2019-03-08 09:58

I love this novel and allot of reviews i see are bad because the author is racist against America and Japan. I can't speak much about why he is racist against America but for Jjapan I understand. For the longest time I wondered why allot of Chinese authors hated japan since in there books they always portrayed Japanese people as the scum of the earth, till I actually did some research. If you actually look up what Japan has done to china in the past, you would be surprised. Like the Nanking Massacre aka the Rape of Nanking. During world war 2 the Japanese Armed forces brutally murdered hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers and civilians. (basically prisoners). They also raped between 20,000 and 80,000 women. Japan never took any prisoners during the war. If you surrendered they killed you, if you were a girl they would rape you.They even used poison gas on the Chinese (like mustered gas). Even after Japan signed international treaties saying it wouldn't use poison gas, but they still did secretly on battlefields in Asia, they committed allot of war crimes. To add fuel to the fire Japan for the longest time has not even acknowledged that these things took place, even with all the evidence that was stacked against them. Last I heard was that the Japanese citizens had urged the government to acknowledge the World War II crimes. I don't know if they government has or hasn't apologized, But again its there governments fault. Its a shame that allot of Chinese people hate Japan and there people. Since allot of Japanese people don't feel the same way now that they did back then. Yeah it happened along time ago, you may even just say to them to "just get over it, it happened along time ago". But that could be said for allot of events that happened in the past like the Holocaust, or even slavery in America. You wouldn't just tell them to "get over it", would you. But if you actually listen to the stories of the survivors of this horrific event. It is 100% more brutal then I have made it seem. So next time you will know, why allot of Chinese people hate Japan. To allot of them,Japan is filled with evil people. Its just a dam shame that they feel this way. Over time people grow and change but allot of Chinese citizens still grow with hatred for Japan in there harts.

Liked by 10 people


I don't know if it's true but I heard chinese government was making that worse, making a lot of anti-japan propaganda, and it caused a anti-japanese riot with the population invading the city government and demanding china to go to war with japan on the spot(This happened in 2012, in Shenzen). Also some japanese important figures say that Nanking massacre never happened, with reasons like it was impossible to kill so many people in such a short time(200.000 people), saying it is Beijing political advertisement. Tokyo governor Shintaro(2012) said the the actual death toll was around 10.000. I don't know if this count as a apology but in 1972 Japan gave China 3 trillion yen ($30 billion USD) for war reparations(I think China refused) but i never heard of a official apology for the invasion. So I think the situation is like this, Chinese governement keeps using the incident was propaganda to make people motivated(More than 200 anti-Japanese films are made in China each year wich got out of control with incidents like in Shenzen) and Chinese masses ended up hating Japan because of the propaganda and Japanese government refusal of responsability. The Japanese government is trying to make Nanking massacre be forgotten, while the Japanese masses are very sorry to China.(In the 2007 FIFA Women's World Cup tens of thousands of Chinese spectators in attendance cheered for the German team and booed the Japanese team vehemently. Japan was defeated by Germany and knocked out of the tournament prematurely. The Japanese players later held up a banner to thank China ("Arigato 謝謝 (Xie Xie) China") at the end of the game while the audience applauded in response.) So, in a nutshell, China and Japan governements messed up.


Oh yeah by the way I got all of this from wikipedia

LazyDude:I don't know if it's true but I heard chinese government was making that worse, making a lot of anti-japan propaganda, and it caused a anti-japanese riot with the population invading the city government and demanding china to go to war with japan on the spot(This happened in 2012, in Shenzen). Also some japanese important figures say that Nanking massacre never happened, with reasons like it was impossible to kill so many people in such a short time(200.000 people), saying it is Beijing political advertisement. Tokyo governor Shintaro(2012) said the the actual death toll was around 10.000. I don't know if this count as a apology but in 1972 Japan gave China 3 trillion yen ($30 billion USD) for war reparations(I think China refused) but i never heard of a official apology for the invasion. So I think the situation is like this, Chinese governement keeps using the incident was propaganda to make people motivated(More than 200 anti-Japanese films are made in China each year wich got out of control with incidents like in Shenzen) and Chinese masses ended up hating Japan because of the propaganda and Japanese government refusal of responsability. The Japanese government is trying to make Nanking massacre be forgotten, while the Japanese masses are very sorry to China.(In the 2007 FIFA Women's World Cup tens of thousands of Chinese spectators in attendance cheered for the German team and booed the Japanese team vehemently. Japan was defeated by Germany and knocked out of the tournament prematurely. The Japanese players later held up a banner to thank China ("Arigato 謝謝 (Xie Xie) China") at the end of the game while the audience applauded in response.) So, in a nutshell, China and Japan governements messed up.

you want to know why china hates japan and wants to know if China is telling the true .. ok just look at japan culture if you don't want to I give you an easy way to know what a certain type of people in japan watch.. ok just go to an anime non-oficial website in japan .. look to adds then you will see henta.I.. look at most videos watched: "rape" 1ºplace "lolicon right after. they're you go now you know..

LazyDude:I don't know if it's true but I heard chinese government was making that worse, making a lot of anti-japan propaganda, and it caused a anti-japanese riot with the population invading the city government and demanding china to go to war with japan on the spot(This happened in 2012, in Shenzen). Also some japanese important figures say that Nanking massacre never happened, with reasons like it was impossible to kill so many people in such a short time(200.000 people), saying it is Beijing political advertisement. Tokyo governor Shintaro(2012) said the the actual death toll was around 10.000. I don't know if this count as a apology but in 1972 Japan gave China 3 trillion yen ($30 billion USD) for war reparations(I think China refused) but i never heard of a official apology for the invasion. So I think the situation is like this, Chinese governement keeps using the incident was propaganda to make people motivated(More than 200 anti-Japanese films are made in China each year wich got out of control with incidents like in Shenzen) and Chinese masses ended up hating Japan because of the propaganda and Japanese government refusal of responsability. The Japanese government is trying to make Nanking massacre be forgotten, while the Japanese masses are very sorry to China.(In the 2007 FIFA Women's World Cup tens of thousands of Chinese spectators in attendance cheered for the German team and booed the Japanese team vehemently. Japan was defeated by Germany and knocked out of the tournament prematurely. The Japanese players later held up a banner to thank China ("Arigato 謝謝 (Xie Xie) China") at the end of the game while the audience applauded in response.) So, in a nutshell, China and Japan governements messed up.

Most Chinese Author like to portray racists Elements in their novel because it sits well with their government. Furthermore going by that logic germany should have an even worse Reputation but it hasn't. Why? China needs this pretense to fuel their Propaganda. That's all. China just sucks. Btw I live in Germany


china does suck, there government tries to act like they are the good guys but we all know better. Especially since the people that have tried to come out to speak against the Chinese government have gone missing. Like the Chinese activist and journalist that have gone missing during the coronavirus stuff. And no matter how much There government denies having anything to do with them missing. We all know better then to believe the Chinese government.

ShiroKami:Most Chinese Author like to portray racists Elements in their novel because it sits well with their government. Furthermore going by that logic germany should have an even worse Reputation but it hasn't. Why? China needs this pretense to fuel their Propaganda. That's all. China just sucks. Btw I live in Germany

Thank you for the history lesson, but I don't think that most people hate the novel for the racism..


well, a lot of the hate reviews are because of the racism in the novel.

Unruh_:Thank you for the history lesson, but I don't think that most people hate the novel for the racism..
Other Reviews

Sorry if my reviews are too long but, this a modern day cultivation story, which is pretty uncommon. Now, it's very slow paced but some of you may like it that way since it's slightly reasonable, knowing that there are questions that haven't been solved yet throughout the story. I had few problems reading this at all and it's pretty good, as Qidian chose well. Here's why: Translation Quality: The quality of Qidian's translations are truly one of the best, the editors and translators included. This is always expected from me, and probably most of the readers on Qidian. I literally found no errors in grammar/punctuation and it was all easily read and understood. Updating Stability: The update stability (like always) was always followed by and true from what I've seen. The translators and editors have a schedule and they obey it (5 chapters a week). The translation speed though, could be a little faster, maybe 7 days/week. I say that since the novel is already completed and still has about 2000 chapters to go. Other than that no problems with this. Story Development: The story and plot develops at a VERY slow pace. But if you ignore that, you find almost no problems. If you do read past the beginning, (unlike some other people) you find that it slowly get's better. There is a clear objective and the plot is reasonable and there isn't any plot holes. As the information is also given to you at reasonable times, as it is, the plot is pretty good. Character Design: The main character and some very important characters have personalities and each have goals and backstories. But the side characters aren't really realistic, and girls may fall in love too easily (to the extent of 10 days together = love forever). He easily discards girls even if that happens (for the sake of cultivation) and makes it look like they're side characters, although they aren't, and indeed do help with the development of story and the main character. Which is why this is okay. World Background: The world develops slowly and information is given to you slowly (like I said before). No info dumps and the world development isn't only at the beginning, (like some stories) and it develops throughout the story instead of all the info at the beginning. This makes it comprehensive and allows you to take it all in, and know what's happening. Taking all of that into account, I rate and recommend this story at 4.4 stars! I liked this story and hopefully you do too, just get through the beginning and it'll get better (in my opinion)! Go ahead and read now.

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