MY GOD , THE ABSOLUTE WORST NOVEL IN EXISTENCE! This novel is the example of pure Chinese propaganda and the extent of their racist homophobic indoctrination in their society . Ugh . [P.S . This is not an sjw rant.] First lemme clear out some of the issues that every half hearted novel suffers from . 1. Repeating arcs = check 2. Plot armor and super luck = check 3. Side characters 1D and forgotten after each arc = check 4. Idiotic arrogent weak ass 1D villians= check Ok , let's get to the atrocities unique to only this novel . 1. Women are nothing but objects. The women in this novel are garbage . They have no value other than for sexual relief. Sure some will argue that there are strong female characters , but here's the catch , they fall under three categories . a . She is ugly , dies in 1-3 chapters max . b. She is hot , becomes MCs f*ck toy , only to be forgotten 10 chapters later . May have a cameo later ( not more than a mere mention ) c. Hot , but won't be his b*tch , so he kills her or she dies somehow . And also she's more evil that Hitler . That's all you need to know about 'powerful women' in this novel . Ordinary women , they are trading objects , men will make them their dogs , break them , eat them , kill them , abuse them , beat them , grill them , fry them , roast them and dismember them . You think I'm joking , NO , all this actually happens . In chapter 584 , one women is being r*ped , with her hands broken , eyes gauged out , tongue cut off and while being eaten alive . You get the idea . 2. CHINA NUMBA 1 I've seen pro Chinese novels , they are upto the level of " wow , China is most technically advanced ". This is on another level . Upto chapter 585 , mc goes to Vietnam , Japan , and Indonesia . He also has contact with European forces . EVERY person in these nation's is a monster . They r*pe women , make them their broken toys etc . Every time their nation is introduced , the author starts a monologue about how before the apocalypse , that nation was anti Chinese , they killed and hunted Chinese in their country . Etc etc etc . You get the idea . Then he proceeds to kill innocent people , unless it is some hot chick of course . At first the author tries to act like there is a language barrier , but next line , there is a Chinese dude who can translate , and boom , no more barrier . He then proceeds to conquer the nation , while rescuing fellow Chinese people being abused , here and there he finds some Chinese abusing the other nationalities , but he forgives them . BUT WAIT , when the foreigners do it , instant death . He kills foreigners left and right , for saying the wrong thing , or refusing him , or ignoring him . But one Chinese dies , his eyes become red , he becomes angry , his brain starts to mourn for his fellow Chinese brother , his soul brother he never even interacted with , and he goes on a killing spree. I can go on and on , but I'll stop here , you get the idea . 3. Forgotten game world mechanics?? This is more like another common mistake , but I'll just put it here anyway . At lv 10 he finds a newbie village where he gets his class , there are all kinds of other classes that are important to the world , clearly a very important aspect of the novel and the world. 500 chapters later, it's nowhere to be found , not one mention . At this point , I'm just reading because this novel is actually a very interesting piece of work . It provides a deep look into the mind of a racist , homophobic , communist Chinese nationalist . I read chapters at the rate of 1 chapter in 15-20 seconds . The title itself gives away what happens anyway . This novel is the holy Bible for brainwashed Chinese . That's probably why even qidian picked it up . I can't fathom to imagine how this novel has so many 5 star ratings . I'll give this novel 0 STARS . Quality and updates make it to 2 .
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