Very good novel but i am disappointed to see translator cut the mature parts. Really man? When I wanted to read something I want to read it wholly. Other than this translation is good. Story is good. Release rate awesome. Respect for that.
Liked by 147 people
LIKEhello guys the translator actually responded to our concerns and gave me reassurance that he is gonna start re-fixing i guess if u could call it. all he needs is time. i will give him a month for the first 25 chapters. i will reread and see if the quality is better. i hope u try it too. if it is not fixed well that sucks.
People above, if you would lend your ears (eyes?) to the humble me. All translations on Quidan must clear the censorship laws, and despite these being international translations, and hence, not governed by the aforementioned laws, the official **cough* government* cough** site still comes under their jurisdiction.