Well-written novel. A welcome change from the 'average' xianxia novel. Has all the pro's of Japanese novels with none of the cons (strange MC thought process with crazy harem). MC's character is deep and realistic, and the other characters aren't 1-D characters either. Even if you aren't into romance, I recommend giving the novel a spin, as there is a 'cultivation' aspect in this world, and there is more action in the later chapters!
Liked by 279 people
LIKEThis novel is amazing, it's opening act even trumps the awesomeness of many other novels. If this quality manages to be maintained throughout the story then this novel will be undoubtedly a first rate novel. If I had to make a single complaint about this novel it is that the translator doesn't release 14 chapters a week!
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Was saying that it's a joke you being sarcastic? I really couldn't tell. You need to convey your meaning better. /o/
Guest64:A human can't be 1-D. That's saying they are a single cell, not even a living organism. 2-D, it should be 2-D. This comment is joke btw, since this is the internet and you can't tell the tone of my voice.
LOL, dat username tho. I'll give it a try!
Leylin_Farlier:This novel is amazing, it's opening act even trumps the awesomeness of many other novels. If this quality manages to be maintained throughout the story then this novel will be undoubtedly a first rate novel. If I had to make a single complaint about this novel it is that the translator doesn't release 14 chapters a week!