I feel that the way it was written was super dull, boring and just too unsatisfactory to even continue reading. I’m not sorry to say that I really dislike this novel. Will not continue reading it. After the first chapter people will ask themselves..”What even is this? What is with this horrendous senseless plot building up to...” Just to say, this was not a well thought out story. The way it was carried out was bad. One word to describe this novel...BAD. But to some other people they might want to trek on with this story and continue to journey with it. I applaud those whom continue on this road, there is no return from reading this mind numbing story. Sorry translators, editors, author, all those who read this. There is some offense within my words but I will not apologize for it but I do apologize for all your hard work. I thank you for wanting to translate this, thank you author for writing this even though I will not continue reading it. Editors thank you for working on this. May everyone praise all the hard work and glory unto you and everyone else. Farewell.
Liked by 5 people
LIKEJust started reading this today and I wish I had come across this review. The story feels like it trudges along a little too slowly and aimlessly for me. The MC is also just a bit retarded and there is never a moment of intelligence from their part. There is a lot of pointless internal monologue/narration that makes me want to skip several chapters. You know it's bad when you can literally skip 10+ paragraphs and not miss a single thing in the story's development. This novel sucks.
I completely agree with you, reading the first chapter of this novel completely put me off from reading any more of it, thankfully I realized that the first chapter has NOTHING to do with the story, and I really do mean nothing. The first chapter should not even exist and if you completely skip it somehow makes the story slightly better, not enough so that I'll continue reading it after all the stupidity the MC does later, but at least slightly better.