2017-12-26 01:46

This is one of my most loved webnovels. The characters build up is spectacular and I love the hardworking MC to death. His storyline is realistic and the MC isn't over powered he falls but rises and sometimes seems like he won't rise again. It ..... I can't describe I feel sad for those who don't read it and like webnovels. I was extremely sad when radiant translations stop it. I praise you Qudian that you will not fair my expectations and continue where it left off.

Liked by 22 people


I can’t wait for the continuation as I got left off on a cliffhanger. But now it seems like it will be worth it.


Not overpowered? Lol. He is WAY overpowered


Ok he is but he works hard to be that way.


True. His overpoweredness comes from talent and hard work morn than luck. A lot like ji ning from desolate era. But I like that he is spear wielder instead

PurpleDao:Ok he is but he works hard to be that way.

Yes he is similar to Ji Ning but his spear to me is also much more impressive in some aspects.

Kasey21:True. His overpoweredness comes from talent and hard work morn than luck. A lot like ji ning from desolate era. But I like that he is spear wielder instead

When i hear spear wielder i think of lin ming fron martial world


MC is not OP with cliche. Through sheen hardwork and passion, he gains the strength to be unrivalled for his generation.


I agree but as he gains his strength he does seem to be OP

DarkEmp3ror:MC is not OP with cliche. Through sheen hardwork and passion, he gains the strength to be unrivalled for his generation.

Yeah. OP in his own right.

PurpleDao:I agree but as he gains his strength he does seem to be OP

That makes sense. Lord Xue Ying is OP in his own right.

PurpleDao:I agree but as he gains his strength he does seem to be OP

He is super OP lol




Is there a harem


Haha not overpowered? What are you smoking? MC achieved 3 true meanings, while other overpowered legend achieved only 1. This MC is like Ji Ning and all other tomato overpowered MCs


Storyline is realistic? Only in your imagination that is. Some dumbass brother comes to take away his sister. Where is that realistic? Gimme a break. This is the worst author ever, all he ever does is copy and paste from his earlier work. He should give up already and become a janitor.




Not op yar head


Good webnovel.



Other Reviews

Extremely boring. It's basically a rehash of coiling dragon. What's with all the zero chapter read five star reviews dominating the front page... My biggest problems with the story are pacing, followed by poor world building and one dimensional characters. Mentioning a city with tens of millions of people, how many thousands of cities, provinces, worlds and star systems there are do not equat to world building. You have to show that the world around you matters. Did your mc lost his flying bison in a city and it's so vast you can't find it? If not, than it doesn't matter how many hundreds of millions of people are in the city, they are but numbers and irrelevant and GOD, is the entire world in this story so irrelevant! It seems like nothing is happening in the world unless the mc is interacting with it. There are no sense of realism there. Mc lives in a castle, goes to some other castle, kills someone as a mission, comes back, mopes around in his castle because that's how you run a city, and voila he's the strongest in the world and goes to some place and... God the story lacks pacing and so many poorly done time skips. Show that passing of time matters before you do a time skip, not just when you need a powerup and can't find a way to engage your readers. ISSTH did a hundred year skip and I wasn't mad because before that I was with the mc on his day to day adventure, learning how important a day can be. And god the time skips in this story are so lame. He basically goes from zero to hevean rank in a few dozon chapters and heaven to legend in a couple more and by a hundred he achieves transcendence, the level that author introduced to be strongest at the start of the story. How do you keep writing once you've done that? Why, do a dbz twist, introduce a few more levels.And do you know how many interesting things happen to his life in the time he gets op as fk? You can count them on one finger, that's four if you are lazy, and god this story is so lazily written! You know, you can still feed on a lazily written, poorly paced story in a vacuum world, if the characters and their banters make up for it, and believe it or not, author fks that up really spectacularly. The characters have no depth, no complexity, no autonomy, no agency. They just exist to fill up a space. The two loving parents that got in trouble to motivate the mc, the cute lil bro to motivate the mc, the backstabbing gal to motivate the mc and hype the mysogonist fan base, none of them serves any other purpose and once you realise how utterly robotic and dull the characters are, how do you connect with them in any way? At least make up for their lack of personality with quips or humor but no, it's a serious story. A seriously dull story. And fk this Alice trope. When you have less personality than a side character with no dialogue, you don't get the girl, deal with with.

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