First of all - I read most of the prior reviews and some people seem to think, the sexual content has been cut out. This is wrong. In the beginning I'm led to believe that the original work was written this way and later the sexual content is fleshed out more than enough - not that I need it - but it's a standard thing for this kind of novel. The translation is totally good enough but sometimes the translator (or author) is not ****** sense. (Mixing around numbers or randomly switching terms for the same object - such as going between Machete (one handed, tip heavy bush knife), Zhanmadao (Chinese two handed saber) and just knife (like the German war knife, I guess?) but besides this the translation is totally fine. World building and story progression is great. Some novels of this kind feel too rushed (****** you feel like: yeah, at this speed humanity should be extinct by chapter 300 - but somehow humanity manages. Some have nothing happen after the initial outbreak crisis.) This is not one of them. There is constantly something new. The protagonist goes through different lifestyles which includes one unique accident after another. (Not like God and Devil Worlds - Conquer Base, Defend Zombie Wave, get Abducted by Monster, Conquer another countries bases, defend zombie wave, get back, get abducted... repeat) The characters are not super heroes (besides the main characters) They quite feel like what I imagine normal every day Joes to be like in an end of the world scenario to be, which makes sense. They also slowly improve, though. The main character is too nice for my personal taste. I would banish or kill anyone, who even slightly lowers my chance of survival by committing mistakes such as screaming at every scary moment, constantly puking and wasting food, not following my orders and being selfish or running away from camp in a fit of childish anger. I don't quite understand why he tolerates them. The main character is pretty altruistic and seems to be a pretty peaceful person, who only kills to protect his own and his parties life. He never robs other survivors, doesn't (normally) rape anyone (there is one - kind of - exception), constantly risks his own life to save them. I don't know what kind of superman the other readers expect, but our main character is a former office worker, wo is having his own problems just surviving and still saving men and women - without taking them all to the bedroom. In my opinion more then enough of the heroics. I don't think powerful people in general would treat their companions this well in this situation. I also like the way the main character is growing. It is gradual, there is no exaggerated jumps in power stemming from sudden gains of super op abilities - he also fails nearly all acquisitions of evolution based abilities, which makes it feel like the author is holding back his golden thumb as much as he can - good job. In total it is among the best of its kind easily surpassing god and devil world. - in my opinion.
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