How to Start a Revolution in the United States
In modern day society, socialists all around the world continue to fight for a tomorrow where capitalism does not exist. Despite Western assumptions, the revolutionary fervor has not, as they would say, "died down". It is true in that the scope of the fervor has indeed shrinked, but to say that it has died down is incorrect. The revolutionary left is out there. It is shrouded by the system that fears it. Our goal as socialists is to see to not just capitalism's demise, but the rise of socialism. However, it has been a long time goal of the left (considered a pipe dream by many) to strike at what is considered the heart of capitalism, the United States. In my opinion, however you receive it, it is not. In this series, I will attempt to list clearly the problems facing the building of a Revolution in the United States, the issues surrounding the carrying out of the Revolution, and how to deal with the problems that shall inevitably arise when dealing with post-Revolution issues, the transformation of society, and the transformation of the economy. All of these issues are complex, and all of them have been given different answers. However, no matter the cost, we all must endeavor to answer these questions. We now not only have the burden of liberating the masses and, as Marx said, have a world to win, but the issue now, as the threats of climate change strengthens its grip, is that we have a world to save. Whatever results of you reading this, I hope you better understand our position.
solarguy25 · Sci-fi