I'm bored. Reading and being naughty helps.
of reading
Read books
when the peaking never stops 😭 how am I supposed to appreciate anything else after this?
yeah because he can definitely use those when he doesnt have any of that jjk magic juice in him 😭
Learning wuju swordsmanship (especially now, before Noxus uses Singed's poisons to devastate Yi's village/sect), any ninja arts, developing his magical casting abilities with the help of a spirit (or Ahri, just saying), or training with Udyr, Wukong, or Lee Sin, are all routes that would lead directly towards the development of his abilities.
Keep Yourself Safe
dumbass bum, he still cool tho
One piece?
He could also just keep limitlessly evolving to more effectively self-harm himself.
Not a bad way to resolve the situation. Jayce can get back to it in 5 years, and meanwhile Heimer and Viktor can be introduced to help carry out the experimentation under "supervision". I say this is the best possible outcome after Jayce having admitted his guilt (never do that lol).
Actually throwing a hissy fit because the well-mannered noblewoman with the utmost upstanding morals doesn't want you to keep eating like a pig in her presence. Not only would, in this case, this poor woman (not literally, mind you) have allowed you to have a long time to show interest and to start adapting by yourself, but now she's still allowing you to remain by her family's side. Really, the only thing she'd be asking for in this case would be for the mc to get remedial lessons due to his complete inadequacy when it comes to table manners and respect. Honest to God child behavior. Grow up lil baby.