the story really was good it was my favorite, perfectly to my liking, apocalypse, OP logical badass mature MC, good events and smooth progress in all aspect of the story. up until about 130. then the MC start adapting a selfish ruthless mentality he could kill innocent people to survive or a love rival, while difficulties start pouring ridiculously at them, all of witch really set me in bad mood as had high hope for this novel based the on 100 chapter of characters and the world building. but now i have to drop it, i don't understand why some oppose translators editing some minor details of the story, if they did this story would have continue prospering.
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LIKEHe just expoilts the lizard, not giving anything back, for example he made it dig the egg and than didn't give any of it, about the dog - he take away it's owner, then hurt it, then made wounded fire dog to go into a river full of water monsters.
Really. Pet abuse. What do you smoke? What abuse? Tell me before sprouting some random bull****. Lizard did eated before humans. Will you tell me that pedophiles should work in nursery too? Because it sounds like left wing usa student would say. I'll tell ya why people read chinese novels. Because west idiots had censored allot things. Get back to your kindergarden books if you have complain. This book is really good.
My condolences, I guess it is hard to survive in modern world for a mentaly disabled person. By your "logic" you should use flamethrower against the bees, because they sometimes attack some people. Also to abuse dangerous beast is a good way to die young as each tamer knows.
No my confelence to you. I don't even know why the #### you are reading chinese novels. Go read west pinky faggot fairy tales. Wheres no killings, no rape, etc. In all 300+ chapters theres no abuse for dog. Yeah some beating lizard. 4-5 times. Just like that. But by allot people look who writed it seema that its horrible novel. Because its not pokemon story. I guess when its zombie apocalypse you will be fighting death zombie rights to bite. Such hilarious.
It's actually sad that you are so angry on top of being mentaly disabled, once again my condolences...
I guess you also didn't take into consideration about the giant lizard having **** all for intelligence. Not to mention a few times it tries to rebel. If you don't beat it into submission it's wild instincts will never bow down. How about being more logical before posting some **** to make a fool of yourself?