2017-08-05 11:14

@Ch. 69; You will read paragraphs upon paragraphs of how strong the attack and how grievous the wounds are, yet no one fucking dies. It's the most frustrating thing in the world. The story is kept at a standstill because the enemies are being protected by plot armor. Everyone has protagonist correction. When everyone is a protagonist, no one is. Now the story goes nowhere.There was also this random as **** traveller?? Literally appeared out of nowhere and gave him literal plot armor. So many plot holes and plot armors. If that is your type of story then read on.

Liked by 33 people


The MC, no matter how stronger he gets, is only ever capable of handling the nameless grunts of his enemies. Anyone or anything that has a name is defeated by someone else. He fucking sucks balls.

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xD I was reading reviews and now I'm dying. Someone give this dude a dollar so he cancan buy some candies.

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cancan? What does a french dance have anything to do with this LN? -.-

Horn_Dog_Sect:xD I was reading reviews and now I'm dying. Someone give this dude a dollar so he cancan buy some candies.

Damn, someone is triggered easily. You know what a joke is?

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Not really. My triggered button is always prepared to defend me in cs:go.

TrueEdgeLord:Damn, someone is triggered easily. You know what a joke is?

the faggot thing is an idubz thing. its kinda like the reverse of when say to your little brother, "hey bilbo baggins, get your halfling ass in here and play some mario kart with me." it would be incredibly offensive if said towards anyone except your brother. the idubz faggot is like the reverse of that. the idea is like if everyody says the word, it loses its original meaning and becomes less offencive. like the n word, although its still largely considered offensive, in many cultures, saying, "hey whats up nigga" is just a greeting now because of its extensive use in everyday language.

TrueEdgeLord:Damn, someone is triggered easily. You know what a joke is?


AvatarAang:the faggot thing is an idubz thing. its kinda like the reverse of when say to your little brother, "hey bilbo baggins, get your halfling ass in here and play some mario kart with me." it would be incredibly offensive if said towards anyone except your brother. the idubz faggot is like the reverse of that. the idea is like if everyody says the word, it loses its original meaning and becomes less offencive. like the n word, although its still largely considered offensive, in many cultures, saying, "hey whats up nigga" is just a greeting now because of its extensive use in everyday language.

Harrisom? Harrison Ford the Hero aboard the Idubz effect "train"

AvatarAang:the faggot thing is an idubz thing. its kinda like the reverse of when say to your little brother, "hey bilbo baggins, get your halfling ass in here and play some mario kart with me." it would be incredibly offensive if said towards anyone except your brother. the idubz faggot is like the reverse of that. the idea is like if everyody says the word, it loses its original meaning and becomes less offencive. like the n word, although its still largely considered offensive, in many cultures, saying, "hey whats up nigga" is just a greeting now because of its extensive use in everyday language.

Harrison was taken so I went with Harrisom

Zayah:Harrisom? Harrison Ford the Hero aboard the Idubz effect "train"

!!! O□O !!! And we dont even see him commenting on anything

AvatarAang:Harrison was taken so I went with Harrisom

Haha nice review bro. Dunno if im gonna start reading or not. Im confused :D

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Maybe if you skim past the fights, you'd be able to take it. I couldn't hahaha! They keep destroying the environment but the environment doesn't stay damaged and the enemies sure as hell don't die from these world destroying attacks. Note that this is early in the story so the attacks only get stronger so idk how they still have forests of any sort hahahaha he also has supposedly OP ancient af "friends" but those guys don't really do much unless it's a group vs group battle where they (like the MC) can only kill nameless grunts. I don't really like how named characters only fight "person A with __ power level". I prefer: Nameless grunts kill nameless grunts, named characters kill named characters. It's those match ups that affect the plot.

Gandaa:Haha nice review bro. Dunno if im gonna start reading or not. Im confused :D

Woah Thanks For The Detailed Description 😀

Kuya_Will:Maybe if you skim past the fights, you'd be able to take it. I couldn't hahaha! They keep destroying the environment but the environment doesn't stay damaged and the enemies sure as hell don't die from these world destroying attacks. Note that this is early in the story so the attacks only get stronger so idk how they still have forests of any sort hahahaha he also has supposedly OP ancient af "friends" but those guys don't really do much unless it's a group vs group battle where they (like the MC) can only kill nameless grunts. I don't really like how named characters only fight "person A with __ power level". I prefer: Nameless grunts kill nameless grunts, named characters kill named characters. It's those match ups that affect the plot.

Imma skip this cause I know my temper and I might just slam my phone if I read this..... Ty for review.....


you are right no matter how strong divinely strong someone is they get killed by the antagonist side while the protagonists people get seriously fu**ed up and wtf why wouldsome sing and dance in middle of battle


Meh I better Skipp this I know how angry I am and this will make me fcking angry AF



Chunchunmaru_sama:Imma skip this cause I know my temper and I might just slam my phone if I read this..... Ty for review.....



Bigyan ng jackie chan :D


is this close combat magus?

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