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Sigh, you seem to be misunderstanding what I'm saying, purposefully no less. He does not change the surface to ground, he does not change the affected item to ground. Nothing at all becomes dirt, in any way form or fashion. At all, zilch, none. The magic adapts the PROPERTIES of ground, what its capable of, its good parts, all adapted through magic. All the strengths, none of the weaknesses, only for the parts affected. So if a surface becomes able to conduct electricity with none of the weaknesses such conductors would normally have. The electricity travels along it, till it gets to a part that WOULD have those weaknesses, whether thats the transformed conductor, or a new surface thats connected to the transformed conductor. To give you an idea, the affected item would likely gain weight, conductivity, hardness, these types of things. It would not turn the item into dirt. Otherwise if used on a person (or animal) they would just die after having a portion of their body turn into dirt for any amount of time.
Because his skin doesn't BECOME ground, it takes on the properties of ground.
Rescuing and taking her in would not be the issue. The issue is when the MC starts responding to her advances or advancing on her. If they are the same age its whatever, but when one party is NOT an adult and the other party IS its not ok at all. Also not ok if the adult party raises the younger one with the intention of eventually marrying / stringing them along in a harem. That last one would be considered grooming.
I don't watch the show, but going by his attire it should be the sun and moon season, absolutely no idea on the episode though.
You can't even blame that on trauma, if he was traumatic about it he wouldn't jump into the same business either. You can't be traumatized by "all rich people" then continue to do any kind of business that would interact with rich people on a potentially daily basis. You even recognize that people won't drive cars afterwards so why make even try to say its trauma? By this logic he should become a shut in and interact with noone at all because hes afraid of betrayal. Is he doing that?
I mean I don't care what type of utopia someone builds EVENTUALLY the peace will end.
Its incredibly rare, but in the case of a poly or open relationship usually BOTH parties have multiple partners or sleep around with others. In that case when both parties are consenting its whatever. Just saying the real world equivalent of a "Harem" was generally to the womens detriment. Definitely not something that anyone should desire in this day and age beyond consenting open / poly relationships.
I think its a Ghibli movie called Ponyo
plot armor.
Probably, the very second it started talking in the first place thats what I was dreading.