
Review Detail of BaronT in Night Ranger

Review detail


An action packed story about a more disturbed version of batman without the gadgets, so far, but willing to kill like an ice cold assasin. No hessitation to kill, must of been a lovely guy in his past life or already beleived he was his character like a real keyboard warrior, wasnt explained how old he was in past life but i guess either 8 years old living in mental hospital or a 45 year old mafia hitman

Night Ranger

Dark Blue Coconut Milk

Liked by 337 people




Lol 😆, wasn't going to read this at first, but this review has convinced me to read it, if only to find out the mc's original age😏😏

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It's actually a case of VR games causing desensitization.

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Is that a rick-orn? or ricktato?

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And he can kill so easly bcs he thinks this is game.. .

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Well i'm all into this book now. Not a pu$$y easy to kill people who cross his path. All aboard the Hype Train. #FkThemPu$$yMC'SWhoCan'tKill

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Once you realize there is no such thing as normal, you will find that it is possible to kill people without remorse and be neither psychotic or sociopathic.

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Once you realize that life has no inherent value, you will find that it is even easier to kill. Although, you might just be a bit abnormal.

Hokonoso:Once you realize there is no such thing as normal, you will find that it is possible to kill people without remorse and be neither psychotic or sociopathic.

Yes yes you can. You do know your killing something already by just being born? Where do you think food comes from? Where do you think your clothes come from? What about the cars? So yeah your point is moot. He has to do what he has to do to survive. Watch walking dead. Shows you a look into how people change for the worse. How the human brain ada** in order for you to survive.

Evile:And he can kill so easly bcs he thinks this is game.. .

I'm not saying that you cant kill at all. It's not so easy to kill real person in life, even for survivel first kill will be very dificult and even than u kill smb for fist time u SHOULD have some bad filling about it not like " I kill him lets go eat", i think author sould have show some inner sterngl of MC after first kill.

Entropy5977:Yes yes you can. You do know your killing something already by just being born? Where do you think food comes from? Where do you think your clothes come from? What about the cars? So yeah your point is moot. He has to do what he has to do to survive. Watch walking dead. Shows you a look into how people change for the worse. How the human brain ada** in order for you to survive.

can i be honest and say, "oh my god they are so big!!!!" yep i was talking about what you thought I was. now just don't get mad its a compliment. a big one. haha just realized that was a pun

NoBookNoLife:Lol 😆, wasn't going to read this at first, but this review has convinced me to read it, if only to find out the mc's original age😏😏

Once you killed enough times and see others nothing as little parasites, that do not even deserve to life, killing is easy - the only question is, how do you do this, without getting caught, if you're not strong enough yet. That's all to it. Would you kill, if you had no consequences to fear? Well that's the main question, if you have this mindset and tried a bit. You'll know, if you've the right experience. *joking - dark humor*


Agreed but if a real apocalypse happened humans would be alot worse then they show in the walking dead

Entropy5977:Yes yes you can. You do know your killing something already by just being born? Where do you think food comes from? Where do you think your clothes come from? What about the cars? So yeah your point is moot. He has to do what he has to do to survive. Watch walking dead. Shows you a look into how people change for the worse. How the human brain ada** in order for you to survive.

At least we got someone who agrees :)

FalseRas:Agreed but if a real apocalypse happened humans would be alot worse then they show in the walking dead

No he doesn't. He acknowledges that his actions have real consequences, and therefore doesn't act carelessly. He also knows that he can't just "sign out", and that if he dies, it's permanent. What have you read?

Evile:And he can kill so easly bcs he thinks this is game.. .

finally, someone who read the same novel...

PerpetualRed:No he doesn't. He acknowledges that his actions have real consequences, and therefore doesn't act carelessly. He also knows that he can't just "sign out", and that if he dies, it's permanent. What have you read?

Haha this looks quite promising 😊



Sahasranama:Haha this looks quite promising 😊

I was honestly thinking the same.

WillMissQ:can i be honest and say, "oh my god they are so big!!!!" yep i was talking about what you thought I was. now just don't get mad its a compliment. a big one. haha just realized that was a pun



So the MC is psychotic then? those MCs are a dime a dozen these days apparently.

TearsOfRose:Well i'm all into this book now. Not a pu$$y easy to kill people who cross his path. All aboard the Hype Train. #FkThemPu$$yMC'SWhoCan'tKill