
Corn Bringer Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • My Accidental Husband Is My Revenge Partner

    Anastasia Harrison, a young woman abused by her cruel family, thought her life was over when they forced her to marry Richard, the sleazy black sheep of the wealthy Wallace family. Meanwhile, her favored younger sister, Michelle, was set to marry Xavier, the elder brother, who was a CEO. Yet, an error at city hall ended up swapping their names on their respective marriage certificates. "What is this?! How are you married to Xavier Wallace?" "You're not getting any food or water until you sign the divorce papers!" To add fuel to the fire, the old Mr. and Mrs. Harrison passed away, leaving all their assets to Anastasia and not the rest of the family. This drove the Harrisons to their breaking point. To trade for a peaceful life, Anastasia was willing to leave her inheritance and leave the family, but the Harrisons had other plans in mind. They wanted to get rid of her. Permanently. However, it was by a stroke of luck that Anastasia was found by her new husband, Xavier, before her family succeeded. Determined to get her revenge, she struck a deal with Xavier. "Continue to be my wife and I will help you get your revenge!"

    Sour_corn · Urban
  • My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce

    Meet Erika Walters, a woman who left her wealthy family and expensive lifestyle, hid her identity just to marry the one man that she loves. A man whom her family had warned her not to chase if she doesn’t want to be heartbroken. Turning a deaf ear towards her family, Erika married Adrian Hart. Adrain was against the marriage due to the fact that he never had feelings for Erika. However, the both of them got together because of the Matriarch of the Hart family. Grandma Elizabeth. A marriage was supposed to be a sweet journey for a woman who had just been accepted by her in laws but Erika’s was the opposite. Being treated as a servant wasn’t one of the roles of a married woman. Her in laws all treated her like dirt. Her husband continuously cheated on her with his lover, Felicia Evans whom his grandmother had always looked down on. After witnessing her husband having sexual intercourse with his lover in their matrimonial bed, Erika couldn’t take the torture anymore. She has reached her limit of endurance. She couldn’t let her heart to be continuously played with as if it was some toy. Erika reached out for the divorce papers, signed her name and left the Hart mansion with a promise that she would come back and make them loose everything they had ever worked hard for. Love? She has three elder brothers who dote on her. Erika went back to her family and started her plot against her ex in laws until she met Ethan, her childhood friend whom she had bumped into years ago. **** Excerpt “You really are a slut”, Adrian spat in disgust. Erika calmly looked at him. “The last time I checked, Mr Hart. We are not longer related so why is it such a bother to you if am a slut or not?” She coldly questioned him. “Since you have such a good eye at identifying who is a slut, why haven’t you figured out the main slut in your family yet?” She questioned him back. **** Will Erika successfully get her revenge? How will Adrain react when he sees that she has moved on? Will Adrain and Felicia have a happy ending? Will Erika feel any regret after getting her revenge? Will there be more secrets that she will discover on her journey of revenge? Find out more by clicking the book; My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce

    Sour_corn · Urban
  • Mi exmarido me quiere de vuelta después de 3 años de divorcio

    —Conozcan a Erika Walters, una mujer que dejó su adinerada familia y un estilo de vida lujoso, escondió su identidad solo para casarse con el único hombre que amaba. Un hombre a quien su familia le advirtió que no persiguiera si no quería sufrir un desengaño amoroso. Haciendo oídos sordos a su familia, Erika se casó con Adrian Hart. —Adrain estaba en contra del matrimonio debido a que nunca tuvo sentimientos por Erika. Sin embargo, los dos terminaron juntos debido a la Matriarca de la familia Hart. Abuela Elizabeth. —Se supone que un matrimonio debe ser un dulce viaje para una mujer que acaba de ser aceptada por su familia política, pero el de Erika fue todo lo contrario. Ser tratada como una sirvienta no era uno de los roles de una mujer casada. Todos sus parientes políticos la trataban como a tierra. Su marido continuamente le era infiel con su amante, Felicia Evans, a quien su abuela siempre había despreciado. —Después de presenciar a su esposo teniendo relaciones sexuales con su amante en la cama conyugal, Erika no pudo soportar más la tortura. Alcanzó su límite de resistencia. No podía permitir que continuaran jugando con su corazón como si fuera algún juguete. —Erika tomó los papeles de divorcio, firmó su nombre y dejó la mansión Hart con la promesa de que volvería y los haría perder todo por lo que habían trabajado duro en conseguir. —¿Amor? Ella tiene tres hermanos mayores que la adoran. —Erika volvió a su familia y comenzó a tramar su venganza contra sus ex parientes políticos hasta que se encontró con Ethan, su amigo de la infancia con quien se había encontrado hace años. —Extracto —Realmente eres una zorra —Adrian escupió con asco—. Erika lo miró tranquilamente. —La última vez que revisé, Sr. Hart, ya no estamos relacionados. Así que, ¿por qué le molesta si soy una zorra o no? —Le preguntó fríamente—. Ya que tienes un buen ojo para identificar quién es una zorra, ¿por qué aún no has descubierto a la principal zorra en tu familia? —Le devolvió la pregunta. —¿Logrará Erika su venganza con éxito? ¿Cómo reaccionará Adrain cuando vea que ella ha seguido adelante? ¿Tendrán Adrain y Felicia un final feliz? ¿Sentirá Erika algún remordimiento después de obtener su venganza? ¿Habrá más secretos que descubrirá en su camino hacia la venganza? —Descubre más haciendo clic en el libro: «Mi ex marido me quiere de vuelta después de 3 años de divorcio». —Hola chicos. Este es mi primer libro. Aún soy nueva en esto. Así que espero que disfruten este libro. Pero no olviden darme su apoyo y aliento. Gracias."

    Sour_corn · Urban
  • The Bringer of Light

    He kneeled on the snow. The burning cold was reddening both his toes and fingers, but it didn't compare to the anger he was feeling at the moment. Such anger could be noticed in his expression, which even seemed animalistic, as well as in the tears streaming down his face. ----- When he opened his eyes, all he could see was an old, wooden ceiling. After staring at it for a while, he turned his head. "Oh! I'm glad you're awake!" ----- "I swear! I'm coming back alive!" ----- On August 17th 1788, Austria, a new boy is born, this boy would bring a huge change with him. The novel "The Bringer of Light" will revolve around quarrels of powerful noble families, political matters, strategic discussions, the real human condition where good and bad people don't truly exist, and much more. That boy is a prodigy child, having deep insight ever since his birth. One day, something terrible happens to him, which makes him have the goal of bringing light to this world. The main point of this book is following him on his journey to fulfill that task. He goes through a lot of internal struggles such as: Is it really possible to achieve such a thing? Is what I'm trying to do even the right choice?

    Bolt_1 · History
  • Meu Marido Acidental é Meu Parceiro de Vingança

    Anastásia Harrison, uma jovem abusada por sua cruel família, pensou que sua vida havia acabado quando a forçaram a casar com Richard, a ovelha negra da rica família Wallace. Enquanto isso, sua irmã caçula preferida, Michelle, estava prestes a casar com Xavier, o irmão mais velho, que era um CEO. Contudo, um erro na prefeitura acabou trocando seus nomes nos respectivos certificados de casamento. "O que é isso?! Como você está casada com Xavier Wallace?" "Você não vai receber comida ou água até assinar os papéis do divórcio!" Para jogar lenha na fogueira, o velho Sr. e Sra. Harrison faleceram, deixando todos os seus bens para Anastásia e não para o restante da família. Isso levou os Harrison ao limite. Para negociar uma vida pacífica, Anastásia estava disposta a deixar sua herança e sair da família, mas os Harrison tinham outros planos em mente. Eles queriam se livrar dela. Permanentemente. No entanto, foi por um golpe de sorte que Anastásia foi encontrada por seu novo marido, Xavier, antes que sua família tivesse sucesso. Determinada a se vingar, ela fez um acordo com Xavier. "Continue sendo minha esposa e eu te ajudarei a se vingar!"

    Sour_corn · Urban
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  • Meu Ex Marido Quer Voltar Comigo Após 3 Anos de Divórcio

    Conheça Erika Walters, uma mulher que abandonou sua família rica e estilo de vida caro, escondeu sua identidade só para se casar com o homem que amava. Um homem que sua família a alertou para não correr atrás se ela não quisesse ter o coração partido. Ignorando sua família, Erika se casou com Adrian Hart. Adrian era contra o casamento, pelo fato de nunca ter tido sentimentos por Erika. No entanto, os dois se uniram por causa da matriarca da família Hart, a vovó Elizabeth. O casamento deveria ser uma jornada doce para uma mulher que acabou de ser aceita por sua família, mas o de Erika foi o oposto. Ser tratada como criada não era um dos papéis de uma mulher casada. Todos os seus sogros a tratavam como sujeira. Seu marido continuamente a traía com sua amante, Felicia Evans, a quem sua avó sempre desprezou. Depois de testemunhar seu marido fazendo sexo com sua amante em sua cama matrimonial, Erika não aguentava mais a tortura. Ela tinha atingido seu limite de resistência. Ela não podia permitir que seu coração continuasse sendo brincado como se fosse algum brinquedo. Erika pegou os papéis de divórcio, assinou seu nome e saiu da Mansão Hart com a promessa de que voltaria e faria com que perdessem tudo pelo que já haviam trabalhado muito. Amor? Ela tem três irmãos mais velhos que a adoram. Erika voltou para sua família e começou a tramar contra seus ex-sogros até que encontrou Ethan, seu amigo de infância com quem se esbarrou anos atrás. **** Excerto “Você realmente é uma vagabunda”, Adrian cuspiu em desgosto. Erika olhou para ele calmamente. “Na última vez que chequei, Sr. Hart. Nós não somos mais parentes, então por que te incomoda se eu sou uma vagabunda ou não?” Ela o questionou friamente. “Já que você tem um bom olho para identificar quem é uma vagabunda, por que ainda não descobriu a principal vagabunda da sua família?” Ela o questionou de volta. **** Erika conseguirá se vingar com sucesso? Como Adrian reagirá ao ver que ela seguiu em frente? Adrian e Felicia terão um final feliz? Erika sentirá algum arrependimento depois de se vingar? Haverá mais segredos que ela descobrirá em sua jornada de vingança? Descubra mais clicando no livro; Meu Ex Marido Me Quer De Volta Depois De 3 Anos De Divórcio **** Olá pessoal Este é o meu primeiro livro Ainda sou novata Então, espero que vocês gostem deste livro Mas não se esqueçam de me dar seu apoio e incentivo Obrigada

    Sour_corn · Urban
  • Picked Up A Husband For Farming

    The miracle doctor, Xu Qing, accidentally fell into the water and died. When she opened her eyes again, she found herself having transmigrated into a farming novel. Then, she felt excruciating pain in the lower half of her body. Xu Qing looked down in disbelief. As a thirty-year-old unmarried single woman, she was in the midst of giving birth to a child! Staring at the three babies who were barely breathing, Xu Qing almost went mad. Why did she suddenly become a mother of three? Her father exclaimed, “How dare you give birth to b*stard children before getting married?! We don’t have a daughter like you. Scram!” Before Xu Qing could even catch her breath after bearing children, she was chased out of the house by her father. Fortunately, her mother pitied her and secretly gave her an acre of land to aid in her survival. With no options left, Xu Qing picked up a hoe and started farming. ‘Hey, that unconscious mister over there, please die somewhere else! Don’t dirty my corn field!’ After dragging the unconscious man to a side, Xu Qing suddenly remembered that she needed help taking care of her children. This man would do! Later on, Qiao Yanhui knelt down before his angry wife with an aggrieved look on his charming face. He had one child on each arm, and another clinging to his head. He looked up at Xu Qing pitifully. “Honey, it’s the effect of my family genes. I can’t control my genes from producing so many babies…” “Out! Get out now!” Xu Qing kicked him aside. Who knew that the man she picked up turned out to be the father of her children. Had she known, she would’ve left him to die in the corn field.

    yayaya · General
  • Mi esposo accidental es mi compañero de venganza

    Anastasia Harrison, una joven maltratada por su cruel familia, pensaba que su vida había terminado cuando la obligaron a casarse con Richard, la oveja negra y despreciable de la adinerada familia Wallace. Mientras tanto, su preferida hermana menor, Michelle, estaba destinada a casarse con Xavier, el hermano mayor, que era un CEO. Sin embargo, un error en el ayuntamiento terminó intercambiando sus nombres en sus respectivos certificados de matrimonio. —¿Qué es esto? ¿Cómo estás casada con Xavier Wallace? —¡No recibirás comida ni agua hasta que firmes los papeles de divorcio! Para echar leña al fuego, los ancianos señor y señora Harrison fallecieron, dejando todos sus bienes a Anastasia y no al resto de la familia. Esto llevó a los Harrison a su punto de quiebre. Para negociar una vida tranquila, Anastasia estaba dispuesta a dejar su herencia y abandonar la familia, pero los Harrison tenían otros planes en mente. Querían deshacerse de ella. Permanentemente. Sin embargo, fue por un golpe de suerte que Anastasia fue encontrada por su nuevo esposo, Xavier, antes de que su familia tuviera éxito. Decidida a vengarse, hizo un trato con Xavier. —¡Continúa siendo mi esposa y te ayudaré a vengarte!

    Sour_corn · Urban
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  • I Scored Myself a Mate

    Alex always felt out of place. Isolated and mistreated by his family, his life was pure torture. He believed he had managed to get out, and run away from the beatings and the hate. He wanted a peaceful life, a way to be happy. For a second when he met Luke, a mysterious young man, through a fatal mistake, happiness seemed to be in his grasp. Still, everything began to crumble. The silver eyes that shone under the moon were the bringers of deceit and he felt lost once again, trapped until... ...until he met him. The cold and saddened elf king, living in an endless winter, hidden inside an icy palace. Hair white as snow and eyes a pretty lilac, Alex had never seen someone so divine. Just the sight of him triggered a past he didn't know he had. Opening up a way through the secrets and finding the truth from his hazy dreams Alex struggles between who he is and what he is turning to. An endless journey and his only guide a blurry figure in his mind. "I love you...forever" he whispered and Alex could only cry. Who was he and where could he find him? His only comfort. His only home. Welcome to the The Veil! Filled with unspoken horrors and divine pleasures. A place that only in your wildest dreams...or maybe nightmares, you would have imagined. What lies beneath the covered eyes of the humans? Are you curious to know? Read and find out. .... Also, check out my other Fantasy Romance The Tears of a Prince which is the crazy adventure of a vampire prince as he tries to run away from the people who are after him and the man who changed his life forever!

    Yaminoyosei · LGBT+
  • Mon Mari Accidentel est Mon Partenaire de Vengeance

    Anastasia Harrison, une jeune femme maltraitée par sa cruelle famille, pensait que sa vie était terminée lorsqu'ils l'ont forcée à épouser Richard, le mouton noir peu recommandable de la riche famille Wallace. Pendant ce temps, sa jeune sœur préférée, Michelle, allait épouser Xavier, l'aîné, qui était un PDG. Pourtant, une erreur à l'hôtel de ville a fini par inverser leurs noms sur leurs certificats de mariage respectifs. "C'est quoi ça ?! Comment se fait-il que tu sois mariée à Xavier Wallace ?" "Tu n'auras ni nourriture ni eau jusqu'à ce que tu signes les papiers du divorce !" Pour envenimer les choses, le vieux M. et Mme Harrison sont décédés, laissant tous leurs biens à Anastasia et non au reste de la famille. Cela a poussé les Harrisons à bout. Pour échanger contre une vie paisible, Anastasia était prête à abandonner son héritage et quitter la famille, mais les Harrisons avaient d'autres projets en tête. Ils voulaient se débarrasser d'elle. De manière permanente. Cependant, ce fut par un coup de chance qu'Anastasia fut trouvée par son nouveau mari, Xavier, avant que sa famille ne réussisse. Déterminée à prendre sa revanche, elle a conclu un pacte avec Xavier. "Continue d'être ma femme et je t'aiderai à prendre ta revanche !"

    Sour_corn · Urban
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  • Old Ancestor: Thrown Out By The Nanny From The Start

    Song Haotian, an old man with dementia, was deserted by his children. This kind of news was common on the Internet. However, such an insignificant event actually led to a series of events. Song Haotian’s adopted daughter made false claims about him in order to be selected for a talent show. The netizens cyberbullied the old man in order to protect their idol. Just when the netizens thought this case would end satisfactorily with the adopted daughter winning, an unexpected scene played out. The head of East Asian Chamber of Commerce, the elder of an ancient martial arts clan, the beautiful CEO of the world’s most powerful security company, the head of the nation-renowned Chinese Medicine Association, and many other families and factions were involved in the case due to the false claim. Later, the netizens finally found out the true identity of Song Haotian and how powerful he was. However, it was too late now.

    Break The Corn · Urban
  • Mon ex-mari veut me reconquérir après 3 ans de divorce

    ``` Faites connaissance avec Érika Walters, une femme qui a quitté sa riche famille et son mode de vie onéreux, et caché son identité juste pour épouser l'homme qu'elle aime. Un homme que sa famille l'avait mise en garde de ne pas poursuivre si elle ne voulait pas avoir le cœur brisé. Ignorant les conseils de sa famille, Érika a épousé Adrian Hart. Adrain était contre le mariage car il n'avait jamais eu de sentiments pour Érika. Cependant, tous les deux se sont mis ensemble à cause de la matriarche de la famille Hart. Grand-mère Élisabeth. Un mariage était censé être un doux voyage pour une femme qui venait juste d'être acceptée par sa belle-famille, mais celui d'Érika était tout le contraire. Être traitée comme une servante n'était pas l'un des rôles d'une femme mariée. Sa belle-famille la traitait tous comme de la boue. Son mari la trompait continuellement avec sa maîtresse, Félicia Evans, que sa grand-mère avait toujours méprisée. Après avoir été témoin de son mari ayant des rapports sexuels avec sa maîtresse dans leur lit conjugal, Érika ne pouvait plus supporter la torture. Elle avait atteint sa limite d'endurance. Elle ne pouvait laisser son cœur être continuellement joué comme s'il s'agissait d'un jouet. Érika a saisi les papiers de divorce, signé son nom et quitté la demeure Hart avec la promesse qu'elle reviendrait et leur ferait perdre tout ce pour quoi ils avaient travaillé dur. L'amour ? Elle a trois frères aînés qui la chouchoutent. Érika est retournée dans sa famille et a commencé à ourdir son complot contre ses ex-belle-famille jusqu'à ce qu'elle rencontre Ethan, son ami d'enfance avec qui elle s'était heurtée des années auparavant. **** Extrait « Tu es vraiment une salope », cracha Adrian avec dégoût. Érika le regarda calmement. « La dernière fois que j'ai vérifié, M. Hart. Nous ne sommes plus apparentés alors pourquoi cela vous dérange-t-il tant que je sois une salope ou non ? » Elle l'interrogea froidement. « Puisque vous avez un si bon œil pour identifier qui est une salope, pourquoi n'avez-vous pas encore découvert la plus grosse salope de votre famille ? » Elle lui rétorqua. **** Érika réussira-t-elle à se venger ? Comment réagira Adrain lorsqu'il verra qu'elle est passée à autre chose ? Adrain et Félicia auront-ils leur happy end ? Érika ressentira-t-elle des regrets après avoir obtenu sa revanche ? Découvrira-t-elle d'autres secrets au cours de son périple de vengeance ? Découvrez-en plus en cliquant sur le livre ; Mon Ex Mari Veut Me Reconquérir Après 3 Ans de Divorce **** Salut les gars Ceci est mon premier livre Je suis encore débutante Alors j'espère que vous apprécierez ce livre Mais n'oubliez pas de me donner votre soutien et vos encouragements Merci ```

    Sour_corn · Urban
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  • Mein ungewollter Ehemann ist mein Rachepartner

    Anastasia Harrison, eine junge Frau, die von ihrer grausamen Familie missbraucht wurde, dachte, ihr Leben sei vorbei, als man sie zwang, Richard, das schwarze Schaf der wohlhabenden Familie Wallace, zu heiraten. In der Zwischenzeit sollte ihre bevorzugte jüngere Schwester Michelle Xavier, den älteren Bruder, heiraten, der ein CEO war. Durch einen Fehler im Rathaus wurden jedoch die Namen der beiden in ihren Heiratsurkunden vertauscht. "Was soll das?! Wie kannst du mit Xavier Wallace verheiratet sein?" "Du bekommst weder Essen noch Wasser, bis du die Scheidungspapiere unterschreibst!" Um noch mehr Öl ins Feuer zu gießen, verstarb das alte Ehepaar Harrison und hinterließ sein gesamtes Vermögen Anastasia und nicht dem Rest der Familie. Das brachte die Harrisons an den Rand ihrer Belastbarkeit. Um ein friedliches Leben zu führen, war Anastasia bereit, auf ihr Erbe zu verzichten und die Familie zu verlassen, aber die Harrisons hatten andere Pläne. Sie wollten sie loswerden. Und zwar für immer. Durch einen glücklichen Zufall wurde Anastasia jedoch von ihrem neuen Ehemann Xavier gefunden, bevor es ihrer Familie gelang. Entschlossen, sich zu rächen, schloss sie einen Deal mit Xavier. "Bleib meine Frau und ich werde dir helfen, dich zu rächen!"

    Sour_corn · Urban
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  • Mein Ex-Mann will mich nach 3 Jahren Scheidung zurück

    Lernen Sie Erika Walters kennen, eine Frau, die ihre wohlhabende Familie und ihren teuren Lebensstil verlassen und ihre Identität versteckt hat, nur um den einen Mann zu heiraten, den sie liebt. Einen Mann, vor dem ihre Familie sie gewarnt hatte, wenn sie sich nicht das Herz brechen lassen wollte. Erika stellte sich taub gegenüber ihrer Familie und heiratete Adrian Hart. Adrain war gegen die Heirat, da er nie Gefühle für Erika hatte. Die beiden kamen jedoch wegen der Matriarchin der Familie Hart zusammen. Großmutter Elizabeth. Eine Heirat sollte für eine Frau, die gerade von ihren Schwiegereltern akzeptiert worden war, eine schöne Reise sein, aber Erikas Ehe war das Gegenteil. Als Dienerin behandelt zu werden, gehörte nicht zu den Aufgaben einer verheirateten Frau. Ihre Schwiegereltern behandelten sie alle wie Dreck. Ihr Mann betrog sie ständig mit seiner Geliebten, Felicia Evans, auf die seine Großmutter immer herabgesehen hatte. Nachdem sie mit ansehen musste, wie ihr Mann mit seiner Geliebten im Ehebett Geschlechtsverkehr hatte, konnte Erika die Qualen nicht mehr ertragen. Sie hat ihre Grenze der Belastbarkeit erreicht. Sie konnte nicht mehr zulassen, dass man ständig mit ihrem Herzen spielte, als wäre es ein Spielzeug. Erika griff nach den Scheidungspapieren, unterschrieb mit ihrem Namen und verließ das Anwesen der Harts mit dem Versprechen, dass sie zurückkommen und sie alles verlieren lassen würde, wofür sie jemals hart gearbeitet hatten. Liebe? Sie hat drei ältere Brüder, die sich um sie kümmern. Erika kehrte zu ihrer Familie zurück und schmiedete ein Komplott gegen ihre Ex-Schwiegereltern, bis sie Ethan traf, ihren Jugendfreund, dem sie vor Jahren über den Weg gelaufen war. **** Auszug "Du bist wirklich eine Schlampe", spuckte Adrian angewidert. Erika sah ihn ruhig an. "So weit ich weiß, Herr Hart, sind wir nicht mehr verwandt. Wir sind nicht mehr verwandt, also warum stört es Sie so sehr, ob ich eine Schlampe bin oder nicht?" Fragte sie ihn kalt. "Wenn Sie so ein gutes Auge haben, um zu erkennen, wer eine Schlampe ist, warum haben Sie dann die Hauptschlampe in Ihrer Familie noch nicht herausgefunden?" Fragte sie ihn zurück. **** Wird Erika ihre Rache erfolgreich abschließen? Wie wird Adrain reagieren, wenn er sieht, dass sie weitergezogen ist? Werden Adrain und Felicia ein Happy End haben? Wird Erika Reue empfinden, nachdem sie sich gerächt hat? Wird es weitere Geheimnisse geben, die sie auf ihrer Rachefahrt entdecken wird? Erfahren Sie mehr, indem Sie auf das Buch klicken; Mein Ex-Mann will mich nach 3 Jahren Scheidung zurück **** Hallo Leute dies ist mein erstes Buch Bin noch ein Neuling Also hoffe ich, dass euch dieses Buch gefällt Aber vergesst nicht, mir eure Unterstützung und Ermutigung zu geben Ich danke euch

    Sour_corn · Urban
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  • Void Bringer

    Six Great Factions, ruled by powerful Angels, have reigned the world for centuries, but only one has remained undefeated. The Fire Faction has risen to the top and his Fire Keepers never fell from there. Zenon, orphaned and poor, never expected much from life. Carrier of a Void Lineage, direct blood from the Void Angel, meant being hunted by the Fire Keepers. His execution was set for his 18th birthday. Little did he know, it would all change that day. Awakening with a powerful Soul, Zenon’s fate has been linked with the Angels’ world. The Layers, home to eldritch monsters powerful enough to destroy Earth, has become his battlefield to become stronger. And now, he must unravel all the secrets. Secrets that have made the Fire Faction untouchable… at the cost of the Void Faction and the Void Carriers’ life. Secrets for which his sanity will suffer. This is the tale of the Void Bringer, the only human chosen by Void to carry the title and the only human ready to bring down the Fire Keepers and the Fire Faction. Will he accomplish this fate? Or will he succumb to the eternal flames of an Angel? --- Hello! Neph1s here. I want to say that I'm using this novel to test myself in terms of characters, world-building, plotline, etc. This is why you may find references to other novels or straight-up similarities. But don't worry! This doesn't mean it's not a serious story. I'm going to deliver my most quality writing to you, because if not the whole point of this is meaningless. You can expect intense fights and moments, emotional scenes, and a breath of fresh air in the fantasy genre. Hope you enjoy the story!

    Neph1s · Fantasy
  • Reborn as Corn

    --Also to post on Royal Road-- After finding out that he is to inherit a billion dollars, Tino Lawson believes himself to be the luckiest 18-year-old in the world…until he is crushed/burned to death by a tanker truck carrying corrosive acid. Death proves to be a mere speedbump, however, as Tino awakens in another world far beyond his wildest dreams. Too bad he got reincarnated as a vegetable. Stuck within the immobile body of an ear of corn, Tino is alone with his thoughts while time moves at a glacial pace, where the cultivatable vegetable eventually learns how to cultivate the energies of the universe around him. By the time he is harvested, Tino has everything he needs. Plant yourself in your chair, and a-maize yourself with this corny story.

    Sneekurp · Fantasy
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  • Mantan Suami Saya Ingin Rujuk Setelah 3 Tahun Bercerai

    Temui Erika Walters, seorang wanita yang meninggalkan keluarganya yang kaya dan gaya hidup mewah, menyembunyikan identitasnya hanya untuk menikahi satu-satunya pria yang dia cintai. Seorang pria yang keluarganya telah memperingatkan untuk tidak dikejar jika dia tidak ingin patah hati. Tidak menghiraukan keluarganya, Erika menikah dengan Adrian Hart. Adrain menentang pernikahan itu karena kenyataannya dia tidak memiliki perasaan terhadap Erika. Namun, keduanya bersatu karena Matriark keluarga Hart. Nenek Elizabeth. Pernikahan seharusnya menjadi perjalanan manis bagi seorang wanita yang baru saja disetujui oleh keluarga besannya, namun pernikahan Erika adalah kebalikannya. Dianggap sebagai pelayan bukanlah salah satu peran seorang wanita yang telah menikah. Keluarganya besannya semua memperlakukannya seperti sampah. Suaminya terus-menerus berselingkuh dengan kekasihnya, Felicia Evans, yang selalu diremehkan neneknya. Setelah menyaksikan suaminya berhubungan seks dengan kekasihnya di tempat tidur pernikahan mereka, Erika tidak dapat menahan siksaan itu lagi. Dia telah mencapai batas daya tahannya. Dia tidak bisa membiarkan hatinya terus dimainkan seolah-olah itu adalah semacam mainan. Erika meraih surat-surat perceraian, menandatangani namanya dan meninggalkan rumah besar Hart dengan janji bahwa dia akan kembali dan membuat mereka kehilangan segala sesuatu yang sudah mereka kerjakan dengan keras. Cinta? Dia memiliki tiga kakak laki-laki yang sangat memanjakannya. Erika kembali ke keluarganya dan mulai menyusun rencana melawan mantan keluarga besannya hingga dia bertemu dengan Ethan, teman masa kecilnya yang pernah dia temui bertahun-tahun yang lalu. **** Penggalan “Kamu benar-benar seorang pelacur”, caci Adrian dengan jijik. Erika memandangnya dengan tenang. “Terakhir kali saya periksa, Pak Hart. Kita sudah tidak ada hubungan lagi jadi kenapa Anda begitu jengkel jika saya pelacur atau tidak?” Dia bertanya dengan dingin. “Mengingat Anda memiliki pandangan yang tajam dalam mengidentifikasi siapa pelacur, kenapa Anda belum mengetahui siapa pelacur utama di keluarga Anda?” Dia menantang balik. **** Apakah Erika akan berhasil membalas dendamnya? Bagaimana reaksi Adrain saat dia melihat bahwa Erika telah melanjutkan hidupnya? Apakah Adrain dan Felicia akan mendapatkan akhir yang bahagia? Apakah Erika akan merasa menyesal setelah mendapatkan balas dendamnya? Apakah akan ada lebih banyak rahasia yang akan dia temukan dalam perjalanan balas dendamnya? Temukan lebih banyak dengan mengklik buku; Mantan Suami Saya Ingin Kembali Setelah 3 Tahun Perceraian

    Sour_corn · Urban
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  • I Fell Into A Third-Rate Smut Novel As A Trashy Gangster

    It wasn't really a popular smut series, just one of the dregs left alone to rot for ages in the far reaches of the internet. A wish-fulfillment story where the protagonist gets NTR'd into oblivion in the beginning, before awakening his dormant werewolf bloodline in sheer rage and utterly demolishing all antagonists, while collecting beauties at every step of the way – A typical smutty revenge story. But instead of the usual magical fantasy, this story's premise was based on sci-fi – taking place in an alternate version of Earth where aliens were real, urban legends like werewolves weren't mere figments of imagination, and the government was hiding a f*cking EXTRATERRESTRIAL STARSHIP inside an underground lab in Area-69...!! "...F*ck." ...All I did was send a small donation to this unpopular novel's Author, saying that he shouldn't give up writing. And after falling asleep in my room last night, I strangely found myself transmigrated inside the novel world! Well, good news was – the main character was a gigachad who could operate the hidden Starship thanks to his awakened werewolf bloodline, and fight back when the enemies of the Starship's creators invaded Earth and started raining down plasma beams from space! ...And the bad news – the man I possessed was a third-rate gangster who was supposed to cuck the main character, indirectly assisting in his bloodline awakening. "....f*ck my life..." Now, if I don't cuck him, humanity in this world would go extinct from an overwhelming alien invasion. And if I DO cuck him, I would die to the enraged MC's rampage! "...Ah, sh*t. If I'm going to die anyway, let me have some fun in my remaining few days. Hmm, but I should book a flight to Africa first..." *Ta-ting!* [Bloodline awakening condition has been unlocked!] "...Huh? Now what the hell is this?" ----------------------- WARNING: This novel will have occasional corn (not the vegetable-kind), so if you haven't yet delved into the defiled swamp of degeneracy (meaning if you're not an adult), I recommend that you stay away from this novel. ----------------------- Join the Discord Server: https://discord.gg/EAx7ta5rpp

    Degenerate_Stephen · Urban
  • Marked by the Heartless Alpha

    “Don't tell me you weren't fantasizing about what it would feel to be with a beast like me?" He asked as he stepped forward towards her. With every step he took, she took a step back. Her throat dried up and her lips felt patched as she didn't miss his dark gaze. The way he growled as he moved towards her. And with every step, the small hope that he would leave her alone died. As he corned to the wall, Her human form held no chance against his magnificent beastly feature. His muscles frayed and his eyes slowly changed color as if he was trying so hard to keep his wolf contained. His hands slowly approached her hips, brushing gently, yet seductively making her gasp. His gaze darkened and he slowly leaned over as his teeth grazed her neck. A moan escaped her lips and she leaned her head away to give him more access to her neck. “Answer me!” His voice vibrated around her neck. Her chest heaved up and down and she tried to calm herself as he whispered, "You are mine, Hazel." “No, I am not. Because I am in love with your brother and I belong to him!" She tried to protest but he growled and pinned her to the wall. “You are my Mate. You belongs to only Me. You are Mine." He growled with his gaze on her. ~~~ Dylan is a beastly man who holds power in his pack. He is cold-blooded, and a Cruel, Heartless Alpha of the Diamond pack. He is so frightening that no girl dares to approach him, and anyone that dares, all die terrifyingly. But suddenly, the same cold and Heartless Beast gets attracted to a Human Girl who was sold to him by her mother and stepfather, that turned out to be his mate! Her strong-willed attitude attracts him so much that he cannot wait to pounce on her. Hazel who hated Dylan to the depths of her heart, didn't want to get close to him at all, and she was in love with his step-brother, Austin who is a Beta in Diamond Pack. Austin would do anything to make her, his again even after finding out that she is Dylan's mate. The fates of the three people are scripted so differently, How will she handle their love, and who would she accept? ... Warning: Highly Mature Content.

    PayalSinghRajput · Fantasy
  • Children of the Corn

    Watch now https://linkr.bio/latestmovies

    Ashal_Khalid · Horror
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