from the Unchanined with his permission

    bookwormjohnny2 · Sci-fi
  • Twisted World: The Time Lord's Diary

    It was just a regular day in the modern era before everything changed. Monsters that should only exist in myths came into existence one by one seemingly out of thin air. The terrain which was previously filled with man-made buildings became obsolete and replaced by ones made by nature. It was the beginning of a new era. One of the survival of the fittest. Humans previously at the top of the food chain are at the bottom now. In the midst of this chaos, one man stood at the side and simply observed. Join him on his journey as he explores this complex world. What to expect: - Slow start - A focus on world building - Side characters that are not forgotten - Smut - Growing characters - OP MC What not to expect: - A fully explained world from the beginning(The world changes as the story progresses) - "Holy maiden" love interests(The female leads all have flaws of their own) - Edgy MC - Genius MC(Our MC is not stupid by any means but he is also not the smartest. He will make mistakes here and there but will make up for it with his lack of naivety) Disclaimer: Sexual content ahead, beware. Aiming for 1-2 chapters a day. Target words per chapter: 800-1200 If you like what I'm creating, you can support me by buying me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/tentacleethics Any current or future character art will be funded and posted on my ko-fi page. I'm open to any plot ideas if you would comment them in the comment section or by sending coffee. *I take no credit for the cover. If you would like me to take it down, please let me know*

    TentacleEthics · Fantasy
  • OP Mutation In Marvel

    Henry is a boy who grew up in a loving home, lovely neighbourhood and had many friends in school. This all change when he suddenly gained his mutation when he turned twelve. At the time his body was changing, his screams alone decimated the whole town. What would become of this boy in this cruel world that is Marvel? NB: I do not own the Marvel franchise or any of its characters. This is a work of fanfiction. ALSO, Harem sect, go go go away.

    Smithie_Smith · Urban
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  • Solo leveling in Marvel

    I own nothing in this other than Mc & some Charentes I might add in the novel Sorry for any type of incontinence this is my first time writing.so,i hope you guys like it

    naruto6667 · Fantasy
  • Chilling in marvel


    ClingyDemon · Fantasy

    STORY ABOUT A GUY GET KILLED AND GOD GIVE HIM THREE WISH WHAT WILL HE DO?FIND OUT NOW....? ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× copyright of the character and storys goes to his respected owners... Marvel fan in his adventures ??

    samuraii69 · Sci-fi
  • Transported to Marvel world

    Disclaimer: This is my first time doing fanfiction. I hope that readers would enjoy my take and don't be shy to voice your suggestions on how I could improve my novel. Thank you!!!

    HowToFallInLove · Fantasy
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  • Transformers In Marvel (dropped)

    Downey was a cargo driver until he crossed to Marvel. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Hulk and Abomination enthusiastically carrying out the demolition work on the streets of New York. He suddenly turned black and awakened in shock. With the variant ability of “, he began to modify his minivan, which he named “Optimus Prime” step by step. Magneto: “So, Downey’s ability is to control metal? Is it?” Iron Man: “So, in the future, my suit is temporarily broken, and Downey will be responsible for putting me a layer of mecha.” P.s: this is a Chinese novel but doesn't worry it is not racist and if you do see a racist text tell me and I will change it or delete it completely. Author : Great Demon

    Almighty_flex · Sci-fi
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  • psychopath diary

    "ini kisahku, seorang gadis monster yang dibentuk langsung oleh tangan mama. kehilangan papa malam itu yang merubahku menjadi monster berdarah dingin tanpa rasa takut atau rasa belas kasih. papa adalah orang yang membuat duniaku dulu berwarna, dia yang selalu ada buatku saat mama tak dirumah bersenang dengan para lelaki di luar sana tanpa memperdulikanku, dia orang yang selalu mencintaiku setiap kali mama tak memberikan rasa cinta itu, papa adalah milikku. dan mama mengambilnya dariku, saat papa mengetahui rahasia mama. dan duniaku menjadi gelap gulita. sekarang aku harus memakai topeng boneka yang manis ini dihadapan mama dan menuruti semua perintah mama, ini kulakukan untuk membalasnya, aku harus benar-benar jadi monster sampai saat aku akan membuatnya menjadi karya terbaik yang akan kupajang di museum pribadiku nanti, dan aku bisa melihat papa tersenyum saat aku berhasil menyelamatkannya dan duniaku kembali, meskipun aku ahrus membusuk dipenjara nantinya karena perbuatanku!" "tapi sebelum itu terjadi aku ingin juga berpetualang bersama kalian, mencari kelinci percobaan untuk melatihku juga dan bereksperimen dan tentu saja mencari model untuk hasil karyaku nanti, jadi ayo masuk keduniaku!" "Bermain bersamaku!" "kita akan lakukan hal yang menyenangkan bersama! aku akan menjadi teman yang menyenangkan untuk kalian!" "Jangan lari dariku atau kalian akan menyesal!" "ikuti aku, bertemu teman-temanku, akan kuceritakan hal menarik diduniaku! kita akan berbagi cerita yang menyenangkan bersamaku, tapi kalian harus jadi boneka yang manis saat aku mulai cerita tentang diriku!" "sekarang jangan katakan apa-apa, diam dan dengarkan ceritaku!" sssssttttt......

    Meirisa_Diana · Urban
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  • Marvel Sentry in the Boys

    guy is sent to the boys universe with the power of the Sentry

    tyler_quick · Action
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  • Zodiac Fighter in Marvel

    James, a normal human died. He then chose to be reincarnated in the Marvel Multiverse! Let's see how he becomes the strongest existence... [I don't know a lot about Marvel... I know some things. So, if I do something wrong, please forgive me.]

    Asveses · Fantasy
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