
Princesa Sofia Cedric Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • A Noiva Indesejada do Alfa

    Jasmine é a primeira filha do grande Alfa Bale. Por causa de seu status de filha bastarda, ela vive uma vida maltratada esfregando chãos e atendendo as necessidades de seu pai, madrasta, meio-irmãos e de toda a alcateia. Mas sua vida toma um rumo drástico quando ela é trocada no lugar da filha legítima de seu pai para ser casada com o Belo e Coração Gelado Alfa Xaden. Xaden está determinado a punir Jasmine pelos pecados de seu pai que massacrou toda a sua família, mesmo que ela não seja nada como seu pai. O ódio lentamente se transforma em desejo, paixão ardente e finalmente amor. Mas o que acontece quando Xaden descobre que Jasmine, foi plantada como uma espiã para provocar sua queda e não era na verdade a princesa original que lhe foi prometida? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Que isso sirva de lição para todos. Real ou não, Alfa ou Ômega," Ele declara. "Vocês vão se manter longe do que é meu. No meu próprio território. Na minha alcateia." Com isso, ele joga o braço ensanguentado de lado e leva Jasmine para longe do olhar chocado deles.

    Stephanie_king1 · History
  • La Novia no Deseada del Alfa

    Jazmín es la primera hija del gran Alfa Bale. Debido a su condición de hija bastarda, vive una vida maltratando, fregando suelos y atendiendo a las necesidades de su padre, madrastra, hermanastros y toda la manada. Pero su vida da un giro drástico cuando la cambian por la hija legítima de su padre para casarla con el guapo y despiadado Alfa Xaden. Xaden está determinado a castigar a Jazmín por los pecados de su padre que había masacrado a toda su familia, aunque ella no se parece en nada a su padre. El odio lentamente se convierte en deseo, pasión feroz y finalmente en amor. Pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando Xaden descubre que Jazmín fue plantada como espía para provocar su caída y que de hecho no era la princesa original que le habían prometido? —Que esto sea una lección para todos. Real o no, Alfa o Omega —declara—. Se alejarán de lo que es mío. En mi propio territorio. En mi manada. Con eso, lanza el brazo ensangrentado a un lado y se lleva a Jazmín lejos de su mirada impactada.

    Stephanie_king1 · History
  • La Princesa Olvidada

    Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist es la hija menor del rey Edward de Alvannia. Ella es una hija ilegítima nacida de una sirvienta en el castillo que a su padre le gustaba. Después de que su madre murió cuando era joven, su padre la llevó a casa y la 'adoptó'. Debido a su origen humilde e ilegitimidad, fue descuidada por su padre el rey y maltratada por su madrastra la reina y sus hermanastros. Cuando tenía 16 años, estalló una guerra con el país vecino de Grancresta. La guerra duró dos largos años y los dos países hicieron una tregua al final. El imperio de Grancresta exigió una princesa para casarse con el joven rey. Se dice que el rey de Grancresta pidió específicamente la mano de Alicia. Alicia tenía 18 años cuando fue enviada a Grancresta como prometida del joven rey, que se decía que era un tirano malvado de sangre fría, el rey Regaleon del imperio de Grancresta.

    Les01 · History
  • A Princesa Esquecida

    Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist é a filha mais nova do rei Eduardo de Alvannia. Ela é uma filha ilegítima nascida de uma empregada do castelo por quem seu pai se encantou. Depois que sua mãe morreu quando ela era jovem, seu pai a levou para casa e a 'adotou'. Por causa de sua origem humilde e ilegitimidade, ela foi negligenciada por seu pai, o rei, e sofreu bullying de sua madrasta, a rainha, e seus irmãos adotivos. Quando ela tinha 16 anos, estourou uma guerra com o país vizinho de Grandcrest. A guerra durou dois longos anos e os dois países fizeram uma trégua no final. O império Grandcrest exigiu uma princesa para ser casada com o jovem rei. Dizem que o rei de Grandcrest pediu especificamente a mão de Alicia. Alicia tinha 18 anos de idade quando foi enviada a Grandcrest como noiva do jovem rei, que diziam ser um tirano cruel e impiedoso, o rei Regaleon do império Grandcrest.

    Les01 · History
  • Endless Horde: Through the Eyes of a Godking

    Prime Earth faced a horrible cataclysm several hundred years ago and has now turned into a hub of Demons. Humans who once lived peacefully in this world couldn't do anything aside from trying their best to survive. Now, the only territory they had was a single continent out of the many out there, and it was the smallest one too. Faced with a severe threat to their lives, the world did its best to give humans a chance. Since then, the Human Society changed its standards and power became the most important possession one could ever have. Cedric, an unfortunate man who dealt with bad cards, lives his life as a convict of the Risk Management Center, drowning in his sorrows and bitterly clinging to his worthless life. That's until he was met with a life-changing opportunity that changed the way he viewed this world...literally. Follow him as he uncovers the hidden and unspoken truths about the world he lives in while he fights for survival...through the Eyes of a Godking. *** Hello! Here's another work from yours truly! Thank you for checking it out. Disclaimers: 1. Got the cover frrom pinterest, it's not mine, just edited it out. 2. There will be some errors here and there since I'm still working on my skills, I'll try to minimize them as much as I can, though. 3. I'm pushing for steady updates of 1 ch/day. I'll try to release more but please don't expect it since I have other priorities as well. Ps. I still haven't decided if this is going to be a Harem or not. The story is still in development, after all. But I will update this once I've decided. That's all, Peace!

    Hateful_Fellow · Fantasy
  • Unexpected encounter:They were meant to be together

    Xie Ming’s world turned upside down when her sister and fiancé betrayed her. Thinking there was nothing left in her life, Xie Ming decided to put an end to it but little did she know that God had better plans for her. **** Standing in front of the cliff, Xie Ming was ready to end her life when a pair of warm and strong hands grabbed her waist. “Do you really think ending your life is going to help?” The man asked. Xie Ming who was still in a daze, frowned when she heard an unfamiliar voice. “Instead of just ending your life like this why don’t you do something productive with it” Xie Ming frowned deeper and asked, “What do you mean?” Pulling her closer, he murmured, “Marry me.” …... This book is under editing and I just started editing the initial chapters. I was a noob when I started writing but as you read further, the grammar as well as the other things keep improving :) Happy reading ^_^ ....... Feel free to join my discord: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 If you want to support my work, send me a ko-if: https://ko-fi.com/sofia05 P.S: The cover doesn't belong to me.

    Sofia05 · Urban
  • Never Judge

    Cedric Reyes has a secret, he is the heir and eldest son of the rich and powerful Reyes clan. As tradition all heirs of their family have to go through a form of poverty training at the age of fifteen. They are left to fend for themselves with no contact and barely any money. Since leaving, he's gotten married to Adrianna Herandez, the Treasure of the Hernandez clan. Adrianna's family had always looked down at him due to his humble origins, but Adrianna has always stuck by him. Treated badly by his classmates in the past, and his in law in the present. They are about to encounter the shock of their lives. The Reyes Heir rules the country with his friends, the four princes, who are each from powerful and well respected families. Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/PXnT6AcQWH Follow me: @wounded_warriorauthor on Instagram

    wounded_warrior · Realistic
  • A Princesa Esquecida Rosa

    Anos atrás, quando ela era apenas uma menina, Rosa fugiu com seus dois amigos Alexandre e Matias, exatamente quando estavam prestes a ser marcados como escravos e vendidos para trabalhar em um bordel. A infelicidade se abateu sobre o grupo quando Matias ficou preso e, para salvar seus amigos, Rosa se sacrificou para distrair o filho do dono do bordel, Graham, que os perseguia. Rosa fez seus amigos prometerem que, em troca de seu sacrifício, eles voltariam para libertá-la. Conforme os anos passaram e Rosa se reuniu com seus amigos, ela aprendeu que nem todas as promessas seriam cumpridas. Presas em um bordel com um homem que deseja transformá-la em sua mulher, Rosa inicia um relacionamento inesperado com Zayne Hamilton, um general de outro reino. Zayne oferece-se para comprá-la de Graham e abre caminho para que seu sacrifício não seja esquecido.

    Violet_167 · History
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    [Warning: Mature Content R18+] BLURB “ Greetings your majesties, my name is Cedric Charon” The new slave took his time before he bowed his head and lowered his eyes in obedience. It was the uttermost impudence that we had ever seen from a slave. Yet, he was a startlingly beautiful specimen with all muscle and perfect edges, but the eyes were the most startling thing about him. They were molten gold and like the boy's skin, they seemed to shine in the sunlight. I felt my whole existence questioned by the slave and I pushed my power to smell him and for sure the scent of ambrosia that we had earlier scented came from him. " Brother, am I dreaming or is that human slave blood calling to us? A human slave!!!" Silas who sat on my right hand gasped in uttered shock. "My beast wants me to rush over and sink my fangs into him. He is a human slave for fucking sake" Talon muttered from the left side of the seat. " Mate," I spoke up. " That is what my beast roared and declared the minute he stepped foward and introduced himself" I whispered. Sith and Talon's eyes widened and they both looked at me with shock, dread, and disbelief at the realization of the fact that I had uttered the word " Mate". ******** Vampire Lords Niko, Silas, and Talon Sith were born in a pair of three and had lived for centuries ruling the Sith Glassy Mountains. They fed on the blood of the Elisera slaves who came to work in Sith castle where they all resided. Under the pact named Paktum between the humans and the Vampires, the young men would be employed to work in the castle for the Vampires while their families would be provided with gold that would take care of their needs. Hence, they co-existed as the Paktum Pact maintained peace between the two races. That is until Cedric Charon enters the Blood Mountains and the Vampire Lords realize that their intended mate is a human slave and more sore with the blood of a witch. Cedric is everything the Sith Mountain coven forbids, a human, a witch, and a rebel. Cedric is not ready to be imprinted by the vampires who have enslaved his people in the mountains to feed on their blood, while Vampire Lords Niko, Silas, and Talon are disgusted that their mate is a human slave with the blood of a witch. It gets complicated when they find out that Cedric is a blood rose. His existence makes the Vampires question all the teachings the coven has taught them regarding humans. Their relationship becomes more complicated once they discover that Cedric is also part of the resistance that wants the Paktum Pact broken and the human slaves set free. Will their mating bond survive or will it completely break them?

    Anna_Baibe · LGBT+
  • One last time

    Love takes off the mask we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. -James Baldwin It’s hard to forget someone who was once very close to you but it’s harder to stop loving them. This is a story about a young and beautiful woman, Silvia Green who believes that one day she will find someone who will love and cherish her like she is the most precious thing in his life and Kevin Austin whose heart has been broken into tiny pieces by the only important person in his life. His trust and believe in true love also crumbled down along with his heart. What do you think will happen when a woman who wants to be and a man who doesn’t have any faith in love come together? Will they ever find love? Will Silvia manage to ignite the magic of love in Kevin’s heart again or will Kevin make Silvia lose her strong faith in love? ..... In the middle of the night Silvia woke up when she saw him sitting up straight in the bed. Placing her hand on his shoulder, Silvia asked, "What’s wrong?" Pulling her into his embrace, Kevin murmured, "Help me please. I don’t wanna be like this.” ..... To interact with other readers and me join the discord channel: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 If you want to support my work, send me a ko-if: https://ko-fi.com/sofia05 P.S: The cover doesn’t belong to me.

    Sofia05 · Urban
  • Unexpected Encounter: A Second Chance at Love

    After being abandoned by her long time boyfriend on their wedding day, Rachael lost all her faith in love and relationships. But that changed when she met Andrew again. With no hope of finding love again in her life, Rachael agreed to marry her father's best friend's son, Andrew Collins. But little did she know fate had different plans for her. ….. Excerpt: Holding his drunk wife in his arms, Andrew kicked the bedroom door open. When he placed her in the bed, Rachael slowly opened her eyes. "Are we home?" "Yes." Taking her heels off, he covered her with the quilt. "I'll get you some warm water." But before he could get up, she grabbed his hand. "What happened? Do you want something else?" Kicking the quilt off, she crawled in his lap. Placing one hand on his cheek and the other at the back of his neck, she inched closer. "Andrew—" "Hmm?" "I think I am falling for you, what should I do?" …… This is the second book of the 'Unexpected Encounter' series. First book: Unexpected encounter:They were meant to be together [Note: Both are standalone books and are not connected to each other] Follow & join to support the author: Instagram: author_sofia05 Discord: Sofia05#2273 Server: https://discord.gg/TdyrNhc ……. P.S: The cover doesn't belong to me.

    Sofia05 · Urban
  • I Can Upgrade My Talent In Everything

    You can read my new book "Lord of the Time: I Can Reincarnate Infinitely." Fein is a transmigrator who finds himself in a world filled with monsters and demons. Fortunately, he has a unique ability that allows him to upgrade his talents in everything. Alongside his companions Aoi, Sofia, and Voli, he uses his newfound abilities to fight against the dangerous foes that threaten the safety of humanity. In this world, humans and beasts alike use the powerful energy known as degu to fuel their abilities, which can strengthen their bodies and weapons. Beasts are ranked based on their rarity, with common, golden, legendary, mythical, and god-level beasts being the most powerful. However, despite their strength, the beasts are not invincible and must be carefully fought. Fein himself can understand the laws that enabled him to gain powers such as space manipulation and the all the laws such as time, darkness, light, death, fire, etc... Space Manipulation allows him to create and control rifts in space, warp reality, and move through time. Meanwhile, Aoi has the power of ice and snow, which can freeze her enemies and create powerful blizzards. Sofia uses her power of destruction, and Voli wields the power of lightning to strike his enemies with devastating bolts of electricity. As they face off against the dangerous demons and monsters that threaten their world, Fein and his companions must use their abilities and their wits to survive. The battles are intense and the stakes are high, as even the slightest mistake could mean the difference between victory and defeat. Will they be able to save their world and protect humanity from the dangers that lurk around every corner? Only time will tell. You can buy my priv: Extremely Low Price at: Tier 1: Advanced 2 chapters- 1 gold coins. Tier 2: Advanced 10 chapters- 100 gold coins. Tier 3: Advanced 20 chapters- 150 gold coins. Tier 4: Advanced 35 chapters- 200 gold coins. Tier 5: Advanced 50 chapters- 250 gold coins. Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. The art is rightfully owned by Jenny Ann. However, if the artist wants to communicate to take it down, please DM me on my Discord--- UnluckyGuy#3859

    MadScythe · Fantasy
  • Casada con el Hijo del Diablo

    【Volumen 1 - Casada con el hijo del Diablo】 Un príncipe, del que se rumorea que es hijo del Diablo. Él es la definición de Peligro. Él es la Oscuridad misma. Una princesa. Encarcelada en su propia casa, solo para salir una vez que se case. ¿Pero casarse con quién? *** Había una vez, el Diablo se enamoró de una de las muchas esposas del Rey. Una noche fue a su habitación disfrazado de su esposo y hizo el amor con ella. Ella quedó embarazada de su hijo. Al saber esto, el Rey ordenó su ejecución creyendo que su esposa le había sido infiel, pero entonces el Diablo se apareció al Rey ofreciéndole un trato. A cambio de gran poder para su Reino, el Rey permitiría que su esposa engendrara al hijo del Diablo. El Rey, codicioso de poder, acepta el trato y su Reino se convierte en uno de los más poderosos Reinos y el hijo del Diablo, el séptimo Príncipe del Reino. Ser princesa probablemente suena bien. Una vida llena de lujo, vestidos hermosos y zapatos bonitos, pero para Hazel, no hay nada agradable en ser princesa. Nunca puede salir del palacio, nunca puede tener amigos, nunca puede comer o decir o vestir lo que quiera y nunca puede elegir a la persona con la que va a casarse. Pronto se casará con un hombre al que nunca ha conocido, un príncipe del que se rumorea que es el Hijo del Diablo. 【Volumen 2 - El regreso del hijo del Diablo】 **Secuela de Casada con el hijo del Diablo** ¡Ha vuelto! Esta vez más feroz, rápido y fuerte, con una sola cosa en mente. ¡Venganza! Príncipe de la Oscuridad, Hijo del Diablo, Lucian ha vuelto, y tiene solo una cosa en mente. ¡Venganza! Eso es hasta que se encuentra con ella. Una mujer que lo seduce más allá de la razón, pero que también afirma ser su esposa. Rodeado de oscuros secretos y poderosos enemigos, Lucian debe decidir a quién confiar y a quién destruir. Después de que le rompieran el corazón una vez, Klara juró no volver a enamorarse. Pero cuando su hermano intenta obligarla a un matrimonio y el molesto pero diabólicamente guapo Roshan la rescata, las cosas se complican. ¿Podrá proteger su corazón del hombre cuyo tacto prende fuego a su cuerpo? ¿O se rendirá a su deseo y arriesgará su corazón una vez más? ————————————————————————————————— 【Volumen 3 - El Diablo en sus Sueños】 LA BESTIA ENTRE NOSOTROS Imagina vivir en un mundo lleno de seres ardientes y feroces, escondiéndose en las sombras, vagando en nuestros sueños, arrastrándose bajo nuestra piel. Escuchando a hurtadillas, manipulando nuestras mentes y explorando nuestros cuerpos. Son salvajes, bestias, pero algunos de ellos son compañeros y amigos de la infancia. Algunos son peligrosos, otros aún más peligrosos. Viven entre nosotros. Algunos de nosotros los llamamos Demonios, otros los llaman Djinn. Pero algunos de ellos nunca deberían ser llamados. LA BELLEZA BUSCANDO AMOR Heaven, la nieta del Diablo y princesa de Decresh lo tiene todo en la vida. Padres amorosos, belleza, riqueza y estatus. Pero falta una cosa. Y ese es el amor. Heaven sueña con el tipo de amor que tienen sus padres y ahora que ha llegado a la edad de casarse, debe encontrar a su hombre ideal y al futuro rey de Decresh. Y debe encontrarlo pronto. Hay un hombre. Un misterioso extraño de ojos plateados que sigue apareciendo en sus sueños. ¿Quién es él y qué quiere? A medida que la línea de pretendientes crece, los sueños de Heaven se vuelven más vívidos, lo que la obliga a embarcarse en un viaje para encontrar al hombre de sus sueños. ¿Podría él también ser el hombre de sus sueños? ¿O resultaría ser una pesadilla?

    JasmineJosef · Fantasy
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  • The Devil’s love

    “The course of true love never did run smooth.” – William Shakespeare. The journey of love is never as smooth as silk. There are difficulties, ups and downs, bumps and humps.  Like most of the love stories, Mo Yichan and Yang Ning’s love story wasn’t smooth or easy. Initially it was difficult and rocky.  The CEO of Yang corporation, Yang Ning was a successful businesswoman. Growing up with unsupportive and unruly parents, Yang Ning was accustomed to being treated unfairly and poorly. The only person that she count on was her grandfather. The CEO of Mo corporation, Mo Yichan who was also known as the ‘ Devil CEO’ was one of the most successful businessmen. Losing his father at a very young age and his mother leaving him alone for some other man, Yichan grew up with his grandfather.  Being business rivals, Mo Yichan and Yang Ning hated each other.  What do you think will happen when these two cold and aloof people are forced to get married and live under the same roof by their grandparents?  Did they hate each other only because they were business rivals? Or did something happen in the past which forced them to seal their hearts and hate each other to the fullest?  Will the love between them ever be able to overpower the hatred that they have for each other?  ***** “ Hahahahaha look at you both fighting like a husband and wife.” Mr Hunshou said. Yichan smirked and said,” If you were my wife, I would add poison in your coffee.” Ning smiled and said,” And if you were my husband, I would drink it.” **** Few months later. In a charity auction. “ Hundred million.” Ning said. “ Two hundred million.” Yichan said before grinning at his wife. “ Three hundred million.” Ning said. “ Four hundred million.” Yichan said. “ Five hundred million.” Ning before leaning towards her husband,” If you let me win, I’ll be on top for a whole week.” Yichan raised his board and said,” Seven million.”  “ You-“ “ For two weeks.” Yichan said. Ning frowned and said,” Fine.” Before raising her board,” Seven hundred and one million.” *********** Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 Join my server: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr Send me a Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/sofia05 [P.S:The cover isn’t mine. :)]

    Sofia05 · Urban
  • Casado com o Filho do Diabo

    【Volume 1 - Casada com o Filho do Diabo】 Um príncipe, rumores dizem ser filho do Diabo. Ele é a própria definição de Perigo. Ele é a própria Escuridão. Uma princesa. Aprisionada em sua própria casa, só pode sair quando se casar. Mas com quem se casará? *** Era uma vez, o Diabo se apaixonou por uma das muitas esposas do Rei. Uma noite, ele foi ao quarto dela disfarçado de marido e a amou. Ela engravidou do filho dele. Sabendo disso, o Rei ordenou a execução dela acreditando que sua esposa o traíra, mas então o Diabo apareceu ao rei fazendo um acordo. Em troca de grande poder para seu Reino, o Rei permitiria que sua esposa gerasse o Filho do Diabo. O Rei, ganancioso por poder, concorda com o acordo e seu Reino se torna um dos mais poderosos Reinos e o Filho do Diabo, o sétimo príncipe do Reino. Ser princesa provavelmente parece agradável. Uma vida cheia de luxo, belos vestidos e sapatos bonitos, mas para Hazel, não há nada de bom em ser uma princesa. Ela nunca pode sair do palácio, nunca pode ter amigos, nunca pode comer ou dizer ou vestir o que quiser e nunca pode escolher a pessoa com quem vai se casar. Em breve, ela se casará com um homem que nunca conheceu, um príncipe que rumores dizem ser Filho do Diabo.

    JasmineJosef · Fantasy
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  • Corazón Condenado al Infierno

    "[ADVERTENCIA: CONTENIDO PARA ADULTOS] - [HISTORIA PRINCIPAL COMPLETA] Izabelle subestimó el fuego con el que pensó que iba a jugar esta noche. Pero, ¿cómo podría haber previsto que el hombre con el que se había topado no juega con un simple fuego, sino con todo un infierno? ___ Extracto: —Pasar por este matrimonio conmigo podría ser como si estuvieras cavando tu propia tumba. Porque en el momento en que empieces a querer más de mí, te divorciaré. Y en el momento en que rompas tu promesa y trates de luchar contra mí... Te arruinaré y te romperé por completo. Sin piedad. Te arrepentirás de haber conocido a este diablo esta noche —dijo él con una voz suave pero fría. Pero Elle ni siquiera pestañeó. Su mirada tampoco titubeó. Este hombre era despiadado, y ella lo sabía claramente. Sus ojos en ese momento prometían pesadillas y oscuridad sin ninguna promesa de respiro. Pero no importa lo que diga ahora, eso aún no cambiaría su decisión. Realmente no tenía otra opción. —Ahora entiendo... —dijo en voz baja, reuniendo su valor—. Ya que no confías en que cumpliré mi palabra, ¿qué tal si hacemos esto? Preparas los documentos de divorcio ahora y yo los firmaré. De esa manera, cuando decidas divorciarte de mí en el futuro, los papeles ya habrán sido firmados y no habría manera de que pudiera molestarte por ello. Simplemente tendrías que enviarlo a los abogados y hacerlo notariado. Un pesado silencio reinó antes de que su risa incrédula y callada rompiera el silencio. —Me dejas sin palabras, princesa Izabelle —dijo él, sonando maliciosamente divertido—. Pero luego comenzó a asentir con aprobación—. De acuerdo, princesa. Me casaré contigo. ___ Cuenta de Instagram: kazzenlx.x Página de Facebook: author_kazzenlx Servidor de Discord: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4 La portada es mía, así que no la utilices. Arte de la cubierta de @azihidalgo Logotipo de @gisel.arts"

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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  • The Extra System: Summoner of Shadows

    [Do you wish to finish the story?] [Yes] / [No] ==== "What if I become a summoner in a world that hates summoners? What if I rule over shadows and stand between light and darkness? And what if I live in the same world I read about in my favorite novel?" pondered Cedric, before answering the three question in four words. "It would be fun!" After his death, he finds himself inside the novel he loved. However, he doesn't find himself as the protagonist, but a side character called Cedric Everhart, the ninth prince of a small kingdom. But why does he find himself inside a prison cell instead of an extravagant princely bed? And what is this Extra System that asks him to finish the story? Follow Cedric as he embarks on a journey in the world of Elaris and the countless threats it poses. In a world where summoners are hunted and killed, Cedric must survive with the most hated class, the [Summoner of Shadows.] ————————————————- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ZpjGK28uyG

    MellowGuy · Fantasy
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  • La Princesa Rosa Olvidada

    Hace años, cuando era solo una niña, Rosa huyó con sus dos amigos Alejandro y Matías, justo cuando estaban a punto de ser marcados como esclavos y vendidos para trabajar en un burdel. La desgracia cayó sobre el grupo cuando Matías quedó atrapado y para salvarlos, Rosa se sacrificó distrayendo al hijo del dueño del burdel, Graham, quien los perseguía. Rosa hizo que sus amigos prometieran que a cambio de su sacrificio, volverían para liberarla. Con el paso de los años y la reunión con sus amigos, descubrió que no todas las promesas se mantendrían. Atrapada en un burdel con un hombre que desea convertirla en su mujer, Rosa comienza una relación inesperada con Zayne Hamilton, un general de otro reino. Zayne se ofrece a comprarla de Graham y abre el camino para que su sacrificio no sea olvidado.

    Violet_167 · History
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  • Coração Amaldiçoado

    [AVISO: CONTEÚDO ADULTO] - [HISTÓRIA PRINCIPAL COMPLETA] Izabelle subestimou o fogo com que achava que ia brincar esta noite. Mas como ela poderia ter previsto que o homem com quem ela se deparou não brinca apenas com um pequeno fogo, mas sim com um inferno inteiro? ___ Excerto: "Passar por esse casamento comigo pode ser como você cavando seu próprio túmulo. Porque no momento em que você começar a querer mais de mim, eu vou me divorciar de você. E no momento em que você quebrar sua promessa e tentar me enfrentar... Eu vou arruinar você e te despedaçar completamente. Impiedosamente. Você vai se arrepender de ter conhecido este diabo esta noite." A ameaça dele foi dada na mesma voz suave, mas fria. Mas Elle não se abalou. Seu olhar também não vacilou. Este homem era implacável, e ela sabia disso claramente. Seus olhos naquele momento prometiam pesadelos e escuridão sem qualquer promessa de alívio. Mas, não importa o que ele diga agora, isso não mudará sua decisão. Ela realmente não tinha outra escolha. "Eu entendo agora..." ela disse calmamente, se fortalecendo. "Já que você não confia que eu manterei minha palavra, que tal fazermos isso? Você prepara os documentos do divórcio antecipadamente agora e eu assino. Dessa forma, quando você decidir se divorciar de mim no futuro, os papéis já terão sido assinados e não haverá como eu te incomodar a respeito. Você só precisará enviá-los aos advogados e tê-los notarizados." Um pesado silêncio reinou antes da sua risada incrédula e silenciosa quebrar o silêncio. "Estou sem palavras, Princesa Izabelle." Ele parecia perversamente divertido. Mas então ele começou a concordar com a aprovação. "Tudo bem, princesa. Eu vou me casar com você." ___ Conta no Instagram: kazzenlx.x página no facebook: author_kazzenlx servidor no Discord: https://discord.gg/UGTA3A4 A capa é minha, então não a use. Arte da capa por @azihidalgo Logo por @gisel.arts

    KazzenlX · Fantasy
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