After a tragic and untimely death, Carter finds himself reborn as a meteor, drifting through the vast emptiness of space. Stripped of his human form, he awakens in the cold, unfeeling void of the cosmos, unable to see or feel in the way he once did. His new existence is bewildering and isolated, his only awareness being the pull of gravity and the slow accumulation of cosmic debris. As he hurtles through the universe, Carter soon realizes that he is no longer just a fragment of rock but something more—part of a celestial force capable of shaping the very world he will one day become. With the help of a mysterious Creator Being System, Carter must come to terms with his new form and learn how to influence the universe around him. What begins as a journey of survival soon becomes one of self-discovery, as Carter faces the immense responsibility of his power to create—and destroy—in a universe that is as beautiful as it is infinite.